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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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1) Hardly generalisations when it s a fact. 2) I'm not like you, I can't see the positives in another gubbing. Even if we have nothing to play for. 3) The attitude of the players has been shocking again this season. 4) The BOD treat the fans with contempt. 5) Unless this is all lies.

1) Sorry to disappoint you but you WERE generalising and it's nowhere near fact regardless of what a few disgruntled supporters would have you believe.

2) Where was I stating the positives in another gubbing? I'm as pissed off as the rest of us about conceding four goals yet again. Stop making stuff up.

3) All season? Yet again, more slavers.

4) Explain how the BOD treat the fans with contempt?

5) Not lies as such. Just ridiculous exaggeration.

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Their record against teams below them is decent enough though. At least eight points against two of them, three if they beat Dumbarton Saturday, and the exception against Livi is clearly at least partly due to the fact Saturday was a dead game for Raith but crucial for Livi. In fact the three points dropped to Cowden are in the same category. Cant really ask an awful lot more than that.

If they want to improve their league position then its those above, especially Falkirk and ourselves, they need more from.


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One stat that should be mentioned, which I touched on a few weeks ago, is that when the team have went behind this season, only once have they managed to turn the score line around and win the game.

The other side of that is of course, when the Rovers get the first goal, we tend to not lose the match.

We have lost more games than we have won, so these stats tell you that during the matches, the manager doesn't influence the team enough after going a goal down to get back out and win the match.

Take the example of yesterday (and also Cowdenbeath a couple of weeks back) only 1-0 down at half time. Not the end of the world by any stretch of the imagination. But instead of coming out in the second half all guns blazing and looking to get stuck in about the opposition, the team continues to stay off their opponents, let them get in behind and basically wait for the inevitable second, killer goal.

Even if he made a change at half time, either tactically or with a substitution, just to be a bit more positive, but that doesn't happen. With the Cowdenbeath game, the 3-5-2 was stuck with until it was far too late, when it was evident it should have been binned at half time.

The managers inability to make changes is one of the sole reasons why we simply won't progress.

I'm not saying right go 1-0 down within the first minute and change to 4-3-3 with a sub striker on straight away, but at least work out where the oppositions weaknesses are and try to exploit them, either by tweaking the way we approach the second half, or with a change in personnel.

Playing the strongest line up also helps. The last few games I've been very miffed as to why favourites who have a rapport with the fans (McGurn, Hill, Anderson) are all out of the team.

Now obviously it's up to the manager to pick the team, but clearly he isint doing himself any favours trying to win over support by not playing these players. The same could be said for Vaughan not starting the last couple of games, when he scored about 5 in 4 matches.

Others have argued that it's all the fans fault for us being so rubbish, particularly at home as our home form is absolutely atrocious compared to teams around us. But our away form isint much better, especially against the teams above us. a single victory away from home against the teams above us (Falkirk away)

Which basically shoots down the "fans fault" argument straight away.

Not sure where to go from here. But leaning towards a fresh start who can bring some new ideas to the way this football club plays on the pitch.

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I don't think anyone it is saying it is all the fans fault. That would be daft.

Well you certainly touched on the fans being over critical, and that it would be interesting to see how the team does without that. The away support is never as critical as it is at home, and our away record speaks for itself (especially against the teams above us like I mentioned)

The fans are rightly critical of the team going down 2-0 to Livingston at home, not because of that present game, but because they have seen it so many times over the course of the season and nothing is getting done to rectify the situation on the pitch.

If we had continued by winning at Falkirk then the home game at Cowdenbeath would have seen the fans right behind the team. If the players chuck it, why shouldn't the fans?

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Surely losing 2 homes to Livingston with an aggregate score of 9-1 is a massive failure? Surely having the worst league record against Rangers is a failure? Surely having the worst defensive record for home games in the league in a failure?

As for the cup beating Rangers was a success. No one is denying that and we all rightly praised the tactics and performance that day. However surely we were expected to beat Stirling and Linlithgo? I can hardly count those wins as a "success". Then we failed miserably in a match v Calley in which we failed to even look like winning. Now the probability of the same outcome occurring if we'd attacked them that night and had a go would have been high but at least we'd have had a go. So sorry but I can't count the cup as a success, it was more luck that we never faced a tougher team in the first 2 rounds.

My question is where and how have we progressed? We've got no more points than we've had in past season, we've scored less and conceded more, the brand of football is awful to watch and the same mistakes keep happening with no sight of any lessons being learned.

