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Was wondering where Davis was for the first weekend and relieved when he appeared yesterday (tho maybe i missed him on the first two days). Unlike Thorne, Taylor and Virgo he doesnt talk on every shot and keep making jokes that arent funny. I have no problem listing to the players who have recently retired (Hendry, Parrott, Doherty) or Davis who'll still be trying to qualify for tournaments in his 90's. Its the 3 who have been with the bbc for years and are out of touch with how the game has moved on, are so biased to their favourites it makes it unwatchable, keep harping on about the same crap every tournament (miss rule, kicks, how slow the cloth was back in 1982) and get so much wrong. Griffiths is fine as again he shuts up and will berate a player for playing a terrible shot, not putting it down to a kick that clearly didnt happen or a player appearing for the 8th time feeling the pressure.

That's exactly how I find them. Favourite being Doherty.

Always get the itch to start playing snooker again when I watch the Worlds.

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For the life of me i'll never get how Dott won the World Championships. Ebdon just bores you down till you lose the will to live but was capable of making frame winning breaks to punish you (not now, where he struggles to get to 30 even if its a break that lasts half an hour) but Dott just seems to throw in a shit shot every frame ive ever seen him play.

I know he has his supporters but if they're not his friends, family or those die-hard (read idiotic) Scots who vote for anything Scottish even if they are shit acts on Britains Got Talent or any other show then i'd like to know why.

Edited by meanmistermustard
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I couldn't stand the thought of Selby winning it this year. I think its Ding's time. Does anyone know any upcoming Scottish snooker players? As on the face of it there doesn't seem to be another Maguire coming through. I suspect we could see a period of European continental and far eastern players winning it in the longer term, along with the odd English player.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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I feel sorry for the guy as he's enjoying himself and willing to have a laugh unlike so many of the dullards who barely show anything unless they win the tournament. No doubt some folks are sitting tutting their heads whilst writing a letter saying how unbecoming it is to the spirit of snooker which should be 2 boring b*****ds potting some balls.

Even Michaela was enjoying herself and got put off, failing to spot the blue at the beginning of frame 8 and later in the same frame picking up the white off the table and spottiing it instead of the black.

For those who havent seen it the three misses by Poomjaeng.

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Selby gone. The tournament gets even better. Cant stand his smug self-satisfied arrogance and the winks and grins he frequently gives to his wife watching on in the crowd.

Desperately hoping for a Fu comeback and we lose Trump and the incredibly biased commentary that comes from Virgo and Taylor, this morning was rediculous.

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Theyre running out of options, can only think of Ding (Taylor) and Ronnie (everyone) of the others remaining that they can get touchy feely with themselves in the booth tho they are close to promoting Michael White to the stained list. Occassionally they might try it with Murphy but they're thinking of their faves and its just not the same.

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The constant wanking over Trump by the commentators is really annoying.

Taylor commented on a safety shot Trump played earlier, it was playing a red onto a pink that was tight on the baulk cushion, leaving the red where the pink was on the cushion and sending the pink up the table. A rather simple shot, even by my average standard, but Taylor believed this shot to be 'genius, absolutely genius'. Edited by IrishBhoy
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For the first time in years i want Murphy to win in the quarters so Trump is punted.

Have turned off the Ding match because of Willie Thorne who was praising everything Ding done, even overhitting a shot to get onto the green. First time this tournament and definately not the last a match will be unwatchable.

Nice to see Taylor stating that Fu was going for a safety off a red near the cushion before Fu promptly went for the medium range pot into the yellow pocket and missed it. :lol: And not the first pathetic wrong call made this year by the commentators <_< .

Edited by meanmistermustard
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