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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Fair to say I'll never like a Rovers goalkeeper the way I like Davie. He should still be our number one but I suppose all good things have to come to an end. 


Probably my favourite Rover. Probably everyone's favourite. Doubt we have a single fan who could say a bad word about him.


I'll be sobbing into my Davie McGurn pyjamas tonight. I love that man.



Edited by Paco
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I started a thread on here after the triple save called McGurns a witch burn him........which seemed to stick......greatest save I've ever seen live and the best keeper we have ever had.....a good pal of mine Brian Fairfull says he's the best he's ever seen and if a legendary supporter says it ...well then it must be true.......all the best witchypoo.... Cowden will have a ten point start next year.

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Has Davie been watching Escape to Victory one to many times? Why Cowden and the hole that is Central Park?

Anyway, all the best to him. Best goalkeeper I've seen at the Rovers in the last 20 years. My memory fails me but was he better than Scott Thomson? He was decent and had that penalty save in the cup final, but Davie has had so many quality saves.

Edited by Scary Bear
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Gutted he's moving on and not staying here in some capacity, but as has been said all good things must eventually come to an end.

I'd rate him as a Rovers great but the second best keeper I've seen at SP, the highest accolade I can attribute is that he pushed my 1st goalkeeping love close for that top spot.


Perhaps if he'd been given more game time by managers who were blinded by partimistis he'd have eclipsed the great McDermott too.


Bring on that testimonial.

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A few years ago we were debating whether McGurn or McGovern was the best 'keeper in the league (it was McGurn of course). Today one of them was man of the match against the World Champions in a major tournament, the other signed for Cowdenbeath. It doesn't seem right.

McGurn played football as a second job, basically a hobby. I wonder how good he could have been if he'd played full time and got a big move? Undoubtedly the best goalie I've ever watched at the Rovers.

Good luck to him, Cowden are jammy b*****ds.

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