Murray has had 3 seasons for us to progress and we've never done it. We're an easier team than ever to play against and the only reason we're in 6th is due to the quality of the teams at the bottom, all of whom are part time and have a lesser budget. If that is deemed a success by the board then as a club we're going nowhere. We should be looking to Falkirk and Queens as a comparison and we've failed to match both again.

We've almost certainly got a lower budget than both of them, particularly Falkirk. While not suggesting we shouldn't be able to match both it's still the reality that we can't pay over the odds to match them. Both also have a decent crop of youth players in their first team squad - we've currently got two who've only really broken through properly in the last six months - we had two other guys in Donaldson and Laidlaw who both came through a wee bit earlier but in all honesty, neither were the required standard.

So, finally doing better on that front at least.

I actually don't think we look that bad as an attacking team, it's defending that we are god awful at - as obvious as that sounds, it's a case of when we lose, we really fucking lose. Part of that is sub-standard personnel at the back: Laidlaw, Perry and Cuthbert's last few outings in goals hardly inspire confidence. It's also a lack of balance in midfield which we've struggled with this season. Callachan is a fine attacking midfielder, but needs paired with someone who can offer the defence some protection, and here we lack: Moon hasn't captured the form of last season, Scott's been largely a dud and Fox - who's natural inclination is that sitting role - is getting to the point where his legs have gone, and teams find it too easy to play through him. We are also inconsistent in our wide players cutting out crosses.

So, for me - we need an overhaul in midfield. I reckon a back four of Thomson, Mckeown, Barr and Watson will do a good job, so long as they aren't put under the kind of needless pressure in dangerous positions that are sometimes presented by our seive of a midfield. Callachan is our natural attacking force form the middle of the park, as a striker Vaughan likes to drop deep so in that sense we should be able to drive on from the middle - but care needs to be put into finding someone decent to protect the back four.

One other thing: I recall from last year that Murray has a tendency to not let everyone know where they stand with contracts all at once, instead you get some folk signed up early and others left hanging for days or even weeks depending on wether Murray can replace them or not. I don't think it's the healthiest way of going about it from a morale point of view - even if it gives him the maximum flexibility to put a new team together, and I just wonder if that's part of why our performance levels, post Falkirk have dipped so much.

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Well you certainly touched on the fans being over critical, and that it would be interesting to see how the team does without that. The away support is never as critical as it is at home, and our away record speaks for itself (especially against the teams above us like I mentioned)

The fans are rightly critical of the team going down 2-0 to Livingston at home, not because of that present game, but because they have seen it so many times over the course of the season and nothing is getting done to rectify the situation on the pitch.

If we had continued by winning at Falkirk then the home game at Cowdenbeath would have seen the fans right behind the team. If the players chuck it, why shouldn't the fans?

Some fans are over critical and usually chuck it well before the players to be fair. Booing a team off at half-time when it's 0-0 being one example this season.

The fans don't help at times but they're not the reason we are where we are. That's down to the ability of our players, many whom are short of the quality we need to compete. How much of this down to just what we can afford and how much is down to Murray's management and tactics is what's open for debate. Like most things it's probably a bit of both

Edited by roverthemoon
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Would be sad to see him go, especially to the Pars. With Barr there it's a loss we could probably live with though

Are we kidding ourselves on as to how good Barr actually is? He's been in the defence for 12 games now and we've lost 8 of them and conceded 22 goals in the process. I'm not saying they were all or partly his fault but he's not performed to such a level that he can be immune from any of the criticism. His reaction to the 3rd Rangers goal where he fell on the ground and showed absolutely no desire to get up really annoyed me.

Now I hope that after a full pre-season in him he shows his full potential and gets the level fans of other clubs that he's been at say he should be but I think we should all be very wary here of building him up to be this man mountain of a defender that some fans think he already is.

Edited by Ding Dang Doo
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Raith boss Grant Murray added: “There were mistakes all over the park. To lose 4-0 is very disappointing. In our second last game of the season we shouldn’t just accept losing by that scoreline.

Yes Grant there were mistakes all over the Park. Starting with the players the team that you sent out and then the first sub you made. Compounded by your hesitation in making more subs to rectify the situation.

Losing by ANY margin should be disappointing. 0-4 is not disapointing it is downright embarassing and unacceptable. The langauge used by Barr is what we want to hear from the manager. Honest, no excuses no sugar coating.

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Dougie Hill is another Rovers player who actually seems a better player when he isn't actually playing.

He is a player of limited ability, that if we went to progress we should be replacing with better.

Wasn't good enough this season, or last or the one previous to that. At least he has managed to stem the tide of red cards

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