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The authorities should be allowed to monitor whatsapp group chats and fine or (for repeat offenders) lock up folk sharing videos of industrial accidents, horrific sex acts, surprise boabies, utter shite #lad behaviour and gruesome deaths with their mates. 
^^^ locked out of the work WhatsApp group
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The authorities should be allowed to monitor whatsapp group chats and fine or (for repeat offenders) lock up folk sharing videos of industrial accidents, horrific sex acts, surprise boabies, utter shite #lad behaviour and gruesome deaths with their mates. 

I can only hope lock them up was firmly tongue in cheek
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Unpopular opinion amongst my group of pals certainly, but I think so many well meaning (and not so well meaning) people are obsessed with seeing political discourse through the social media tit for tat bubble, and completely neglect the day to day, real life stuff.

I’ve hopefully managed to turn a couple of family round to voting SNP just by understanding their priorities/concerns and suggesting why I think voting my way would benefit them.

Not enough people taking the time to put their phones down, engage with friends and family who are undecided/apathetic and have proper conversations.

In my experience, as much as these things can be discussed, your average man/woman turns off when people start banging on about fascists, media conspiracies etc.

One of the big reasons it’s not going to go well next week, IMO.
Used this very tactic to convince my 67yo mum, a previous no voter. To vote SNP and she now backs independence. You are not alone.

As much as I'm into politics, the forum in here, can make your eyes bleed sometimes.
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The authorities should be allowed to monitor whatsapp group chats and fine or (for repeat offenders) lock up folk sharing videos of industrial accidents, horrific sex acts, surprise boabies, utter shite #lad behaviour and gruesome deaths with their mates. 
Mon tae f**k, surprise boabies are always funny. The rest.... Agreed
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14 hours ago, Muzza81 said:

See, I don’t agree with this at all. There’s people that are not in privileged situations but have worked hard and have jobs/pensions etc to protect. They think voting for the Tories may be the best way to protect all of that. 

Yes......The Tories are well known for protecting people's jobs.

A staggering post

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3 minutes ago, throbber said:


Letting the authorities have unfettered access to all what’s app conversations really wouldn’t be a good thing, maybe read 1984.


They already do, that was the condition when they allowed Facebook to buy it, expanding their monopoly.

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2 minutes ago, throbber said:


Basically a world of constant surveillance and a character called Winston who was scared of rats. I forget how it ends.


The proles are our only hope. But they all vote Tory, the stupid gammony c***s.

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