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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Who's for a Laurie Ellis testimonial? Anyone know the requirements; years of service etc?

10 years i think

I'm sure a footballing purist would insist on ten years consecutive service.

I think next year will take him into this tenth year with the Rovers, but that's split over three spells.

Iain Davidson is by far the closest to an actual testimonial, having joined in July 2004.

There are absolutely no requirements at all. That's the whole point. If a testimonial becomes an entitlement after so many years service or is given by the club then it's be reason of employment and would be taxable.

A testimonial occurs when a group of people (who cannot include any employers or colleagues) come together and decide to fund-raise for someone as an unsolicited "thank you". They can inherently do that whenever they want or for whatever reason they want. If you want to give the tea-lady a testimonial because she's made nice cup of tea for a few seasons you can do. If you want to give Gregory Tade one for two seasons hard graft you can do.

The "ten year" thing is an absolute urban myth, though it has come to be accepted as the norm in football for some reason.

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I thought the club would perhaps have a loose requirement or even just a known precedent. I don't think Dalziel was there ten years but had a testimonial v St. Johnstone; I also remember Andy Leigh's (gawd knows how many years) v Coventry.

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You can say it's silly all you want but it's more than just a rumour. It has come from someone very highly involved with Dundee Utd. Maybe nothing further will come of it (I certianly hope so) but I also heard from Dundee Utd fans as well that they had heard of this story.

Well, that's me telt.

I'll believe it until I see it. With the amount of times I've heard similar things that have failed to materialise, I have trouble believing things until i see some concrete evidence as opposed to hearsay.

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I thought the club would perhaps have a loose requirement or even just a known precedent.

Again, the club can't have anything whatsoever to do with it (apart from potentially hosting a match and providing a team to play in it). Any "requirement" can't be the club's or it would breach the HMRC tests for whether or not the income was by virtue of employment and therefore taxable.

There's plenty of precedent for ten years service being used but as I say, you certainly don't have to abide by it in either direction. You could get one earlier or not get one at ten years. It's a gift in effect when made and not dependent on anything at all.

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If anyone deserves it then Laurie surely would do, for nothing else but sheer persistance at being at the club for 3 different spells :lol:

He has been very solid for us since he resigned again and with the proposed loss of Campell or Murray or even both of them he will give us some much needed experience for Dougie Hill and Dyer and if Murray doesnt stay i suspect will be made captain

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Correct, but no mention was made of particular awards.

However, McNaught was our most decorated with the number of full Scottish caps he won !!

Think you will find that honour belongs to Dave Morris.

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He got more than the 35 full caps that Dave Narey earned.

I think you will find that he is our most decorated Scottish player ever.

Methinks you are just being plain daft now.....

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Graeme Beveridge

Kevin Brown

Mark Campbell

Mark Ferry

Thomas Graham

Jamie Mackie

Jordan McKechnie

Andrew McNeil

Stephen Simmons

Jamie Stewart

Gregory Tade

Gary Wales

Craig Wedderburn

Graham Weir

Craig Wilson


John Baird

Ross Callachan

Iain Davidson

Reece Donaldson

William Dyer

Laurie Ellis

Douglas Hill

Ross Laidlaw

David Low

Scott McBride

David McGurn

Grant Murray

Allan Walker

Andrew Walls

Iain Williamson

Colin Wilson

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Not overly upset about any of the names being on their respective lists (well other than Williamson but couldn't do much about that). Particularly glad we've kept Murray as I think he still has something to give at this level.

Disappointed that yet another set of youth players have failed to make the grade. These are probably the last set who were perhaps a bit too old for the new set up to have made a real difference so the next lot should show if any difference has been made.

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Disappointing to lose ferry and Wilson I think both are capable at this level. Big Mark Campbell going is a shame but I can see why Murray Is mote versatile. As for the restthanks for your efforts and good luck

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