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How fucking dare you!! Were you there when we nearly went bust, playing charity matches to raise funds ? Were you there when we were nearly relegated to the seaside leagues if it wasn't for Airdire going bust  just 16 years ago. Were you there when Kilmarnock put us down to this division in 2010 ? We are supporters of a non city club, and I thank every single one of us for not following either side of the arse cheeks, but let's be realistic, I am 30 years old, in 97 I went to a Scottish cup final and it was massive, once in a lifetime stuff!!  For me I was only a young lad so never appreciated the length of time we took to be there, 20 years later, I have managed another 2 plus 2 semis. 2 Scottish cup finals in the last 10 years 1 of which was just 2 years ago and within that time we have competed with 3 of the biggest clubs in the country. If you fucking dare call any of that mediocre, then you sir are a fool with delusions of grandeur. Should we be doing better ? That's up for debate at the moment, has Houston done well ? In the grand scheme of things, of course he fucking has. Now is the season to get on his back, to aim for what we should be doing, to call his tenure mediocre at best is the view of someone who does not grasp what it feels like to be a bairn in the darkest of times.

Night night Mr Hype. Thanks for cheering me up tonight, still giggling at ur 'How fucking' dare you' double exclamation mark opening line. Also love ur rally cry of "now is the season to get on his back" another classic [emoji23] I'll write to the club and suggest that as the slogan to replace 'expect the unexpected!' Maybe help shift a few season tickets with that one. [emoji15]
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39 years. This is my 30th year as a season ticket holder. I imagine there will be a special cake or something.


Not suggesting we are in crisis at all and have been there for some amazing highs and some low lows. Last Friday for me was a real kick in the teeth because like the cup final we chucked it away.


Agree, we chucked it away. Not the first and last time we will do it either.


However knee jerk reactions are not the answer. We have the bones of a team to win the league next year and whilst I agree with many of the comments about Houston, overall we perform well and we can only hope that he is learning from the mistakes made. Starting again with someone new won't guarantee that we won't chuck it away again in future.

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my boredom levels have hit great heights tonight so I googled this scoreline as I seemed to recall it as a child and found this slightly biased match report

Remember this but I also remember travelling to Ayr around that time on a midweek night to see us beaten 6-0. Pissing down with rain that night too. That was a pretty dark time.

If I recollect correctly Mark Kerr was playing for us too!
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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:


f**k Clyde.

f**k you for posting it.

f**k ANEWHOPE for reopening the wounds.

However.... 2002 was the darkness then the light. Saved by pure chance. Jobby McCall came.... then in early 2003 perhaps my favourite ever day at Brockville when we absolutely smashed Hearts to bits then proceeded to romp the league with the most attractive football in my time as a fan.


Great shout, lets take a moment to reflect upon that day


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8 hours ago, ANEWHOPE said:


Night night Mr Hype. Thanks for cheering me up tonight, still giggling at ur 'How fucking' dare you' double exclamation mark opening line. Also love ur rally cry of "now is the season to get on his back" another classic emoji23.png I'll write to the club and suggest that as the slogan to replace 'expect the unexpected!' Maybe help shift a few season tickets with that one. emoji15.png


At least you smile at something ya coat stand. 

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5 days later my hate for Dundee Utd and in particular the Thompson family started.
The worst Thursday of my life

Try working in Dundee at the time and your 'friends' at work managing to get Ian McCall to sign a picture to you on the day he left. [emoji22] Fuelled my rage at the Devils Greengrocer also.
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At least you smile at something ya coat stand. 

'How fucking dare you!" Although not sure what that means but a bit sad how quickly you have resorted to personal insults. Obviously a nights sleep hasn't calmed your mood. I was having a good vent last night and feel better for it. You need to move on and get to work on your 'this is the season to get on his back' posters ready, maybe work on a wee chant. Add a hashtag to it as that will appeal to the younger market.

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Calm down ladies, let's not all fall out!

I guess it comes down to whether we feel that the inclusion of Hearts, Hibs and Sevco in the league was a reason or excuse for not taking the title? I'm possibly more of a realist so fall toward the 'reason' side. I do think however that we could and should probably have done a wee bit better over the piece.

Ironically, although we won't have any 'bigger' clubs to contend with next season, I do feel that it'll be a much more level playing field with many of the remaining sides being a lot closer to us than previously. I expect Dunfermline, St Mirren, ICT, United and Bob McHugh to give us a lot of problems next term!

Like others though, I do think that this should be Houstie's last crack at it.

