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The Falkirk FC Thread

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I think it would be a good idea if none of these players are involved on jan 2. Let’s not forget Shields is not innocent either as he was the instigator of the incident in the first place. I’m sure O’Hara will learn from this and move on. He’s only 19 and has his career ahead of him. One momentarily lapse of stupidity shouldn’t ruin that. Some posters on here have several lapses in one thread.

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2 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Laughable greeting from the majority of the Falkirk fans on here.

On 24/10/2017 at 18:47, Monkey Tennis said:


The stuff on here really is pathetic.

Lots of you needing to get a bit of a grip.  A bunch of daft wee lads wheeling out your stock responses.


On 24/10/2017 at 18:55, Monkey Tennis said:

Well I'm not terribly impressed if that's what you mean.

Should I say I'm not bothered, or pretend to be delighted, regarding it as some sort of validation?  What would be the correct response for you?

The thread had completely passed me by, until summoned by a notification the other day to see unidentified posters having a go at me.  I've been looking in since and the way people are behaving is frankly unbelievable.  It's honestly amazing to see adults carrying on that way - the breaching of confidences, the bullying, it's something else.

There really is an irony in this thread containing the suggestion that the worst of P&B is to be found on another one.

Carry on enjoying it all if you wish.  It truly is pathetic though.

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36 minutes ago, smpar said:

Scarily close to ‘Brexit means Brexit’ territory here.

Getting closer.

Certified ‘Brexit means Brexit’ type found.

Seriously mate ? , so am guessing your the kind of person lets go round in circles till i get the answer i want.  Your the exact type of person thats caused the world we live in i dont like the answer so am stamping my feet till i get what i want.  The same type of person that sacked his job as a teacher cause he didnt get finished till half 6 in the evening.  Mate just stop going to football in fact f**k it am going to ask DAFC if they can install safe spaces for offensive singing by your support next time at East End.  So everyones allowed to have an opinion as long as it agrees with yours.  I didnt see many of your support mentioning the racial abuse directed at Hippolyte and Austin.  Its only offensive if you choose it to be offensive, you do realise that its possible to be annoyed about something acknowledge it and move on with your life ffs get a grip.

I hope your going to apologise to  all those people you have slagged off took the piss out off or offended then or you took the piss out of, by the way that includes Irish Jokes, Jokes about sexuuality people being ugly, thick etc 



Edited by AL0011
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2 minutes ago, AL0011 said:

Seriously mate ? , so am guessing your the kind of person lets go round in circles till i get the answer i want.  Your the exact type of person thats caused the world we live in i dont like the answer so am stamping my feet till i get what i want.  The same type of person that sacked his job as a teacher cause he didnt get finished till half 6 in the evening.  Mate just stop going to football in fact f**k it am going to ask DAFC if they can install safe spaces for offensive singing by your support next time at East End.  So everyones allowed to have an opinion as long as it agrees with yours.  I didnt see many of your support mentioning the racial abuse directed at Hippolyte and Austin.  Its only offensive if you choose it to be offensive, you do realise that its possible to be annoyed about something acknowledge it and move on with your life ffs get a grip.

I hope your going to apologise to  all thos people you have salgged off took the piss out off or offended then or havent you took the piss out of that by the way that includes Irish Jokes, Jokes about sexuuality people being ugly, thick etc 



Close entire website, this will never be topped

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9 minutes ago, AL0011 said:

Seriously mate ? , so am guessing your the kind of person lets go round in circles till i get the answer i want.  Your the exact type of person thats caused the world we live in i dont like the answer so am stamping my feet till i get what i want.  The same type of person that sacked his job as a teacher cause he didnt get finished till half 6 in the evening.  Mate just stop going to football in fact f**k it am going to ask DAFC if they can install safe spaces for offensive singing by your support next time at East End.  So everyones allowed to have an opinion as long as it agrees with yours.  I didnt see many of your support mentioning the racial abuse directed at Hippolyte and Austin.  Its only offensive if you choose it to be offensive, you do realise that its possible to be annoyed about something acknowledge it and move on with your life ffs get a grip.

