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Tried that, thought it was pish. 

For some light amusement, I'd try The Broons or Oor Wullie annuals.

More seriously, if it's fiction with a smile, you can't beat anything by our very own Christopher Brookmyre - my go to read on holiday, not read anything by Chris that doesn't have me captivated and chuckling.
For biography, the best I've read recently are Stephen Fry (both first & second). Davie Niven, or George Best, The Good, the Bad & the bubbly. Or if you are on holiday with your bird, you might find Crime & Punishment is better than spending time handbag shopping.
No doubt young Aidan will be along to present far better options than I.
Helpful c**t that he is!

Sent from a dark, dank hellhole.
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2 minutes ago, DI Bruce Robertson said:

More seriously, if it's fiction with a smile, you can't beat anything by our very own Christopher Brookmyre - my go to read on holiday, not read anything by Chris that doesn't have me captivated and chuckling.


Well I think that clears up who this alias belongs to.

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39 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Seen the film, he's not really dead, he comes back. Not as good as Gladiator.

Sakes man, spoiler alert ffs, right I'm away to watch Titanic, hoping for a happy ending (I'm taking a prozzy).


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17 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Sorry, the Soddom and Gommorah is my favourite bit.

They'd never get away with it nowadays with all this H&S PC brigade, Missus Lot would have to end up as a pillar of sand or something. 


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It's nearly 30 years since A Tribe of Toffs released their magnum opus, "John Kettley (is a Weatherman)", with lyrics like "Ayrton Senna, has the voice of a tenor" and "David Icke, rides a bike". 

It's high-time this record was re-written for the modern era. However, the only new lyrics I can come up with is "Johnny Adair, has no hair". And even his celebrity has now faded so I'm not sure I should include it.

Anyone got any suggestions for more rhyming couplets?


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24 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

It's nearly 30 years since A Tribe of Toffs released their magnum opus, "John Kettley (is a Weatherman)", with lyrics like "Ayrton Senna, has the voice of a tenor" and "David Icke, rides a bike". 

It's high-time this record was re-written for the modern era. However, the only new lyrics I can come up with is "Johnny Adair, has no hair". And even his celebrity has now faded so I'm not sure I should include it.

Anyone got any suggestions for more rhyming couplets?


Katie Price, she's not very nice?

Piers Morgan, sexual organ?

James Corden - you're the dullest, unfunniest 'comedian' ever, please use your money and fame to build a rocket, and fire yourself into the sun*


*ok, not very snappy, and doesn't rhyme, but it sums up the way I feel.

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I got a parking ticket a few weeks back. I have a parking permit for my work but on this day it had been blown upside down by the wind when leaving the car. 

I just ignored it as I thought it was generally accepted that they are unenforceable. A work colleague told me that had changed recently and today I got a letter through the door. What does P&B think? Ignore it again?

Edited by GingerSaint
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I got a parking ticket a few weeks back. I have a parking permit for my work but on this day it had been blown upside down by the wind when leaving the car. 

I just ignored it as I thought it was generally accepted that they are unenforceable. A work colleague told me that had changed recently and today I got a letter through the door. What does P&B think? Ignore it again?

If it's a private ticket it's still just an invoice that can't be enforced, but they do have the option to take it to civil court if they feel the need to.

Also before Mark Connolly gives me into trouble for helping, you're a c**t.
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7 minutes ago, Aidan said:


If it's a private ticket it's still just an invoice that can't be enforced, but they do have the option to take it to civil court if they feel the need to.

Also before Mark Connolly gives me into trouble for helping, you're a c**t.


Thanks, you c**t.

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27 minutes ago, GingerSaint said:

I got a parking ticket a few weeks back. I have a parking permit for my work but on this day it had been blown upside down by the wind when leaving the car. 

I just ignored it as I thought it was generally accepted that they are unenforceable. A work colleague told me that had changed recently and today I got a letter through the door. What does P&B think? Ignore it again?

Tell them to go and f**k themselves.

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