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16 hours ago, Believe The Hype said:

How fucking dare you!! Were you there when we nearly went bust, playing charity matches to raise funds ? Were you there when we were nearly relegated to the seaside leagues if it wasn't for Airdire going bust  just 16 years ago. Were you there when Kilmarnock put us down to this division in 2010 ? We are supporters of a non city club, and I thank every single one of us for not following either side of the arse cheeks, but let's be realistic, I am 30 years old, in 97 I went to a Scottish cup final and it was massive, once in a lifetime stuff!!  For me I was only a young lad so never appreciated the length of time we took to be there, 20 years later, I have managed another 2 plus 2 semis. 2 Scottish cup finals in the last 10 years 1 of which was just 2 years ago and within that time we have competed with 3 of the biggest clubs in the country. If you fucking dare call any of that mediocre, then you sir are a fool with delusions of grandeur. Should we be doing better ? That's up for debate at the moment, has Houston done well ? In the grand scheme of things, of course he fucking has. Now is the season to get on his back, to aim for what we should be doing, to call his tenure mediocre at best is the view of someone who does not grasp what it feels like to be a bairn in the darkest of times.

I fucking love your attitude. Spoken like a true Bairn by a true Bairn.

Well done lad.

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Calm down ladies, let's not all fall out!
I guess it comes down to whether we feel that the inclusion of Hearts, Hibs and Sevco in the league was a reason or excuse for not taking the title? I'm possibly more of a realist so fall toward the 'reason' side. I do think however that we could and should probably have done a wee bit better over the piece.
Ironically, although we won't have any 'bigger' clubs to contend with next season, I do feel that it'll be a much more level playing field with many of the remaining sides being a lot closer to us than previously. I expect Dunfermline, St Mirren, ICT, United and Bob McHugh to give us a lot of problems next term!
Like others though, I do think that this should be Houstie's last crack at it.

Don't agree at all with your summary of the core issue. Don't hear or read many that are saying with those teams in the league that an outright win was ever the primary target, maybe getting a little closer this year but not many I think ever felt that was likely.

I think the issue comes down to a question of has Houston's tenure been a success? Some think yes & are satisfied. Some think yes but want more? And a tiny minority (of one) think not at all.

Also I can get your intention to try and bring a level of calm to the discussion but nothing wrong with a heated exchange of views, it can be quite cathartic. Although think when playground name calling starts it becomes a bit pathetic.

I also dispute your view that your position is that of a realist and grounded in logic, thereby suggesting my position is illogical and unrealistic. I actually think it comes down to what you deem as success for Falkirk and for me that simply boils down to promotion. Not near promotion but actual promotion.

Delighted to hear you say that this must be his last crack. As I do every year I will turn up, pay my money, buy every little bit of tat I can and support the team home and away, including our little foreign adventure and keep my fingers crossed that I'm the recipient of several 'get it up you' messages from people on here when Houston delivers promotion.
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Don't agree at all with your summary of the core issue. Don't hear or read many that are saying with those teams in the league that an outright win was ever the primary target, maybe getting a little closer this year but not many I think ever felt that was likely.

I think the issue comes down to a question of has Houston's tenure been a success? Some think yes & are satisfied. Some think yes but want more? And a tiny minority (of one) think not at all.

Also I can get your intention to try and bring a level of calm to the discussion but nothing wrong with a heated exchange of views, it can be quite cathartic. Although think when playground name calling starts it becomes a bit pathetic.

I also dispute your view that your position is that of a realist and grounded in logic, thereby suggesting my position is illogical and unrealistic. I actually think it comes down to what you deem as success for Falkirk and for me that simply boils down to promotion. Not near promotion but actual promotion.

Delighted to hear you say that this must be his last crack. As I do every year I will turn up, pay my money, buy every little bit of tat I can and support the team home and away, including our little foreign adventure and keep my fingers crossed that I'm the recipient of several 'get it up you' messages from people on here when Houston delivers promotion.

What u up to the night shagger? Fancy getting us into one eh yer mad parties as a plus one?
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5 hours ago, ANEWHOPE said:


Don't agree at all with your summary of the core issue. Don't hear or read many that are saying with those teams in the league that an outright win was ever the primary target, maybe getting a little closer this year but not many I think ever felt that was likely.

I think the issue comes down to a question of has Houston's tenure been a success? Some think yes & are satisfied. Some think yes but want more? And a tiny minority (of one) think not at all.

Also I can get your intention to try and bring a level of calm to the discussion but nothing wrong with a heated exchange of views, it can be quite cathartic. Although think when playground name calling starts it becomes a bit pathetic.

I also dispute your view that your position is that of a realist and grounded in logic, thereby suggesting my position is illogical and unrealistic. I actually think it comes down to what you deem as success for Falkirk and for me that simply boils down to promotion. Not near promotion but actual promotion.

Delighted to hear you say that this must be his last crack. As I do every year I will turn up, pay my money, buy every little bit of tat I can and support the team home and away, including our little foreign adventure and keep my fingers crossed that I'm the recipient of several 'get it up you' messages from people on here when Houston delivers promotion.


honestly wish you would gtf go support some other team with another manager and another board or just limit your life to one f you are f*cking tedious

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Curious re how season ticket sales will go this season. I renewed mine in the shop this morning where there were a few others and a father and daughter buying a season for the first time.


I do hope all those that rant on about spending big this season are rushing out to do their bit and get their tickets in early to allow the club to 'invest' in players. Otherwise if they are unwilling to put their hands in their pockets it would be nice if they just shut up.


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