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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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39 minutes ago, Scottydog said:

I think even if we win the TCW cup the winners cut is less than £30k so getting past Livvi is still our best hope of a windfall to ease things.

It seems bad to be always blaming bad luck but injuries and their subsequent medical bills aside we have had other dodgy luck too. The TCW QF and SF meant the loss of Forfar and Falkirk leagues games on Saturdays to becoming midweek fixtures, that will eventually have had a near 5 figure impact of crowds and hospitality, all money that we can ill afford to lose out on.

While it was good luck in getting to the Semi, it was bad luck that both QF and SF fell on dates that we were at home and had full hospitality booked.

Totally forgot about that possible affect on, particularly the Falkirk game, for a decent gate but also others regarding hospitality etc.

Total bummer, financially.

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28 minutes ago, TxRover said:

What is missing from the puzzle is the net expected savings from the Hybrid conversion. Without knowing the financial implications of that change, it’s difficult to judge our progress.

Unless someone asks the question at the AGM and the projections are available, we won't know until the next set of published accounts. 

In isolation it is not going to substantially reduce the £200k however. 

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The pitch money all goes to Stark’s Park Properties, and not to the club. The theory was that some of any profit would go into the football club, so you’d expect the AGM to clear up exactly how much that was last season. Equally, there’s every chance the money stays within SPP for now until the pitch is ‘paid for’, which would be fair enough.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, the loss halved last season which is encouraging, and it surely would’ve been much better with a better title challenge, Barry Smith not leaving or better luck with injuries.

Unsustainable, certainly, but with increased hospitality, the supporters fund, the 27/11 anniversary fundraisers and an increase on attendances thus far this season, you’d be hoping for further progress this year. We need to get promoted one way or the other.

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4 minutes ago, sirscottyoung said:

1.2m in the last 3 emoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png


48 minutes ago, fatdoug1938 said:

600K loss in 2 seasons? Is there no FFP in this league?

Honestly if I were a Fife fan, having watched the kicking you tried to give Regan Hendry last Saturday I would shut up about fair play all together.

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27 minutes ago, Surely No said:

IIRC was it not said that FEFA were paying £30-40k for the use of the facilities. Also used for kids on Saturday mornings and 7 a side league on a Sunday night. Not sure of anything else. Not much cash but better than hee haw. 💷💷💷

I recollect something about FEFA paying 40 k for the facilities and a few other select groups were using the facilities but its not opened up to the general public as far as I know.This could be down to a number of reason,one being changing facilities 

Also,as Paco has pointed out any income goes directly to SPP,however the club are benfitting to an extent as SSP are propping up the losses by way of loan funding

If i.m correct John Sim is major shareholder in both SPP and the Club

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Can Raith fans moan about players dishing out kickings when Iain Davidson plays for them and has done nothing but kick for years...

Honestly if I were a Fife fan, having watched the kicking you tried to give Regan Hendry last Saturday I would shut up about fair play all together.
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15 minutes ago, Diamond8 said:

Can Raith fans moan about players dishing out kickings when Iain Davidson plays for them and has done nothing but kick for years...

Nah not having that!

Hendry was kicked by whichever East Fife player could get near him, was/is he  being targeted? I think so.

Davo on the other hand doesn't target any particular player, he just kicks who ever is nearest, far less discriminate. 


Anyway his last sending against you off wasn't blatant just a tad late, worth bearing in mind at his age he got there as soon as he could.😉

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Louis Longridge not getting his contract renewed at falkirk I see.... Possible raith signing??

100% I’d have him back, great player! Surprised he’s not getting kept on at Falkirk to be honest, he’s been their best player by a mile in each of the 3 games I’ve seen us play them. Genuinely every time he was on it, I had the “oh naw!” going on in my head.
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Can Raith fans moan about players dishing out kickings when Iain Davidson plays for them and has done nothing but kick for years...

Aye but that’s because he’s pish, and actually going for the ball, thus wiping out whatever opposing player gets in the way.
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26 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

I wonder how long we can go on making large losses every season. Surely at some stage we go bust?

IIRC, last year East Fife showed an operating profit of 14k. I'm sure this year won't be much different.

just sayin.

Noted the "scenes" at the end last week as the big club finally put the wee team in their place.

funny old game football.


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2 minutes ago, Stevo Fife said:

IIRC, last year East Fife showed an operating profit of 14k. I'm sure this year won't be much different.

just sayin.

Noted the "scenes" at the end last week as the big club finally put the wee team in their place.

funny old game football.


As I recall one of your more relatively recent former chairmen was notoriously paying players with cash in brown envelopes, I trust that's no longer goes on?

It is easy to make money when you don't pay tax, just ask that other team from the West of Fife.  

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7 minutes ago, Scottydog said:

As I recall one of your more relatively recent former chairmen was notoriously paying players with cash in brown envelopes, I trust that's no longer goes on?

It is easy to make money when you don't pay tax, just ask that other team from the West of Fife.  

Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel Scotty boy. You seriously going back a decade to Willie Gray? 

Even if he was (I have no knowledge of this) it's hardly relevant to Raith's massive unsustainable loss now is it?

You need to take less sugar on your Cheerios neebur.

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