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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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2 hours ago, Firefoxer said:

This player was found 'guilty ' by a victim compensation board an opinion based board where no evidence or proof is submitted. 

This is extremely worrying way to go about things in a civilised society castigating and labelling wrongly  an individual based on opinion no proper evidence. 

 He is innocent man to pursue his career whatever that be but labelled a 'rapist ' by a victim based organisation which reaches its decision based on opinion. 

This is a medieval stick him in the stocks mentality doesn't help the woke pathetic feminist lobby we have in scotland jumping all over this abandoning all proper criminal process. 



The criminal injuries agency have access to all police files on a case. They make a decision based on the evidence the police have gathered.

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5 minutes ago, Yoss said:

That they allowed Benedictus to hang himself out to dry was kind of the final indignity in the whole mishandling. I don't particularly blame Benedictus for that, myself. The players were put in a difficult position.

Temple clarified the matter on his Twitter and said that the interview was after the game on Tuesday. 

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3 minutes ago, Michael W said:

The 'Scottish football dressing rooms' starting to speak 



That w****r Brett described the Raith TV guys decision to walk out in protest at their club signing someone judged to be a rapist as "embarrassing". 

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30 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

I am a big believer in rehabilitation and second chances and more needs to be done in that regard. However, it’s a two way straight and Goodwillie has first of all shown absolutely no remorse for his actions and instead chose to focus on the negative impact it’s had on his life. Secondly he must put the work in to show that he has changed. Until he does this then society owes him absolutely nothing and have no duty to protect him.

Even though there's going to have to be a payoff of some sorts, Goodwillie is likely about to find himself in an entirely self inflicted purgatory for which no-one should have sympathy for. Trapped by an inability to publicly show the remorse required even if he wanted to out of fear of exposing himself to criminal charges, whilst being unable to continue his chosen career due to the sheer toxicity of his name now. Hard to see any chairman/board/manager looking at this debacle and thinking he's worth taking on now. There's no 'right' answer about how you apply justice theories to a rapist, but doing what the other one did and slinking off into an obscurity away from a profession which puts someone in the public eye and glorifies the adulation of being a successful performer feels far more just to me. (If he had rocked up at the Mo, I'd have been the same as most Rovers fans on here and been done. I haven't bothered with trips to Broadwood in the time he's been there.) Whether the true victim agrees there can ever be a real sense of justice given the abhorrence of what happened, it's hard to know, even with the vindication of the court case.

This whole thing has been a massive clusterfuck. Much credit to the RR fans, volunteers, etc who took a stand and have at least managed to get things this far. Will be a very tough slog from here, given a clear out of board/manager will be needed to restore anything resembling trust again.

Edited by Scorge
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What an absolute clusterfuck this week has been. Until today, it really felt like someone had died and I was moving through the stages of grief wondering how such a big part of my life had been taken away from me. Thankfully, following the statement from the board, I can see a way back in. We're not there yet, not by a long way. First we need to see DG actually leave the club, followed by at least some of the board and sadly, the management team too. McGlynn had build a substantial legacy, but sadly fucked it in an instant and I can't see how he can stick around. 

Until there's progress on some of the above, I'm not sure if I will be back or not. Something for me to ponder further. But at least we've made the a first step. 

The reaction from Rovers fans and the wider Scottish Football family has been heartening. Hopefully this sorry situation prevents other clubs making similar mistakes in the future. 

Lastly, it's important we remember the real victim in all of this. I can only hope that the money raised in her name and against the attacker can provide her some comfort. 

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That was gone and I really don’t know how I’d have coped. Obviously, the problem hasn’t disappeared. John McGlynn is my footballing hero, on Monday morning I’d have given him a lifetime contract and built a statue myself. Mr Raith Rovers. It really hurt to see him booed on Tuesday night but the worst part was he deserved it. Is there a way back for him? I honestly don’t think there is. Possibly a teary interview from the heart could win me round but the rational part of me knows that’s my bias speaking. Heartbreaking.

Feel the same way myself.
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