I hope your going to apologise to  all those people you have slagged off took the piss out off or offended then or you took the piss out of, by the way that includes Irish Jokes, Jokes about sexuuality people being ugly, thick etc 




I believe this is an exact transcript of Falkirk’s appeal. 

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No really paid much attention to this over the last few days but f**k me there’s been a load is shite banding about both ways (mostly from Falkirk fans granted)

Obviously I’ve no idea what O’Hara said however it was clear from the picture something had to have been said. So assuming he has said something offensive he absolutely deserved to be punished. I do find 8 games to be quite excessive (was only expecting around a 3 game ban) but obviously they are trying to send out a message that comments of the like are unacceptable which I suppose you can understand.

I hope the way this has blown up doesn’t have a serious impact a major impact on O’Hara’s career but I can’t see how it can’t. He’s 19 and he’s said something extremely stupid during the heat of the moment during a flashpoint in the game. Was it wrong? Absolutely. Does he deserve his ban? Of course. I just hope he’s able to learn from this and kick on as a player rather than this being the start of his career completely unravelling before it’s properly began.

The actual state of some of our fans btw.


Having read it I actually fear that McKee could get a 12 game ban if things don’t work out.


Surely that’s the dream.
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Seriously mate ? , so am guessing your the kind of person lets go round in circles till i get the answer i want.  Your the exact type of person thats caused the world we live in i dont like the answer so am stamping my feet till i get what i want.  The same type of person that sacked his job as a teacher cause he didnt get finished till half 6 in the evening.  Mate just stop going to football in fact f**k it am going to ask DAFC if they can install safe spaces for offensive singing by your support next time at East End.  So everyones allowed to have an opinion as long as it agrees with yours.  I didnt see many of your support mentioning the racial abuse directed at Hippolyte and Austin.  Its only offensive if you choose it to be offensive, you do realise that its possible to be annoyed about something acknowledge it and move on with your life ffs get a grip.
I hope your going to apologise to  all those people you have slagged off took the piss out off or offended then or you took the piss out of, by the way that includes Irish Jokes, Jokes about sexuuality people being ugly, thick etc 


You’re not far off, but I have never been employed as a teacher.
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18 minutes ago, AL0011 said:

Seriously mate ? , so am guessing your the kind of person lets go round in circles till i get the answer i want.  Your the exact type of person thats caused the world we live in i dont like the answer so am stamping my feet till i get what i want.  The same type of person that sacked his job as a teacher cause he didnt get finished till half 6 in the evening.  Mate just stop going to football in fact f**k it am going to ask DAFC if they can install safe spaces for offensive singing by your support next time at East End.  So everyones allowed to have an opinion as long as it agrees with yours.  I didnt see many of your support mentioning the racial abuse directed at Hippolyte and Austin.  Its only offensive if you choose it to be offensive, you do realise that its possible to be annoyed about something acknowledge it and move on with your life ffs get a grip.

I hope your going to apologise to  all those people you have slagged off took the piss out off or offended then or you took the piss out of, by the way that includes Irish Jokes, Jokes about sexuuality people being ugly, thick etc 




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He isnt the first young lad that said something daft and regretted it f**k sake we were all young once and some still are, People make mistakes thats how we learn.  He's had a rude awakening for saying something daft and paying the penalty for it.

Long Story short 

Mocking a person affliction = Bad

8 Game ban = harsh

life goes on f**k sake  can we move on with our lives now thats been established.



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If Malky McKay can wriggle out of it as easy as he did then O'Hara should be fine.

