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Everything posted by tamthebam

  1. Germans naturally speak in a broad West County accent. They only put on the "German" accent so as not to appear thick to foreigners. This fact almost came out at the time of the Munich crisis in 1938 when a very tired Adolf Hitler let his guard slip and said to Neville Chamberlain "Get orf moi Zudentenlaaaaand.."
  2. a greenie purely for Scientist scoring against Engerlund!
  3. It's just fond memories of my teenage years but check out the NSFW cover of Wendy James' latest "The Price of the Ticket"...
  4. Bayview Park- it's East Fife v Shrewsbury in 1988. Look very carefully and you can see King Victor Kasule in a Shrewbury strip!
  5. David Bowie had a Scottish uncle who was born in Stirlingshire- Howie Bowie fae Cowie.
  6. aye- whenever there's a sign of trouble they just split. I wonder if the alchemists used to see immortality potions in the Middle Ages with money back guarentee if they didn't work...
  7. 1. bawbag 2. fud 3. tube 4. balloon 5. tink/mink/minker- a pal from Blairgowrie introduced me to these Perthshire insults: "Ya wee mink ya" .
  8. not even Grimboney M? Mind you after last week's result might I suggest an appropriate song: "Seven Tears" by the Grimbo Dance Band ...
  9. went to Newcastle v Everton today. A full St James Park, being told off by some old twat for swearing (it's Newcastle for f**k's sake- just as well he never sat next to fervant Edinburgh City fan Geordie Mark!) a great save by Tim Howard to prevent a certain goal, some last gasp defending by the Toon and a last minute goal to steal the points for the Toffees. Not a bad outing on a wet Boxing Day. Messrs McGeady, McCarthy and Naysmith didn't make an appearance on the pitch either...
  10. UEFA great goals DVD 2 Dr Who t-shirts (one's actually my birthday present from June- the sister had lost it and then found it again...XXL size though, cheeky bint) Judge Dredd mug Avengers Assemble calender some money can't complain really - I gave everyone else calenders!
  11. Perhaps it's a cat-alogue? I thank you!
  12. Nicky Banger is named in Hugh McIlvanney's book "Footballers with inappropriate names" after he repeatedly failed to score in Dundee nightclubs. Other footballers mentioned are David Goodwillie, Danny Invincible and Dean Brill. Ally Dick sued the author when he was left out the book.
  13. The popular dish of spaghetti with mince in tomato sauce was invented by Alberto Stepto of Bognor. His Spaghetti Bognorese was ordered one day by a rep from Dolmios who was on holiday in Bognor. As a result Dolmios ripped off the recipe and renamed the dish Spaghetti Bolognese as this sounded better in marketing terms. Similarly the Hawaiian pizza actually originates from Newcastle where it was known as the Howay Man Pizza.
  14. CAT Scans are known as YUSUF scans in Islamic countries.
  15. I can mind seeing film of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge* as a nipper- it made me feart whenever we went across the Forth Road Bridge (*US suspension bridge. It used to sway in the wind due to resonance or something. Look up footage on youtube for a laugh)
  16. I missed that discussion, perhaps you can give me a TS of it...
  17. I have an interest in pickelhaubes (or to you peasants the spiked helmet popular in the 19th C mainly among the Germans) and also Swedish blonde females. So I was happy to find these photos of the Swedish Royal Guard recently...
  18. Red Admiral in Kelvingrove Park last month.
  19. Why does my work allow people to go for a smoke break and I'm not allowed to go for a w**k break? It seems a tad unfair...
  20. can't believe Tom McB was only listed in the 20s. Tom McB is a walloper.
  21. He's as real as the "1000 strong Spartan army".....
  22. Hibs in the top 10... now there's something I haven't heard in a long time....
  23. I'm enjoying all this, safe in the knowledge that some shite puns apart I'm too beige to be a roaster.... ....I think....
  24. is it water-gate proof? yes, another topical joke from TamtheBam there folks....
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