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I just watched the highlights and, while I may be very, very hungover, it didn't look like Robinson was trying to stop the goals. It's on TV, big betting markets etc. Perhaps I'm just very hungover.

:o Ridiculous post.

Hope Robinson's got a good Lawyer!! Mebbe Willie McGregor. 8)

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Just saw the goals. Robinson's had a bit of a mare. As has the defence, obviously, but that third goal is terrible goalkeeping. No man on the post doesn't then cover the post himself, and even at that can't keep a fairly tame effort out despite getting there.

Very, very poor.

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While in one game yesterday Robinson flapped at a cross, kicked it straight out of the park twice in a row (not even Guido did that) and was beaten at his near post by someone who has such a poor scoring record that his manager and teammates were laughing at the fact he'd scored.

Ginger McNeill.

There's a massive difference. Every goalkeeper has put the ball out at some point. Even McGurn has done it on numerous occasions. It's an unbelievably pointless thing to pick up on.

As for the goals yesterday, the first was down to poor communication between Anderson and Hill. One of them should have shouted for it when going for it. The second was decent skill but at the same time, someone should have made a professional found prior to him getting into the box. On the third, he hasn't covered himself in glory but at the same time it should've easily been dealt with by having a man on the post.

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It's fair to say others could've done better at the goals as well, but it still doesn't detract from the fact Robinson should probably have saved them. Beaten front post twice and a shot straight through him - not great.

That said, I agree the Laidlaw clamour is a bit silly.

Edited by Michael W
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There's a massive difference. Every goalkeeper has put the ball out at some point. Even McGurn has done it on numerous occasions. It's an unbelievably pointless thing to pick up on.


Robinson took the first kick, strong wind carried it straight out.

Option A: Adjust your stance, kick it more centrally knowing the wind is strong

Option B: Kick it to exactly the same place so that it goes straight out again

He chose B, but in your book that's an unbelievably pointless thing to pick up on?

It was symptomatic of a very unconvincing, below par performance from him yesterday. On his performances so far he's no better than Laidlaw, and quite possibly worse

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I don't think anyone is clamouring for Laidlaw or thinks he's the answer to our problems in the way the return of McGurn might be. There is just frustration that he's been replaced by what appears a fairly bang average goalkeeper on form so far. It's probably reflective of the wider frustration with our inept league performances

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Pretty much everything roverthemoon said!

I would add that, personally, I find the situation particularly frustrating because (whilst McGurn is out) I would rather see Laidlaw gain match experience. Inevitably, part of that learning curve will involve making mistakes occasionally. Unfortunately, at times, that may cost us goals. But, he is a promising player - he's been learning from and training with McGurn for years. McGurn himself has praised him (in one of the post match video interviews) and sees him as a potential replacement in the future. This was how I felt when folk were calling for Laidlaw to be dropped and its still how I feel now.

I would rather see Laidlaw make the odd mistake, learn from it and move forward, than watch a more experienced keeper do the same. However good Robinson has been for other teams, we've yet to see it at the Rovers. That's not to say he's not a decent player, but personally he would not have been my first choice pick over Laidlaw.

I'm not party to any Robinson witch hunt, but the defence is / has been only part of the problem.

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I agree Nairney but the problem Murray, Laidlaw etc have is that as soon as Ross makes a mistake he will be hounded by a highly vocal section of our support. Remember the Cowdenbeath and Dundee games in Dec/Jan? People couldn't wait for him to be dropped as he was making costly errors. As much as I've still to be convinced by Robinson, he's not the reason we've lost the goals we have recently and hasn't been culpable in the way Ross was in those games.

Many fans will say now that they'll accept Laidlaw mistakes as he's one of ours, but having been going to Stark's for 25+ years I know that's not the case.

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I think it's really just the way Laidlaw was dropped after such a great result and performance at Easter Road. Had Robinson signed after the Dundee game at New Year we'd all have been over the moon as sadly Laidlaw had done us out of three points by turning a win into a draw, and a draw into a defeat against Cowdenbeath and Dundee. But then he steadied the ship, played well at Cappielow, Central Park and Easter Road... then he was dropped. Very harshly, and while his replacement hasn't been awful, he's let in a lot of goals (15 in 5) and hasn't exactly played well in any game.

I have to say I think Murray has made his bed now so should lie in it. Not sure it's best to be switching goalies every time one makes a mistake as that's obviously only going to make them nervous. On current form there's certainly not much between the goalies at all though. Robinson is a hero at QoS but he's been poor for us so far. Laidlaw isn't the magic answer some think though.

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I think it's really just the way Laidlaw was dropped after such a great result and performance at Easter Road. Had Robinson signed after the Dundee game at New Year we'd all have been over the moon as sadly Laidlaw had done us out of three points by turning a win into a draw, and a draw into a defeat against Cowdenbeath and Dundee. But then he steadied the ship, played well at Cappielow, Central Park and Easter Road... then he was dropped. Very harshly, and while his replacement hasn't been awful, he's let in a lot of goals (15 in 5) and hasn't exactly played well in any game.

I have to say I think Murray has made his bed now so should lie in it. Not sure it's best to be switching goalies every time one makes a mistake as that's obviously only going to make them nervous. On current form there's certainly not much between the goalies at all though. Robinson is a hero at QoS but he's been poor for us so far. Laidlaw isn't the magic answer some think though.


Murray had plenty opportunities to drop Laidlaw (yes even for Stewart) but came out and backed him, and that looked to be working as after the Dundee game Laidlaw did very little wrong.

I have no problems with the signing of Robinson, but to just drop Laidlaw when he was getting some confidence and form back is pretty poor management.

Plus there is the simple fact that based on his performances with us, Robinson is in no way an improvement to Laidlaws form in the few weeks leading up to the Hibs game.

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Maybe it's just where I sit but I actually don't think the crowd has been that critical. The first half against Hamilton being the exception. We're on a horrendous run so I would have expected it to be far, far worse. It's slipping into resigned disappointment at minute.

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Maybe it's just where I sit but I actually don't think the crowd has been that critical. The first half against Hamilton being the exception. We're on a horrendous run so I would have expected it to be far, far worse. It's slipping into resigned disappointment at minute.

I agree. I didn't make the Falkirk game but certainly at the Alloa and St Johnstone game I wouldn't say the crowd were baying for blood, I've heard Starks much worse in terms of venomous, boiling, frothing at the mouth seethe.

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I would say the atmosphere could be a lot worse, but there is sometimes a feeling that the players and fans could be doing a bit more to get behind each other. The situation isn't helped by our form understandably. Even then, if a player so much as makes a mistake then you hear some individuals howl in despair and launch into the abuse. On the other side of things, the players never seem to try to get the crowd behind them at corners. Tade used to be absolutely brilliant at doing that. He'd try to get the people roaring for the team at set pieces which surely helped.

Unfortunately, Stark's is never going to realistically be a good place for atmosphere in its current state.

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Grant Anderson tried to get the crowd going when we got a corner in the second half against Alloa.

Just praying we manage to get the three points on Saturday. They are desperately needed.

I've been praying since Saturday morning. My mate called me a jinx prior to kick off. So I can't see it helping this Saturday sadly.

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