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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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IMHO most players who are likely to be scoring 10-20 goals in this league will either be established at other first division clubs or on the bench with an SPL team. I honestly can not see any loan player coming in and scoring that many goals in the first division. If this is what Raith fans are pinning their hopes on then good luck all the same, cant wait till the second game of the season had many a good day out over the water :D:D

I would say you are correct but you never know. Who knows Tade could score a few when he gets that first one.

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I've set up a Twitter account called RaithRoversLive for the updates tonight and most other games. Helpful for whern the official updates aren't on.

Might set myself up a twitter account because of this ;) . If my mum's car wasn't in for its MOT I would have made this one.

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Decent result, pretty poor performance, first half in particular. Same three worries I've held since early pre-season - we're not good enough in the last third, that particular midfield partnership won't work (see, no names) and Ellis might be a bit of a worry over the course of the season at left back.

Bit better second half, great lob from Bryce at the end. I'm genuinely hoping he starts on Saturday at Methil. Grant Murray had another excellent game, looks to be a very good signing. Overall, usual pre-season affair, bit drab, poor play from both teams and we'll have to lift it enormously for Saturday.

Wasn't even going to mention our esteemed captain tonight, but he made a right tool of himself at the end. He hopelessly misplaced an easy pass, which was met with a slight groan from the South Stand, nothing major. He proceeded to give a nice 'sshhhh' for the next ten seconds or so, earning himself a fair amount of stick. Which is fair enough in my eyes. Also, a wee tip in future, if you're going to 'sshhhh' people, do it after doing something right eh? Idiot.

Edit - Wasn't really our strongest team either. Ferry was.. well, rubbish, which is a shame. Walker wasn't much better but he isn't a winger.

Edited by Paco
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Not really the best of games tonight in all honesty. The general complaint I'd put forward is the lack of creativity from midfield. We just didn't seem to have any ideas what to do with the ball. Arguably, you could say Killie are a superior side and simply did a good job of nullifying us. Again, our starting strikeforce didn't really look capable of scoring a goal.

Defensively, I thought we were good on the whole. Grant Murray had another excellent game tonight, I've been very impressed with him so far. Certainly looks to be a good piece of business by McGlynn. Dougie Hill had a pretty good game too, certainly looks like he can do a job for us. Wilson done alright, but Ellis was really poor tonight. I like Ellis as a player, but he's had a few poor games pre-season, which is a pretty big concern.

The midfield wasn't really at the races tonight. Simmons did well at times, but he isn't a get forward type of midfielder. Ferry and Walker aren't wide players, thus weren't particularly effective. Walker did OK at times, but I thought Ferry was awful. In conjunction with Ellis playing badly, our left-side was rubbish tonight. Davidson continues to frustrate me too, erratic and can't pass. He also had another "shushing" gesture at the fans after a couple of grumbles when he put the ball out of play. If it was a barracking of personal abuse you can understand it; but it was just a couple of grumbles. Poor show. The midfield misses Sloan hugely for the creativity he brings. The set pieces aren't good without him either.

Upfront, Tadé had a good game but didn't really get any opportunities. Williamson was ok, but I'd rather see him played on the wing. The lack of width showed itself up again today, with both Williamson and Tadé forced to go wide to receive the ball. Bryce took his goal really well when he came on too. Given he's did something which neither Weir, nor Tadé have managed to do thus far, he should start on Saturday IMO. I'd play him with Tadé, both should be able to create chances for each other with their pace and running.

O'Connor had a pretty good game tonight as well, btw. Had no chance with the goal, but dealt with what came at him and had a few pretty good saves.

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We played no bad at all, Full strengh Killie team from what I know and maybe just deserved our draw. Bryce needs a start now, hopefully with Tade at the weekend. Good goal aswell. Tade was very good tonight all he needs is that one goal and I think he will score a few. Thought we looked very weak down the left with Ellis and Ferry not looking great but other than that everyone played well. Davo had a decent game but once again madw a fud of himself when he really didnt need to, he keeps shooting himself in the foot :rolleyes: Murray will be a fantastic signing, has looked very good in every game I have seen and I hope he can keep it up.

On a final note thet Taoiul is a good player.

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Not the best of games tonight anyway!

The team generally seemed content to doddle about without making any sort of runs or movement off the ball and once they recieved the pass they stood still while everyone got marked. Ferry was dire but it was a really poor show from some at the back to go off their heads and a few boos rang out once or twice. We only got going when the youngsters came on.

Tade is still looking good and was getting marked by three defenders at one point. Start him up front with Bryce and we should be fine or Saturday.

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Decent result, pretty poor performance, first half in particular. Same three worries I've held since early pre-season - we're not good enough in the last third, that particular midfield partnership won't work (see, no names) and Ellis might be a bit of a worry over the course of the season at left back.

Bit better second half, great lob from Bryce at the end. I'm genuinely hoping he starts on Saturday at Methil. Grant Murray had another excellent game, looks to be a very good signing. Overall, usual pre-season affair, bit drab, poor play from both teams and we'll have to lift it enormously for Saturday.

Wasn't even going to mention our esteemed captain tonight, but he made a right tool of himself at the end. He hopelessly misplaced an easy pass, which was met with a slight groan from the South Stand, nothing major. He proceeded to give a nice 'sshhhh' for the next ten seconds or so, earning himself a fair amount of stick. Which is fair enough in my eyes. Also, a wee tip in future, if you're going to 'sshhhh' people, do it after doing something right eh? Idiot.

Agree with the first 2 paragraphs but not the third Paco.