Purely footballing wise: no real loss to the first team, but he's seriously impeded his opportunities to make a mark in what should have been his season to do so, the silly boy

Precedent set now though, hopefully he comes back smarter maturer and more focussed, or he's in danger of becoming the new John Baird. ie all bustle and not much end result

Joe McKee similarly is no great loss (assuming he cops a ban too) as dead ball ability aside he's been notably ordinary this season

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32 minutes ago, AL0011 said:

Seriously mate ? , so am guessing your the kind of person lets go round in circles till i get the answer i want.  Your the exact type of person thats caused the world we live in i dont like the answer so am stamping my feet till i get what i want.  The same type of person that sacked his job as a teacher cause he didnt get finished till half 6 in the evening.  Mate just stop going to football in fact f**k it am going to ask DAFC if they can install safe spaces for offensive singing by your support next time at East End.  So everyones allowed to have an opinion as long as it agrees with yours.  I didnt see many of your support mentioning the racial abuse directed at Hippolyte and Austin.  Its only offensive if you choose it to be offensive, you do realise that its possible to be annoyed about something acknowledge it and move on with your life ffs get a grip.

I hope your going to apologise to  all those people you have slagged off took the piss out off or offended then or you took the piss out of, by the way that includes Irish Jokes, Jokes about sexuuality people being ugly, thick etc 




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Seriously mate ? , so am guessing your the kind of person lets go round in circles till i get the answer i want.  Your the exact type of person thats caused the world we live in i dont like the answer so am stamping my feet till i get what i want.  The same type of person that sacked his job as a teacher cause he didnt get finished till half 6 in the evening.  Mate just stop going to football in fact f**k it am going to ask DAFC if they can install safe spaces for offensive singing by your support next time at East End.  So everyones allowed to have an opinion as long as it agrees with yours.  I didnt see many of your support mentioning the racial abuse directed at Hippolyte and Austin.  Its only offensive if you choose it to be offensive, you do realise that its possible to be annoyed about something acknowledge it and move on with your life ffs get a grip.
I hope your going to apologise to  all those people you have slagged off took the piss out off or offended then or you took the piss out of, by the way that includes Irish Jokes, Jokes about sexuuality people being ugly, thick etc 


Oh jeez
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34 minutes ago, Russ said:

No really paid much attention to this over the last few days but f**k me there’s been a load is shite banding about both ways (mostly from Falkirk fans granted)

Obviously I’ve no idea what O’Hara said however it was clear from the picture something had to have been said. So assuming he has said something offensive he absolutely deserved to be punished. I do find 8 games to be quite excessive (was only expecting around a 3 game ban) but obviously they are trying to send out a message that comments of the like are unacceptable which I suppose you can understand.

I hope the way this has blown up doesn’t have a serious impact a major impact on O’Hara’s career but I can’t see how it can’t. He’s 19 and he’s said something extremely stupid during the heat of the moment during a flashpoint in the game. Was it wrong? Absolutely. Does he deserve his ban? Of course. I just hope he’s able to learn from this and kick on as a player rather than this being the start of his career completely unravelling before it’s properly began.




Surely that’s the dream.


Christ if your going to give a player an 8 game ban every time someone says something offensive then there wont be many eligible players left.

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11 hours ago, Jimmy85 said:


Oh ya fucker.  Honestly one of the most despicable posts I’ve ever read on this forum. 

Genuinely staggered Falkirk fans are now taking the Tonev defence. Utterly, utterly sickening. 


What, you don't think that's a possibility? Quelle surprise!

It would be interesting to see the stats regards clubs reporting issues to the league. You may be aware that Dunfermline have done it more than once and not always about the same club.

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1 hour ago, AL0011 said:

Seriously mate ? , so am guessing your the kind of person lets go round in circles till i get the answer i want.  Your the exact type of person thats caused the world we live in i dont like the answer so am stamping my feet till i get what i want.  The same type of person that sacked his job as a teacher cause he didnt get finished till half 6 in the evening.  Mate just stop going to football in fact f**k it am going to ask DAFC if they can install safe spaces for offensive singing by your support next time at East End.  So everyones allowed to have an opinion as long as it agrees with yours.  I didnt see many of your support mentioning the racial abuse directed at Hippolyte and Austin.  Its only offensive if you choose it to be offensive, you do realise that its possible to be annoyed about something acknowledge it and move on with your life ffs get a grip.

I hope your going to apologise to  all those people you have slagged off took the piss out off or offended then or you took the piss out of, by the way that includes Irish Jokes, Jokes about sexuuality people being ugly, thick etc 




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