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Announcement tomorrow, apparently.   It remains to be seen if this is a yes or no.

If there’s to be an announcement tomorrow I don’t know whether to admire the board’s sense of humour in announcing this on Halloween, or to despise them even more for finalising this horror show on this date as some type of morbid humour GIRUY to the supporters....

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Reading all of this, combined with the total lack of transparency and communication coming from the club, despite the fans continuing to back the team in their numbers whilst being treated like peasants, makes me feel sick to the stomach.

Remember the 'root and branch' review? Remember the promise of openness? We're in the third tier with a fucking diddy as a manager, a team who looks like they have never played together before, with a board basically hanging about, providing no information, taking the piss.

In its current form, Falkirk Football Club can get to f**k. Sick of it.

Edited by 18BAIRN76
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Gentlemen of the loud minority. Time to reap what you sow.  I'm a fan of 34 years , first game was a 2-3 loss to Morton, towards the end of our promotion season.

For reference I stood at the fence from 1987 until the last game at Inverness.  I was there when Jimmy Gilmour scored that screamer at Parkhead, the only reason I still have a VHS. 

The vitriol that has been directed towards the likes of Martin Ritchie, is complete and uniformed nonsense. Key board warriors hang your head in shame. This is the guy that saved us from oblivion and until the last few years, had us in cup finals, and had us on unforgettable trips to Czech Republic and UEFA Cup to Vaduz.  

Most of you pie and bovril regulars wouldn't have noticed that the alleged c!!!nts of the MSG were sat in the away end at Starks Park. Thats because you don't attend games, but shout the loudest from your keyboard after watching on your computer. The rest us of us are in the pub or on the way back from an away game.

Incidentally I saw MC at Raith and the guy looks like a tink.  

So shout loud boys, destroy our club and continue to maintain that the likes of Yogi was a diddy. Look at the stats. There should be a statue of  Yogi in the foyer for services as an exceptional player and our best manager since JJ.

So we will wait and see what happens tomorrow. But in my opinion it will be the rank and file fans who suffer, for you over opinionated pish and shite boycotts. 

I will continue to follow Falkirk over land and see, whatever happens. Unlike you board jockeys. 

If Martin Ritchie and Colin Liddel sell their shares, then thanks to both and others who at the time saved us from oblivion. The memories of the good times will never be erased.

Incidentally, if Ray has to go, which I am not averse to. Nobody has proposed a decent alternative My shout for what it's worth is Alex Rae. Lets get some passion back. 





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4 hours ago, CC52 FFC said:

Apparently full board will leave according to those who met him last night and McKinnon will be a “head coach” rather than a manager, whatever the difference is.

hopefully a fancy PE teacher and left to carry bottles on the match day till his contract expires.

Its either comic timing or reality that there is a rumoured statement due on Halloween, tho both equal horror 

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Hi guys! I’ve read with interest over the last few weeks the comments from a number of posters. We are, as we speak, in a really perilous position in OUR clubs history and it’s time that this whole sorry saga is put to bed. Both the MSG and Boardroom lack leaders and we are, as a club, rudderless which has left us in what can only be described as a fucking shambles of a state. It’s time for the MSG to put this saga to bed and NOW, not next week or the following week, NOW! If they are not prepared to do so, someone from the Boardroom please show some balls and step forward and do it for them. If it means breaking ranks, do so and I know you will be applauded for your actions.  Enough is enough. We have allowed our supposed PR guru member of the MSG to let Mark Campbell “meet and greet” the supporters with another one of his brainchild moves which was nothing short of fucking stupidity on his part and he does have previous. Mark Campbell, if he had been the real deal and been a professional person would have declined the offer until he had the keys to the stadium and his antics over the last number of weeks have proven that he is, in short an egomaniac. We have a manager who is clearly out of his depth, who was backed to the hilt in the summer and is boring the 4,000 or so of us to death that are still loyally turning up with his turgid rubbish. I go back to what I said above, if we had a leader, the manager would have been emptied at the end of the season. His win percentage is significantly worse than Hartley’s was and no one has had the balls to deal with it. We allowed a Chief Executive and Chair in Margaret Lang to go hiring a manager when they both knew the square route of f**k all about football. £140k it cost us to get him in, stop and think about that for a minute.....and that’s before his salary. It’s clear, we have had people making decisions who haven’t known what they are doing and it is us as supporters and sponsors who are continually being asked to shell out cash to gloss over the clusterfuck of mistakes that have been made. We cannot trust them to make the right one with this takeover saga. Here’s what we need to do in my opinion, say thanks but no thanks to Mr Campbell, empty McKinnon now before I/we lose the will to live, disband the MSG and make significant changes in the Boardroom at the AGM, then take stock for a few months and try and create fresh investment when everyone has a clear head. As we all know, when your feeling the pressure that’s when the wrong decisions are made and believe me, we can’t afford to get this one wrong or our very future could be at stake. We all love our club, its our town and our identity so let’s, for God’s sake not get this one wrong. COYB! 

