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Everything posted by oneteaminglasgow

  1. Mine seems fine, and last season it was generally pretty good once we got rid of pixellot.
  2. It’s still a fair point to remind us all that Ricky Gervais is a complete walloper.
  3. McCall’s confirmed that Brownlie’s away for a scan this week, and will more than likely be out for months rather than weeks. Gordon will be back for the start of the league season. Also trying to get 2 wingers, at least one centre back and a utility player.
  4. Fair enough - I’ve always preferred your predominantly black efforts, tbh. I quite like the idea of you guys just picking a totally new colour/style of kit every season until you find something you like though.
  5. Is he not a central midfielder as well? As good as he may well be, it’s the last position I think we need to strengthen.
  6. https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/sport/football/hearts/hearts-receive-two-offers-for-teenage-goalkeeper-harry-stone-3234139 The Albion Rovers manager is a fan, so that’s something. At least we’ve got the goalkeeper situation sorted out now.
  7. Do you not play in mostly yellow anymore? When/why did this happen?
  8. Maybe if he’d just said this bit to Billie Piper a few years ago, we could have avoided all this nonsense.
  9. I’ve heard this a lot, but I suspect the attitude would change very, very quickly if we ever actually did start doing well at tournaments, particularly if it coincided with England not doing very well. Not necessarily for you in particular, since I don’t know you, but for a lot I suspect it’s a bit like OF fans with a wee team - they’d almost immediately stop liking the wee team if they ever actually threatened to beat Celtgers consistently.
  10. I think that’s just the best Joma can be bothered to come up with. Almost always produce dreadful kits.
  11. I’ve honestly never wanted a team that I don’t support to win a game more than this. Come on to f**k Italy. Just be sound.
  12. Just looked him up, and it seems that was the boy, previously posting as Yank Mike. I’m absolutely certain he claimed to be in New York delivering Chinese food. The posts I saw suggest he was Swampy anyway, who I never saw in his heyday but I believe was an absolute fruitcake.
  13. Whatever happened to that boy who would post on here pretending to be a delivery driver in New York? Can’t mind his name.
  14. I’d have had Brownlie as our best centre half, so that’s a massive loss (if true, of course). As above, don’t fancy going into the season with Bell and O’Ware as our first choice with McKenna and Niang as back up. No doubt McCall doesn’t fancy that either given the injury stuff last season, so presumably he’ll be looking for someone. Is Billy Owens a centre midfielder? He could be an option to fill in for Gordon’s place on the bench if it’s not a long term thing. At least Rudden’s ok.
  15. Accidentally, but I still love the simplicity of “I want a good thing which is good”
  16. Reminds me of that shambolic St Mirren effort from when they got relegated. Caley’s isn’t as bad as that, what with that being one of the worst home tops in Scottish football’s recent history, but thin stripes are never a good look IMO.
  17. That’s very close to being very, very nice but the picture of the stadium of the back totally ruins it.
  18. The correct pronunciation is that the letter J rhymes with the letter I.
  19. Teuchters are from anywhere north of Dundee, or South of Ayr.
  20. Any word on who the trialists today were, and if they looked up to much?
  21. I kind of think that the terms xenophobic and racist are basically interchangeable in terms of how they’re used so f**k it.
  22. Given they allow that McConnachie bloke to get away with “Alternative green voice” or whatever it is, I really don’t think they could object.
  23. Cheers for that, but as I said previously, I’m not in the least bit interested in conversing with you. However, if I’m ever looking for a sexist c**t to critique my character, I’ll give you a shout x
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