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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Don't you post under SonofWallace on fan talk. Just playing devil's advocate here and not having a go, but couldn't you argue that he was a warlord who butchered people?

But then Stalin had a bad habit of killing people, mostly his own people, who made fun of the gadge's' tache (or deviated in someway from the set political narrative of the communist party, but mostly, it was the 'tache) I wouldn't make fun of Stalin's tache, cause it's great. Unlike Hitler's, which is a bit shit, which is why the Soviet Union triumphed in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: better grooming and maintenance of facial hair.

Bare that in mind as Movember looms.

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So far the first team are doing fine in the first division and have reached a cup final, the reserves were top of the reserve league prior to this weeks round of games, and the under 19s just knocked a Falkirk side which contained a good few players with first team experience out of the youth cup.

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But then Stalin had a bad habit of killing people, mostly his own people, who made fun of the gadge's' tache (or deviated in someway from the set political narrative of the communist party, but mostly, it was the 'tache) I wouldn't make fun of Stalin's tache, cause it's great. Unlike Hitler's, which is a bit shit, which is why the Soviet Union triumphed in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: better grooming and maintenance of facial hair.

Bare that in mind as Movember looms.

You can guarantee Uncle Joe wouldn't have tolerated any dodgy taches anyway. I'm sure he'd have had a cracking time Jocky Scott.

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How is that meant to be funny as he was a mass murderer who killed millions of his own people.

I read the book Young Stalin. Bought it from a charity bookshop, so's not to feel bad about it. Turns out he wasn't that bad a sort as a young spud. He liked fighting the state and robbing banks, but generally a good lad.

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I see we're still debating if it's okay to be a wee bit racist/homophobic/sexist over on Fantalk. Just casually racist/homophobic/sexist likes, so that's okay. After all, we did it back in the 70s/80s/90s.

Kirkcaldy: let's do the time warp again.

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Funny how this thread has degenerated into a lot of utter point scoring p**h.

Must be a total coincidence that the team are playing well and there is very little to moan about.

So the posters here will just bicker among themselves until the team have an off day then start slaughtering the players and moaning again.

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I see we're still debating if it's okay to be a wee bit racist/homophobic/sexist over on Fantalk. Just casually racist/homophobic/sexist likes, so that's okay. After all, we did it back in the 70s/80s/90s.

Kirkcaldy: let's do the time warp again.

Brilliant, eh? Those getting abused don't mind apparently, if they heard it at all. And that makes it ok.

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Its definitely a cultural thing in Kirkcaldy, particularly, but not confined to, the older generation.

There is a lot of ignorance to diversity and a general acceptance that being a wee bit racist/ homophobic/ sexist is just funny banter that the victim should laugh along with.

There's also a large presumption that because the only people that can hear it are white/ straight/ male then its ok because nobody that could be offended by it was there.

I have family members whom I despair at the amount of times I pick them up for saying things like "paki shop" "chinkies" "poofters" "coloured folk". The typical response is that they've always called them that they can't keep up with what "they" should be called; as if that's a legitimate reason for continuing.

This casual approach is evident amongst the support, particularly when large volumes of alcohol have been consumed.

It really isn't acceptable, anyone who tries to justify it in any way is simply wrong.

Plenty will try though.

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