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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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20 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

Wouldn't want to be part of the so called clique anyway. You drove Masterton out, what about Leishman is he still welcome at East End seeing as he was part of the problem, what about John Yorkston is he still welcome, both new that you club were living beyond its means chasing a dream.

You're the one that brought up Harold Shipman when I was pointing out that these guys at Raith are actually genuine guys, who made an error of judgement, talk about think as f**k. 


You should make your own clique with guys on your level, that other clique just wouldn't understand you! 

Leishman is of course welcome at East End Park, he's a legend who was instrumental in chasing Masterton and saving the club.

No idea about Yorkston, last I heard he was pretty bitter about the whole situation, doesn't talk to Masterton anymore because he realised he was a bit of a puppet. 

I did bring up Harold Shipman, if you think really, really hard you'll see why! Or you could just read the explanation that's been posted a couple of times. 

"think as f**k" What keyboard are you using that the "n" is close to the "c"?! 

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25 minutes ago, da_no_1 said:

Genuine question - in the last decade, how many times did Raith report an operating profit?


7 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

Couple of things to note of course, no fanbase is going to start chasing there owners for posting a loss, just isn't going to happen. On that I've seen a few Raith fans say Sims cash injection helped save the club, but I can't remember any protests or anything preceding this event where Raith fans were unhappy at living outwith there means. Absolutely no fan base in Scotland is chasing there owner for investing in the team. 

Oh I'm open to accusations of hypocrisy and I'm not absolving myself, sure. Certainly when we signed Ross for what must have been a few quid earlier in the season I raised an eyebrow and wondered where the money was coming from. And I don't know, is the short answer. It didn't stop me getting excited about it at the time, I grant you. But if it's racking up debt, even in soft loans, then it's not how I want us to be.

(All of that feels kind of irrelevant right now anyway, tbh.)

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15 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

Oh of course it was evident, however (and I was pretty young during the height of it) people seemed to beleive the debt was primarily to Masterton, and as a Dunfermline fan he had the interests of the club. 

Couple of things to note of course, no fanbase is going to start chasing there owners for posting a loss, just isn't going to happen. On that I've seen a few Raith fans say Sims cash injection helped save the club, but I can't remember any protests or anything preceding this event where Raith fans were unhappy at living outwith there means. Absolutely no fan base in Scotland is chasing there owner for investing in the team. 

Secondly as I'm sure Raith fans are now acutely aware, if you're owner doesn't want to leave, what can you do? 

It was evidently clear in the mid 2000s we were ridiculous, however when it all hit the skids it wasn't massively obvious, it wasn't like we had a squad of players on obviously massive wages etc, it was those in the know in the inside that got things rolling for Masterton to go, including Leishman. 


Football fans tend to be reactive by nature, they'll go off the events that are actually happening, Rovers were linked with Goodwillie at the start of the month, if your volunteers and women's team had resigned then you wouldn't have signed him, but that would've been ridiculous right? Quite rightly there were emails sent etc but you were assured it was fine and Goodwillie wouldn't be signing. Likewise through Mastertons reign Pars fans who contacted the club or spoke up about finances were assured it would be fine. 

The fact in both cases it went to shit doesn't put the blame on the fans. 

You were pretty young what 7 -8 years ago, f**k me I'm talking with a bairn.

Driving board members out  I give you Anelka, McGowan and his cronies, sorry crooks, Gray another crook. All promised the world, delivered nothing and a couple even tried to close us down. What we have now are genuine business people. Difference between Sim and Masterton, Sim is using his own money, Masterton used tax payers money. 

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5 hours ago, raith1974 said:

We have some horrible fans. Does anyone really think that any of our board a bad people? Does anyone think any of our board are at the club to make personal gain? Does anyone think they are on the board as they want to make a slight difference to how the club is run not just for now but in the future.

I have it on good authority someone previously connected to the club that Sim whats to leave a legacy, he wants to put things in place at the club so they aren't sufficient in only gate receipts and handouts. He has no interest in taking anything back when he calls it a day. He is prepared to spend 2 mil of his own money to do this. You can choose to believe that he has other intentions but all these folk running our club are not crooks, their not in it to get money out of the club. Please be careful what you wish for as we could end up with Glasgow gangsters back in charge. 

Don’t think anyone thinks the Board are bad people out to ruin or make money from Raith Rovers, but it’s no great surprise that people are asking questions and seeking clarity after what has just happened. I’d be worried if people weren’t. 