Irate punter shouts abuse at player, player reacts with "shhh" gesture, punter furiously responds to the player like he's just witnessed him stabbing a baby.

I've always wondered why fans who shout at players get an attack of morality when the player reacts to him. I know he is the captain and should know better but his intelligence is zero - he reacts to everything. I've went ballistic at him up in Arbroath for punching an opponent but tonight was nothing to get worked up about.

Remember, Fife's Finest went mad at Hissy for doing the same. Chill, people!

To the game. I will repeat what I said after the Norwich game - Tade is not a striker, he is a midfielder. He cannot get his positioning right and seems at his best either running with the ball in the middle of the park or up the flanks. He can't give knock-down headers either. I want him in my first team but not as a centre-forward. Williamson too should be out wide which helps bring Wilson into the game more.

We have a bunch of central midfielders who all gravitate towards the centre of the pitch no matter what position they're told to play - Ferry, Walker, Tade.

McGlynn has spent 6 games now trying desperately to force a partnership together between Tade, Weir, Williamson yet 10 minutes watching Bryce & Graham play off each other naturally has me questioning the man's sanity. The 2 youngsters should have had more match time at this stage of our preperations but his pig-headedness has shone through this pre-season.

Of course, what do you expect from a guy who puts Davo's name first on the teamsheet to the continuing detriment of the team formation

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I'll start with the game. An encouraging performance in terms of fitness which is the main objective. Our defence played well though Ellis looked a bit suspect. Midfield was a bit poor with Davo and Simmons playing a little deep. Alan Walker isn't a winger so I'm a bit miffed why we don't play Tade/Williamson in right midfield with Bryce up front. Up front Tade/Williamson did everything but play the ball to each other. Tade was especially unlucky in the first half when he might have had an opportunity to get the ball across but it didn't work out...maybe on another day.

Second half we got a bit tetchy and the fans started moaning. I think people are forgetting that we're still in preseason and there are no points up for grab. I'd rather have a shit preseason and do better when the games mean something than vice versa.

One criticism that I'd have to say is that John McGlynn has to utilise his subs faster. It is frustrating seeing our attacks break down with young lads like Bryce and Graham not being give a chance until 15-10 minutes to go. Bryce did well with his goal tonight. He realised he could cause the defender problems with his pace and took the chance. With a bit more experience and being nurtured so he doesn't get ideas above his head and I think we might have a decent player on our hands. Same goes for Tam Graham who doesn't get the credit he deserves. Tam was hassling defenders and showed excellent control. Now for the inevitable 'Kill Iain Davidson for being human' mob.

wats davo on !?!?!? SMACK <_<

guff in the highlights against hibs giving away the ball too easy thinks he is bigger than the club :angry:

Here is an idea. How about you don't over-react to what is a pre-season game? I'll admit Davidson isn't exactly a brilliant player and I'd rather see others in the squad before him but for f**k sake he didn't deserve the criticism he got tonight. Ellis,Simmons, Ferry and Walker all made similar mistakes as him tonight but got away without the criticism he did. For f**k sake, I know he might have played a few poor passes but he didn't deserve the criticism and was fully justified in telling the fans to shh.

In reality, I shouldn't even dignify your response with a post due to slating him for being 'guff in the highlights against hibs'. I bet you judge all players upon youtube videos and find youself to be the worlds greatest talent scout because a player has umpteen 20 stats on the new football manager.

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Guest RRFC1

Decent Game Tonight, Willamson Done Well upfront, thought he caused killie a few problems when running at them, murray was awesome again tonight and tbh dougie hill didn't put a foot wrong either. We defo still lack in the striking department althought bryce did cause problems and did take his goal well :D on saturday ad prefer to see bryce giving a chance ahead of tade <_<

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It was a few grumbles Davidson got - not irate abuse. Had it been irate abuse, it would have been perfectly justified, but it isn't. Ferry and Ellis got far worse without reacting in any way.

It was the usual childish petulance.

Edited by Michael W
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Agree with the first 2 paragraphs but not the third Paco.

Irate punter shouts abuse at player, player reacts with "shhh" gesture, punter furiously responds to the player like he's just witnessed him stabbing a baby.

I've always wondered why fans who shout at players get an attack of morality when the player reacts to him. I know he is the captain and should know better but his intelligence is zero - he reacts to everything. I've went ballistic at him up in Arbroath for punching an opponent but tonight was nothing to get worked up about.

Remember, Fife's Finest went mad at Hissy for doing the same. Chill, people!

In principle, I'm totally with you. You used to see it mostly with Neil Lennon at Old Firm matches, he'd take all sorts of sick abuse but a wee wave or whatever and there was uproar. It's pathetic. But Davidson didn't really get any abuse did he? I've not got a clue why he started his pish. There was a wee murmur when he played his crap pass out play, but there always is. He didn't need to start it. He got a fair amount of stick when he did it, mind, but to me he totally deserved it. He asked for it in my opinion. He acts like a child, and I don't know why McGlynn lets him away with it time after time.

Totally, 100% agree with the rest of your post though.

Edited by Paco
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It was a few grumbles Davidson got - not irate abuse. Had it been irate abuse, it would have been perfectly justified, but it isn't. Ferry and Ellis got far worse without reacting in any way.

Not around where I was sitting Michael. One guy spent the whole game muttering under his breath about Davo and couldn't wait til he could jump on his back. And yes Ferry & Ellis got it in the neck too, but isn't that in itself a little ridiculous considering the season hasn't even started yet?!

Seems to me like our boo-boys have been doing some pre-season of their own.

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