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That's horrible. The bacon will be cheap as f**k if they are selling it at that price and who wants that much bacon on a roll?

Anything after 4 rashers is where it stops being "well guid".

^^^ never tried it, can't knock it.

It does look/sound vile. I only tried it initially because a mate couldn't finish his for being full (thinking he would be getting a standard sized bacon roll).

It's a bi-annual treat for me though.

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I have an overwhelming desire to go to the pub and get slowly hammered.

A man after my own heart. I'm holding off but the urge is slowly getting stronger. On meds too so won't take much!

Had about 6 pints last night in the West End as I was out for a gig and it has really given me the taste for more. I'm sat in work and have jack shit to do as I've caught up on everything in advance of starting a new job in a fortnight and just want to f**k it off and hit the boozer. Clockwatching.

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Somebody sound the bugle, Deeboy's en route to the Trades.

I'll be there soon with another PnB poster. I'll be wearing the baby blue and white Ralph Lauren T-shirt with a green collar. Geez a wave if you fancy.

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I really, really want a rowie right now

Question; why do Aberdonians call it that? And, even worse, why do some of them call it a roll? A roll is a fucking roll, not a buttery or 'rowie'. The bakers up there should have their bakers licenses (or whatever it is that lets them bake) if they produce a buttery when you ask them for a roll.

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Question; why do Aberdonians call it that? And, even worse, why do some of them call it a roll? A roll is a fucking roll, not a buttery or 'rowie'. The bakers up there should have their bakers licenses (or whatever it is that lets them bake) if they produce a buttery when you ask them for a roll.

Because it's an Aberdeen roll.

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