The analogy is Gary Locke. He wasn’t a bad person or in Kirkcaldy to ruin our club. His intentions were good and I don’t doubt he was trying his best for Raith Rovers at the time, but he simply wasn’t up to the job so he was removed from his position. It’s no great shock that after the Board ignored fans warnings and made a monumental error of judgement that has cost us significantly that people are questioning whether they are up to the job.

You claim to know of Sim’s grand plan. If it exists, then now is the time to come out and make it public. Reassure us that there is a plan and that the future of the club is safeguarded. That would go a long way. 

The most worrying bit of your post is saying that some of the fanbase are ‘horrible’ for raising questions or wanting answers. If your inside knowledge of Sim’s intention taken at face value, you’re either a Board member or incredibly close to someone in a position of power. The fact that the mentality of those at the heart of the club after all that’s gone down is to view fans as horrible people for asking perfectly legitimate questions is a sign that they still don’t grasp what’s happened here or the breach of trust that’s occurred for some fans. 

Edited by roverthemoon
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What’s most fans thoughts on another player spouting in the local media namely Ethan Ross in the courier regarding current form and how the players have to step up I seen this every week for the last 8 weeks and performances are getting worse by the game , This team of superstars are going to get Mcglynn the sack it’s about time they did step up and do the talking on the pitch Ethan Ross being one who hasn’t kicked a ball for months IMO

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1 hour ago, raith1974 said:

You were pretty young what 7 -8 years ago, f**k me I'm talking with a bairn.


Are you always wrong about literally everything? 

7 years ago Bob Garmony would've been our chairman. 

Masterton got yeeted a decade ago, and it was the period between 99-2005 where we really spent outwith our means. 


You do seem genuinely thick so I'll help you out, I was younger 20 years ago. 

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1 hour ago, Raith_Raver said:

"Us"? I thought you had fucked off never to return?

I don't recall saying never to return - I look forward to being able to do so.

In the meantime, old habits die hard.

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1 hour ago, roverthemoon said:

Don’t think anyone thinks the Board are bad people out to ruin or make money from Raith Rovers, but it’s no great surprise that people are asking questions and seeking clarity after what has just happened. I’d be worried if people weren’t. 

The analogy is Gary Locke. He wasn’t a bad person or in Kirkcaldy to ruin our club. His intentions were good and I don’t doubt he was trying his best for Raith Rovers at the time, but he simply wasn’t up to the job so he was removed from his position. It’s no great shock that after the Board ignored fans warnings and made a monumental error of judgement that has cost us significantly that people are questioning whether they are up to the job.

You claim to know of Sim’s grand plan. If it exists, then now is the time to come out and make it public. Reassure us that there is a plan and that the future of the club is safeguarded. That would go a long way. 

The most worrying bit of your post is saying that some of the fanbase are ‘horrible’ for raising questions or wanting answers. If your inside knowledge of Sim’s intention taken at face value, you’re either a Board member or incredibly close to someone in a position of power. The fact that the mentality of those at the heart of the club after all that’s gone down is to view fans as horrible people for asking perfectly legitimate questions is a sign that they still don’t grasp what’s happened here or the breach of trust that’s occurred for some fans. 

I've already posted his plan for Starks Park.

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57 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

Are you always wrong about literally everything? 

7 years ago Bob Garmony would've been our chairman. 

Masterton got yeeted a decade ago, and it was the period between 99-2005 where we really spent outwith our means. 


You do seem genuinely thick so I'll help you out, I was younger 20 years ago. 

Tell me when was Dunfermline placed into administration. 2013. That's what I'm getting at. Mismanagement over spending living outwith your means not paying tax bills went on for seasons before that but when I'm talking 7-8 years ago I'm talking about the time you had tin cans out collecting cash as Masterton basically screwed you over. So don't come on here and say I'm thick. You talk about 20 years ago what 2002 try several years later when you won a league by bringing in players you failed to pay for  failed to pay cash from cup matches to away teams, screwed over the little business people in Fife. In that time Yorkston and Leishman were both involved and you talk of our board having to leave. Leishman knew exactly what was going on and is welcomed back like a hero, and Yorkston after his involvement took a role on the Pars Trust. 

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1 hour ago, basher brash said:

What’s most fans thoughts on another player spouting in the local media namely Ethan Ross in the courier regarding current form and how the players have to step up I seen this every week for the last 8 weeks and performances are getting worse by the game , This team of superstars are going to get Mcglynn the sack it’s about time they did step up and do the talking on the pitch Ethan Ross being one who hasn’t kicked a ball for months IMO

He's no different from most of them really. Just cliché after cliché. The same stuff was spouted by Pars players when they couldn't buy a win under Grant. 

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1 hour ago, Grant228 said:

Are you always wrong about literally everything? 

7 years ago Bob Garmony would've been our chairman. 

