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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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As much as some rumours which get posted on P&B end up being nonsense or unsubstantiated, by the same token, quite a lot end up being right enough, or at least have a kernel of truth about them which ends up being borne out. 

By that token, I wouldn't be amazed if a list has become knowledge inside the dressing room, although I'm not sure why anyone at the club would need a physical list on a bit of paper? That sounds bad for the environment, never mind the toll it may have had on team morale. 

I mean, how would it happen? Andrew Barrowman decided to print off the summer release list to check over while eating his lunch, then misplaces it? 

I'm hoping that someone has seen us sign a new right back and put two and two together and come up with nine, or perhaps even get names mixed up and that Ian Murray is perhaps not on great terms with Ross Matthews. Not that I would like that, but lets face it, Matthews appears to be out the picture for some reason, so that would probably make more sense. 

I also think that players, managers and staff probably fall out with each other quite regularly, but by in large, they can put behind them quite easily and move on. 

I suppose Friday's team selection might tell us a wee bit more. 

Edited by McGuigan1978
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5 minutes ago, McGuigan1978 said:

As much as some rumours which get posted on P&B end up being nonsense or unsubstantiated, by the same token, quite a lot end up being right enough, or at least have a kernel of truth about them which ends up being borne out. 

By that token, I wouldn't be amazed if a list has become knowledge inside the dressing room, although I'm not sure why anyone at the club would need a physical list on a bit of paper? That sounds bad for the environment, never mind the toll it may have had on team morale. 

I mean, how would it happen? Andrew Barrowman decided to print off the summer release list to check over while eating his lunch, then misplaces it? 

I'm hoping that someone has seen us sign a new right back and put two and two together and come up with nine, or perhaps even get names mixed up and that Ian Murray is perhaps not on great terms with Ross Matthews. Not that I would like that, but lets face it, Matthews appears to be out the picture for some reason, so that would probably make more sense. 

I also think that players, managers and staff probably fall out with each other quite regularly, but by in large, they can put behind them quite easily and move on. 

I suppose Friday's team selection might tell us a wee bit more. 

I heard last week that someone accessed a laptop.  

Edited by itzdrk
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16 minutes ago, Scottydog said:

Depressingly this rumour is probably true, the other rumour being that our manager is becoming more and more distant from the players (and other staff).  Both rumours if true would certainly lead to serious unrest in the dressing room.

You'd like to think this all new and improved RRFC is now too savvy, too slick an operation to commit what would potentially be promotion seeking Hari Kari.  Sadly I think the dramatic difference in the level of commitment on the field since the Tannadice game  lends weight to the rumours.

Just how pathetically amateur would you have to be to accidentally inform a bunch of the very guys on whom you're relying to do the business for you, that they wont be here even if we do go up? The sliding tackle Millen put in against Moult typified the mentality of the Rovers teams pre-christmas, other than a O'Rielly's willingness to get stuck in against the Pars and one very good defensive block by Dick against Airdrie there's not exactly been too much of that determination on show since.  In an acknowledged  tight knit squad if something has come out to rock the boat you can see how it'd affect not just the ones who would now know they're gonners but also their mates who probably thought their employers were better than that.

I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised if:

Matthews, Masson, McGill Corr, Arnott, Dick, Watson, Millen and Ross are all end of season contract casualties.  In my opinion it's too many to loose and I'd like to see some given more of a chance, I just fear that wont happen.

Poor from you scotty

Your ITK so should be able to confirm the rumblings within starks 😆

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29 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Nope. These are mostly people playing for their next contract regardless, and they know that packing it in will be seen by potential future clubs. A player who turned it off because they found they weren’t getting an offer next year would be condemning themselves to a smaller contract the next year, because everything is based upon put up or shut up.

In professional sports, the phrase “contract year” is quite commonly used to explain higher performances from players reaching the end of a multiyear deal. Scottish football runs like this for over 80% of its players, if not more.

Just so I'm clear. You condone and agree player(s) finding out, via an open laptop as someone has alluded to, that they are not in the managers plans next season is a good way to go about things midway through a title challenge? 

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All these rumours could be true or absolute nonsense, but I doubt we'll have a list of players getting released at this point. Would imagine the situation is a bit more complex: 

Some players that we would release if we go up but would keep in the Championship.

Some players who's future is dependent on their form between now and May. 

Some players we'll keep if potential targets end up turning us down. 

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I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised if:

Matthews, Masson, McGill Corr, Arnott, Dick, Watson, Millen and Ross are all end of season contract casualties.  In my opinion it's too many to loose and I'd like to see some given more of a chance, I just fear that wont happen.

If we want to play in the top league hoe many of the above are good enough to take us there. Only Watson has played there and he is nearing the end of his career as a footballer.

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14 minutes ago, Halbeath Raith Rover said:

All these rumours could be true or absolute nonsense, but I doubt we'll have a list of players getting released at this point. Would imagine the situation is a bit more complex: 

Some players that we would release if we go up but would keep in the Championship.

Some players who's future is dependent on their form between now and May. 

Some players we'll keep if potential targets end up turning us down. 

I suspect that if someone did access a list of names, it was probably those being punted if we go up. Not exactly a great motivational tool for these players. 

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1 hour ago, mrraith71 said:

None of the team are premier league players at the minute. We are getting bet off 💩 teams just now, we would get horsed on SPL 

I presume you mean "beaten by", but in any case, we're not. We've been beaten by teams largely the same as us - QP, ICT, Airdrie and Livi from the league above.

Can we just keep some perspective? We're not Bayern Munich or Barcelona. We had a blistering start and now we're up against it a bit. It'll all pan out.

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6 minutes ago, The Tiel Burn said:

Most annoying bit of this is the rumours come from inside the club. They have done well to avoid this so far. 

Not great for motivation, allows us gossips to have a field day and probably magnifies a more tepid version of the truth. 

Do they?

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14 minutes ago, renton said:

I swear we are *this* close to the age old "the board got them to blow it deliberately because we can't afford to go up"...

Steve Mcdonald just happened to 'let slip' to Ross Millen what Andy Barrowman's password is... 

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1 hour ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

I suspect that if someone did access a list of names, it was probably those being punted if we go up. Not exactly a great motivational tool for these players. 

A list of players to be released if we get promoted would arguably be a stranger list to have though 

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