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Was gonna do a separate thread but will stick it here. For some reason I can't stand beer , never drank beer in my teens or twenties. But with so many out there bound to be one I like.
Cider drinks I like a few .
Vodka I drink mainly. However I want to be able to drink beer. I've forced myself to try some but usually plenty people around me can finish them off when I don't like them.

Help is out and let me grow hair on my chest x

Sorry for the pedantic question, but do you mean beer or lager? Beer like craft beer, ales and that? You don't like them because they're pish. If you mean lager, see bairnardos response. Just persevere with it. I'd suggest bottles of Miller for the house, it's no the greatest but easy enough to drink and usually cheap. Big T in the pub. All pubs worth their salt will have it so save fucking about. Grow used to it, learn to love it.
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That was what I was wondering in a roundabout way.
As you say, Golf (another sport I know pretty much hee haw about) is another that I wonder about. I may be wrong, but The Open seems to be held in the highest regard, but I'm unsure of why. Oldest? Best courses?

Ask any golfer which major they'd most like to win, that majority will say the Masters.
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24 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

Sorry for the pedantic question, but do you mean beer or lager? Beer like craft beer, ales and that? 

High Wycombe has had two 'craft ale' bars open in the past year and their beer tastes like grass.  I was out with my eldest last week and she asked about beer so we ordered a 'float' of 4 ales and she boaked at each of them.  I'm not surprised.  For easy drinking bitter you can't beat the likes of Bass, London Pride or Pedigree 'down here'.

After our main course we had cheese and each had a half of Thistly Cross Cider: http://www.thistlycrosscider.co.uk/?age-verified=9f16472a73

Their whisky cask cider is just glorious.

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High Wycombe has had two 'craft ale' bars open in the past year and their beer tastes like grass.  I was out with my eldest last week and she asked about beer so we ordered a 'float' of 4 ales and she boaked at each of them.  I'm not surprised.  For easy drinking bitter you can't beat the likes of Bass, London Pride or Pedigree 'down here'.
After our main course we had cheese and each had a half of Thistly Cross Cider: http://www.thistlycrosscider.co.uk/?age-verified=9f16472a73
Their whisky cask cider is just glorious.

I've seen that thistly cross cider in a few places, is it decent?
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11 hours ago, G_Man1985 said:

Was gonna do a separate thread but will stick it here. For some reason I can't stand beer , never drank beer in my teens or twenties. But with so many out there bound to be one I like.
Cider drinks I like a few .
Vodka I drink mainly. However I want to be able to drink beer. I've forced myself to try some but usually plenty people around me can finish them off when I don't like them.

Help is out and let me grow hair on my chest x

Just out of interest - if you don't like it, why do you want to drink it? Do you think it'll make you look a hard man? Or, conversely, do you think you look weak by not drinking it? Not criticising either way, just curious.

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Just out of interest - if you don't like it, why do you want to drink it? Do you think it'll make you look a hard man? Or, conversely, do you think you look weak by not drinking it? Not criticising either way, just curious.

I'm certainly judging him. Non pint drinking jessy.
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Just out of interest - if you don't like it, why do you want to drink it? Do you think it'll make you look a hard man? Or, conversely, do you think you look weak by not drinking it? Not criticising either way, just curious.

I can't honestly say for sure or not if I like beer itself, I just consume it for the alcohol. I'm not sure I enjoy the taste of it.
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Just out of interest - if you don't like it, why do you want to drink it? Do you think it'll make you look a hard man? Or, conversely, do you think you look weak by not drinking it? Not criticising either way, just curious.

I'm the same with whisky. I can't stand the stuff. But I am intrigued and like the idea of relaxing and savouring the flavour of biscuity toffee notes and new leather finishes.

I presume the only way to remedy this is to get by the burny bit and the enjoyment will happen eventually ?


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19 minutes ago, Kennboy1978 said:

Heading to Forfar today, anyone recommend a good baker for a Bridie or are they all much the same ?

Saddler's in East High street do a good one.

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15 hours ago, Bairnardo said:


Pick a lager, stick with it. Force yourself. Its that simple. I have done this with various drinks over the years that I thought I didnt like. Namely wine and whisky but also never used to like Tennents, but I used to always get fucked off moving about pubs and them not having the same taps, so I decided to play the percentage game and stick witg vitamin T. I now love it.

Or..... Mix it with irn bru.


That's a bit tragic.


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I like alcoholic drinks in general, not for the effects but simply because they taste good.  If the government were so serious about my health then they'd plough money into tasty drink research to find something equally as good. Until they come up with that, I'll remain that beer through the week guy they love to hate.  

However, if folk are drinking cheap fizzy piss then it's no wonder they don't like it.  I know I generally don't.

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