Masterton got yeeted a decade ago, and it was the period between 99-2005 where we really spent outwith our means. 


You do seem genuinely thick so I'll help you out, I was younger 20 years ago. 

I'm also not wrong about you. You are a troll, I think I've called you a stalker previously and because of how pathetic and your club are thought it would be good to try and put pressure on your biggest rivals, sorry you lot see Falkirk as your biggest rivals, then biggest Fife rivals. 

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20 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

Tell me when was Dunfermline placed into administration. 2013. That's what I'm getting at. Mismanagement over spending living outwith your means not paying tax bills went on for seasons before that but when I'm talking 7-8 years ago I'm talking about the time you had tin cans out collecting cash as Masterton basically screwed you over. So don't come on here and say I'm thick. You talk about 20 years ago what 2002 try several years later when you won a league by bringing in players you failed to pay for  failed to pay cash from cup matches to away teams, screwed over the little business people in Fife. In that time Yorkston and Leishman were both involved and you talk of our board having to leave. Leishman knew exactly what was going on and is welcomed back like a hero, and Yorkston after his involvement took a role on the Pars Trust. 

But but, we have to brush this under the carpet as it’s apparently been done to death……and yet the small businesses are still out of pocket. 

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1 hour ago, raith1974 said:

I've already posted his plan for Starks Park.

Someone anonymous posting on a message Board isn’t quite the same as the person himself announcing it. If you can get a message to him, then persuade him to get himself in front of a Raith TV camera and outline his overall plan for this handover. Most reasonable people realise that pre-Goodwillie the club was making progress under his guidance. He fucked up, but it’s not unrecoverable. But the only way he’s going to recover is by being open and transparent, not hiding in a bunker trying to keep his face off camera and his name out of the papers. That just breeds mistrust. 

Edited by roverthemoon
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36 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

Tell me when was Dunfermline placed into administration. 2013. That's what I'm getting at. Mismanagement over spending living outwith your means not paying tax bills went on for seasons before that but when I'm talking 7-8 years ago I'm talking about the time you had tin cans out collecting cash as Masterton basically screwed you over. So don't come on here and say I'm thick. You talk about 20 years ago what 2002 try several years later when you won a league by bringing in players you failed to pay for  failed to pay cash from cup matches to away teams, screwed over the little business people in Fife. In that time Yorkston and Leishman were both involved and you talk of our board having to leave. Leishman knew exactly what was going on and is welcomed back like a hero, and Yorkston after his involvement took a role on the Pars Trust. 

Jesus christ, I'm not exactly a wordsmith myself but have you ever considered punctuation? 

2013 was nine years ago. 

You replied to a statement I said about Dunfermline being at the height of our overspending, which was 2004, 18 years ago. 

Doesn't matter "what you were getting at", you replied to a statement, were utterly wrong, and even now you seem incapable of realising that 2013 wasn't seven years ago. 

Seven years after 2002 was 2009, we won the title in 2011, hth. 

After we hit admin Yorkston wasn't involved with the Pars trust. 


You are literally wrong about everything you post, every, single, time. 


So, so dense. 

17 minutes ago, baillieinleeds said:

But but, we have to brush this under the carpet as it’s apparently been done to death……and yet the small businesses are still out of pocket. 

You're welcome to try take the moral high ground, it'd look very silly though. You'd think the recent events would've helped you realise that the actions of a board aren't really the actions of the fans, very silly Leeds man. 

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7 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

Jesus christ, I'm not exactly a wordsmith myself but have you ever considered punctuation? 

2013 was nine years ago. 

You replied to a statement I said about Dunfermline being at the height of our overspending, which was 2004, 18 years ago. 

Doesn't matter "what you were getting at", you replied to a statement, were utterly wrong, and even now you seem incapable of realising that 2013 wasn't seven years ago. 

Seven years after 2002 was 2009, we won the title in 2011, hth. 

After we hit admin Yorkston wasn't involved with the Pars trust. 


You are literally wrong about everything you post, every, single, time. 


So, so dense. 

You're welcome to try take the moral high ground, it'd look very silly though. You'd think the recent events would've helped you realise that the actions of a board aren't really the actions of the fans, very silly Leeds man. 

Sweep, sweep sweep, your fans lapped up the signings at the time. Thankfully your team were still fucking shite and promptly relegated the following season, and the following season too. Never forget. 

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6 minutes ago, baillieinleeds said:

Sweep, sweep sweep, your fans lapped up the signings at the time. Thankfully your team were still fucking shite and promptly relegated the following season, and the following season too. Never forget. 

You must be in Raith Ravers clique. 

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