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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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6 minutes ago, coprolite said:

I recently replaced a DIY fitted oven that previous occupier had installed. Was only a plug in job but he had a high power oven in a standard socket. Luckily the house never burned down but high wattage stuff needs a bit more care.

Tbf I will pretty much try my hand at anything but apart from minor appliance repairs electrics are a no go for me for this exact reason . 

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1 hour ago, JamesP_81 said:

Tbf I will pretty much try my hand at anything but apart from minor appliance repairs electrics are a no go for me for this exact reason . 

I'm pretty much like that as well. I will replace light fittings and switches, plug sockets etc and I have added new lights in the garage, but I'll draw the line at anything more than simple and at high amp things like cookers.

I got a new under the counter fridge last year and being lazy now I paid for them to install it, mainly because I couldn't be bothered messing about with changing the cupboard door on it. They pulled the old fridge out and found it was wired directly into the wall rather than being plugged in. The fridge had been in since the house was built and it was the first time I'd seen the back of it. The guys had to change the fitting on the wall for a normal plug socket to allow them to install the new fridge. So what should have been an easy job turned into a more complicated one, and I was glad I took the lazy option for that one.

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2 hours ago, JamesP_81 said:

What's the mnemonic for it again , 'brown tae blue, blew tae f*ck', aye should be alright. 


Dave Gorman used to have a radio show where one of the features was listeners sending in punning shop names. (They had to be genuine.)

Somebody submitted an electrical business called 'Brown to Earth' - which is not only wrong but potentially lethal.

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6 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

Thought the US was the home of apple pie. Why would you ship those horrible wee things over?

I completely understand the sentiment, however that are something I loved growing up, and have found on occasion at a couple of British food stops over here. It’s not a choice for excellent taste or such, but for a taste of a long time ago…now wrap those blooming things up!

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Getting off the bus yesterday. Daft old bint in front of me stepped onto the pavement then stopped dead so that when I stepped down behind her I stood on the back of her shoes. She glared at me and said something I didn't catch because I had my earphones in, so I just said to her "I wasn't expecting you to stop there" and walked away.

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1 hour ago, GordonD said:

Getting off the bus yesterday. Daft old bint in front of me stepped onto the pavement then stopped dead so that when I stepped down behind her I stood on the back of her shoes. She glared at me and said something I didn't catch because I had my earphones in, so I just said to her "I wasn't expecting you to stop there" and walked away.

There should be a law that people who stop like that, or at the top/bottom of an escalator can be legally two handedly shoved as hard as possible.

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1 hour ago, GordonD said:

Getting off the bus yesterday. Daft old bint in front of me stepped onto the pavement then stopped dead so that when I stepped down behind her I stood on the back of her shoes. She glared at me and said something I didn't catch because I had my earphones in, so I just said to her "I wasn't expecting you to stop there" and walked away.

Tried to cop a feel IMO

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4 hours ago, Soapy FFC said:

I'm pretty much like that as well. I will replace light fittings and switches, plug sockets etc and I have added new lights in the garage, but I'll draw the line at anything more than simple and at high amp things like cookers.

I got a new under the counter fridge last year and being lazy now I paid for them to install it, mainly because I couldn't be bothered messing about with changing the cupboard door on it. They pulled the old fridge out and found it was wired directly into the wall rather than being plugged in. The fridge had been in since the house was built and it was the first time I'd seen the back of it. The guys had to change the fitting on the wall for a normal plug socket to allow them to install the new fridge. So what should have been an easy job turned into a more complicated one, and I was glad I took the lazy option for that one.

Last time I did this was for a washing machine which was on a spur from the switch on the countertop down to just a blank faceplate where the machine was wired in, so it could easily be switched off, just like a normal plug really. Nope.... These twats turned up and went "na we cant touch that mate". So the "installation" they were permitted to carry out pretty much consisted of plugging it in.

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8 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Last time I did this was for a washing machine which was on a spur from the switch on the countertop down to just a blank faceplate where the machine was wired in, so it could easily be switched off, just like a normal plug really. Nope.... These twats turned up and went "na we cant touch that mate". So the "installation" they were permitted to carry out pretty much consisted of plugging it in.

