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If there's no mods about then he'll be around until one appears. So far he's created a thread almost begging for green dots, had a massive breakdown which included spamming the SPL forum and now we have a resignation thread.

I think I fell asleep in my back garden the first time I was drunk. I certainly didn't spend it online.

I was in Lanzarote with my parents, we were doing some quiz in a pub and they kept winning shots, and didn't want them, needless to say I did. Although it didn't take long to get me drunk when I was 14 :lol:

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Spent yesterday spewing up, shivering and could barely move. Today i've woken up as good as new and all the symptoms are gone huh.gif Can't remember Thursday night, when i went to a nightclub. Wondering if that's a sign of having your drink spiked?

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Spent yesterday spewing up, shivering and could barely move. Today i've woken up as good as new and all the symptoms are gone huh.gif Can't remember Thursday night, when i went to a nightclub. Wondering if that's a sign of having your drink spiked?

Were your pants on the right way around when you woke up?

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A very good point, with only 2 slight inconsistencies.......

1) Arbroath & Shire are not currently in the same league, so I'm not sure what your point is.

2) Even when Arbroath & Shire were in the same league, I can recall us losing on many occasions in different (yet strangely hilarious) ways

Apart from these minor points, I'm sure that your erudite post was comletely factual, correct and up to date.

Arbroath and East Stirling are less than 24 places between each other - well within the bounds of any English league outside the Premiership. In addition to this, their resources are comparable in the way that, say, Morton v Stranraer isn't. Yet despite that, Arbroath would still win out comfortably 9/10 times with the squad they now have, but in England such a gulf would be held in the same league.

I think either you didn't understand the point or you were being pedantic to death. Happy to correct your misguided commentary.

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Spent yesterday spewing up, shivering and could barely move. Today i've woken up as good as new and all the symptoms are gone huh.gif Can't remember Thursday night, when i went to a nightclub. Wondering if that's a sign of having your drink spiked?

It's usually a sign that you had too much to drink and probably made a roaring c**t of yourself in public. Fair play.

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Arbroath and East Stirling are less than 24 places between each other - well within the bounds of any English league outside the Premiership. In addition to this, their resources are comparable in the way that, say, Morton v Stranraer isn't. Yet despite that, Arbroath would still win out comfortably 9/10 times with the squad they now have, but in England such a gulf would be held in the same league.

I think either you didn't understand the point or you were being pedantic to death. Happy to correct your misguided commentary.

Arbroath & Shire have "comparable resources"?

Now I know you're just taking the piss! Do you really know anything at all about the 2nd & 3rd divisions?

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Why does every little queer who has a few too many these day's automatically decide their drink has been spiked? I know a few people who've claimed this. I mean, spiked with what? A shit load of vodka?

Agreed. Generally the little bitches that claim their drink has been spiked are just complete lightweights.

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Compared to Leeds v Doncaster?

The contrasting comparison that you gave before was Morton v Stranraer. Can you just run that one past me again?

Obviously I must have missed Morton winning the champinship and getting banned after their fans rioted at a European Cup final.

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Would you recommend someone for a job?

my work is looking for temp staff in december and are asking us if family or friends are interested,They reckon that they are more likely to turn up than paying an agency shit loads of money only for them not to show up.

How much do the porters (if that's what you call them) i.e. unloaders/loaders get at your place? From my experience, agency staff always turn up.

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Why does every little queer who has a few too many these day's automatically decide their drink has been spiked? I know a few people who've claimed this. I mean, spiked with what? A shit load of vodka?

You are a good man.

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