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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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One question I feel is inevitable is on the subject of Dave Somerville's departure.

The answer, I feel, will involve certain aspects of club business remaining confidential.

Saw Dave at the game today and he said that he wouldn't be at the meeting.

Just saw there was an item on the agenda for the meeting about 'The Chairman'. Will be interesting to hear what is said

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A point should be raised about what the club intend to do to help raise money for the club, they cant expect us to keep putting our hands in our pockets. If they want money and to raise attendences they need to raise their profile and get the community involved

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Depending on what work I've got on I could be well up for Decembeard. Will look out for sponsor forms nearer the time

We could then do a mass sponsored shave off in January, my wife won't sponsor me to a grow a beard as she hates them but I know she'd pay for me to get rid of one,

Thinking if doing Movember this year too, so if you see somebody resembling Chewbaca at the Boxing Day match that shall be me!

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My 2 questions I want to ask the board:

It was reported that the contracts of the players we released ran out at the end of July. Why were we paying players for 2 months when they were not training or available for selection? There were 15 in this situation which is a substantial cost to the club during a 2 month period where no revenue is generated.

Players sign 12 month or 24 month contracts, so if they sign in July, they are paid till July.

Thats why clubs sell season tickets to generate income for summer signings.

My question would be have Messers Hutton, Caira and Drysdale improved the club after 12 years on the board

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A resounding no . They sat gleefully by whilst Smith and McGowan were invited on board which is why we are where we are today .

Still in existence. I'm quite happy with that myself.

Mistakes have been made but if it wasn't for these people we wouldn't have a club to speak of.

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And they brought in McGlynn, have tried to back him with a full-time budget, they've been subsidising the difference when the gates fell short of it. But the Kirkcaldy public just isn't turning out in sufficient numbers to back them up. Only so much point in blaming the board for that.

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Still in existence. I'm quite happy with that myself.

Mistakes have been made but if it wasn't for these people we wouldn't have a club to speak of.

Mistakes?? understatement . The biggest mistake was accepting those from the west on board which they were party to. If they had voted against it we would unlikely be in the position we are in today .

And they brought in McGlynn, have tried to back him with a full-time budget, they've been subsidising the difference when the gates fell short of it. But the Kirkcaldy public just isn't turning out in sufficient numbers to back them up. Only so much point in blaming the board for that.

One of the reasons we are in such a state , poor budgeting . As for them subsidising the difference when gates fell short , nothing in black and white and a club cannot and does not survive on gates alone .

I daresay all will be revealed tonight if were lucky .

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Sure, the budgeting is chief among the mistakes. But as for the 'state' we're in - the budgeting mess refers basically to last season and this. Last year they funded the shortfall themselves - which there's no requirement for them to do, but fair play. This year they planned for a significant downturn in finances and it's been even worse than they imagined. Should they have seen that coming? Maybe. But I can imagine how this thread would have looked over the summer if they'd budgeted for the absolute worst case scenario, ripped up the full-timers' contracts and gone part-time again.

We'll find out more tonight (I'll be relying on reports on here 'cause I can't go), but I hope they're just bringing to our attention the fact that the status quo is unsustainable and asking us what we want to do about it - rather than the situation being so dire as to say the shortfall can't be covered and we're on the brink of administration.

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I know that Mario has probably put a fair bit of money and time into the Rovers with nothing in return. Turnball Hutton and especially Drysdale are another matter. They both hounded out the last owner and investor who wanted to put money into our club (Alan Kelly). They then were involved in the sacking of Nichol and appointment of John McVeigh and Peter Hetherston (what an outcome that was!). They welcomed with open arms firstly Danny Smith, Colin McGowan and the rest of the Glasgow gangsters and then after they had left allowed Flaud Anelka to come in. Both times the club was on the brink of extinction.

The links that were developed with the local community in the 1990's have disappeared. The club expects to be given handouts and give nothing in return. We have nobody on board (Caria excepted) with any real business experience and knowledge.

Yes we McGlynn but everyone knows this will not be for much longer.

There are serious problems at this club and I think that a clean sweep of the board is the only way forward. If we are not going to get a big millionaire spender to come and take us over then the realistic option is to appeal to the local business community. An increase in sponsorship and hospitality. This is never going to happen under the current board.

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Why would we get that , we only had him on loan ??

Anyone got summery up about it yet anywhere ??

Probably something to do with aiding in his development at a crucial time in his career. Must have been written into his contract when he signed.

Edited by Hank Scorpio
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