That sounds exactly like how my fridge was wired in. They offered to change the blank plate to a plug without any complaints, which was even more surprising given that it was a Currys delivery and installation. So I thought the £44 installation was good value. 

They thought the fridge had been hard wired so the plug wasn't sticking out and stopping the fridge from being pushed in properly. The dishwasher and freezer also have switches next to the fridge switch, but they have plug sockets on the wall. It just seemed like the fridge had been hard wired.


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3 minutes ago, Soapy FFC said:

That sounds exactly like how my fridge was wired in. They offered to change the blank plate to a plug without any complaints, which was even more surprising given that it was a Currys delivery and installation. So I thought the £44 installation was good value. 

They thought the fridge had been hard wired so the plug wasn't sticking out and stopping the fridge from being pushed in properly. The dishwasher and freezer also have switches next to the fridge switch, but they have plug sockets on the wall. It just seemed like the fridge had been hard wired.


They shat it from mine leaving me to do it myself and claim the refund. Bell ends. 

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5 hours ago, JamesP_81 said:

Tbf I will pretty much try my hand at anything but apart from minor appliance repairs electrics are a no go for me for this exact reason . 

My grandad used to tinker with most stuff, and always successfully, but he always said "Electric, gas and water aren't for amateurs, son, you don't mess about with them".

A man who could completely dismantle a car engine for fun, laid all the carpets in his house, and regularly clambered onto his own roof to fix the tiles, even in his 70s, but would call a plumber in to change a washer.

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1 hour ago, Mark Connolly said:

My grandad used to tinker with most stuff, and always successfully, but he always said "Electric, gas and water aren't for amateurs, son, you don't mess about with them".

A man who could completely dismantle a car engine for fun, laid all the carpets in his house, and regularly clambered onto his own roof to fix the tiles, even in his 70s, but would call a plumber in to change a washer.

I’m with your Grandad there. 

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My wife was taken into hospital yesterday morning at 1am,she got her gallblader removed 4 weeks ago but it looks like a stone or 2 managed to escape during that operation.

She was to go for an MRI yesterday but no,meant to get one today but no.Now they are saying they don't do MRI at the weekends so now it is Monday.

She will need an ERCP to remove the escaped stones but they only do that on Mon-Wed-Fri,as she did mot get her MRI they cannot do the ERCP on Monday.

She is in bloody agony.

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1 hour ago, Andy Dufresne said:

My wife was taken into hospital yesterday morning at 1am,she got her gallblader removed 4 weeks ago but it looks like a stone or 2 managed to escape during that operation.

She was to go for an MRI yesterday but no,meant to get one today but no.Now they are saying they don't do MRI at the weekends so now it is Monday.

She will need an ERCP to remove the escaped stones but they only do that on Mon-Wed-Fri,as she did mot get her MRI they cannot do the ERCP on Monday.

She is in bloody agony.

Forth Valley? I've got an MRI this Sunday


ETA - in case that came out wrong, I'm just saying if it's Forth Valley they're lying to you. I had a check in there on Wed afternoon and they said they'd arrange an MRI. I got a call on Thu morning giving me a choice of appointments on Sunday. 


My wife just got out after 2 weeks seriously ill. She discharged herself because of the utter uselessness of some of the nurses. She's making a better recovery at home than she was in there. 

Edited by Newbornbairn
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37 minutes ago, richardsedmond said:

Is it too complicated to do it yourself?

And add a review about the installers of course...

There's an electrical display on the front door that needed rewiring and installation was included in the purchase price. 

Edited by welshbairn
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34 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

Forth Valley? I've got an MRI this Sunday


ETA - in case that came out wrong, I'm just saying if it's Forth Valley they're lying to you. I had a check in there on Wed afternoon and they said they'd arrange an MRI. I got a call on Thu morning giving me a choice of appointments on Sunday. 


My wife just got out after 2 weeks seriously ill. She discharged herself because of the utter uselessness of some of the nurses. She's making a better recovery at home than she was in there. 

Could be that some MRIs require different specialists on duty. Just putting the case that they might not have been lying, I've no idea. 

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