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Gentlemen of the loud minority. Time to reap what you sow.  I'm a fan of 34 years , first game was a 2-3 loss to Morton, towards the end of our promotion season.
For reference I stood at the fence from 1987 until the last game at Inverness.  I was there when Jimmy Gilmour scored that screamer at Parkhead, the only reason I still have a VHS. 
The vitriol that has been directed towards the likes of Martin Ritchie, is complete and uniformed nonsense. Key board warriors hang your head in shame. This is the guy that saved us from oblivion and until the last few years, had us in cup finals, and had us on unforgettable trips to Czech Republic and UEFA Cup to Vaduz.  
Most of you pie and bovril regulars wouldn't have noticed that the alleged c!!!nts of the MSG were sat in the away end at Starks Park. Thats because you don't attend games, but shout the loudest from your keyboard after watching on your computer. The rest us of us are in the pub or on the way back from an away game.
Incidentally I saw MC at Raith and the guy looks like a tink.  
So shout loud boys, destroy our club and continue to maintain that the likes of Yogi was a diddy. Look at the stats. There should be a statue of  Yogi in the foyer for services as an exceptional player and our best manager since JJ.
So we will wait and see what happens tomorrow. But in my opinion it will be the rank and file fans who suffer, for you over opinionated pish and shite boycotts. 
I will continue to follow Falkirk over land and see, whatever happens. Unlike you board jockeys. 
If Martin Ritchie and Colin Liddel sell their shares, then thanks to both and others who at the time saved us from oblivion. The memories of the good times will never be erased.
Incidentally, if Ray has to go, which I am not averse to. Nobody has proposed a decent alternative My shout for what it's worth is Alex Rae. Lets get some passion back. 

A bit of a scatter gun approach. You really can’t berate people for missing games when you yourself are currently missing games. Equally you cannot make the statement that everyone voicing opinions on P&B don’t go to games.....if you want to do that, then by your own definition, you don’t go either (given you are here posting an opinion on P&B).

Your 34 years supporting the Bairns will be aligned to your age.....as is mine. I remember Dougie Moran in a Falkirk jersey, so your 34 years (in the words of Shania Twain) “well that don’t impress me much”.

If you think people posting their gripes on here are “destroying the club”, then you are seriously over rating the power of this forum.

As to boycotts.....there is no organised boycott. Some have chosen not to go.......their prerogative, but there is no organised boycott.

Over opinionated pish.......be careful now. That’s textbook pot and kettle.

Wanting McKinnon gone doesn’t mean that those who say so are obliged to name an alternative.

I liked the “board jockeys” comment. There you are, positioning yourself as a superior supporter over those who post on here......and you do that..... by posting on here. Deary me.
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Firstly I didn't miss the Clyde game and I will be back on Friday. Once upon a time I had to travel back back by tug boat to Abidjan then take 3 flights to get to Vaduz. So what I do midweek has nothing to do with my attendance.

As for the rest of your response.  I appreciate your advice. Personally, I think that the bigger picture has been missed and I by no means think I am superior to any other fan. 

While I agree that Ray is not the man. Who could we realistically bring in?  I think he is too mild mannered and a guy like Alex Rae could turn things around. 

I was at Meadowbank, last game of the season when nearly 1,000 of us sang Jeffries Jeffries get to f**k. The rest is history.

In terms of length of support, it was not my Intention to impress, simply to say that I have seen a bit.

The power of this forum should not be underestimated. If I was on the board, I would have to either take some notice or completely ignore the views. Some of the comments have been over the top.

As mentioned frequently the board do read this forum.

You Sir of far more longstanding as a supporter of our club, should perhaps acknowledge that it hasn't all been bad under the current board. Lex Miller excluded. 

Anyway we will see what will happen tomorrow.  

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3 hours ago, ALLY B FFC said:

Gentlemen of the loud minority. Time to reap what you sow.  I'm a fan of 34 years , first game was a 2-3 loss to Morton, towards the end of our promotion season.

For reference I stood at the fence from 1987 until the last game at Inverness.  I was there when Jimmy Gilmour scored that screamer at Parkhead, the only reason I still have a VHS. 

The vitriol that has been directed towards the likes of Martin Ritchie, is complete and uniformed nonsense. Key board warriors hang your head in shame. This is the guy that saved us from oblivion and until the last few years, had us in cup finals, and had us on unforgettable trips to Czech Republic and UEFA Cup to Vaduz.  

Most of you pie and bovril regulars wouldn't have noticed that the alleged c!!!nts of the MSG were sat in the away end at Starks Park. Thats because you don't attend games, but shout the loudest from your keyboard after watching on your computer. The rest us of us are in the pub or on the way back from an away game.

Incidentally I saw MC at Raith and the guy looks like a tink.  

So shout loud boys, destroy our club and continue to maintain that the likes of Yogi was a diddy. Look at the stats. There should be a statue of  Yogi in the foyer for services as an exceptional player and our best manager since JJ.

So we will wait and see what happens tomorrow. But in my opinion it will be the rank and file fans who suffer, for you over opinionated pish and shite boycotts. 

I will continue to follow Falkirk over land and see, whatever happens. Unlike you board jockeys. 

If Martin Ritchie and Colin Liddel sell their shares, then thanks to both and others who at the time saved us from oblivion. The memories of the good times will never be erased.

Incidentally, if Ray has to go, which I am not averse to. Nobody has proposed a decent alternative My shout for what it's worth is Alex Rae. Lets get some passion back. 





Well this is all over the place really.

You are making sweeping generalizations and massive assumptions tbh.

How do you know we on here hold the minority view - have you done a survey?  Also there is all sorts of differing opinions anyway. I have never personally criticized Martin Ritchie on here but there are posters like Relegator Ritchie who blames him for everything. You seem to be the opposite - the above reads like he single handedly saved us then got us into cup finals and the rest.      

I really enjoyed the Yogi years as manager  but others on here have nothing but contempt for him now -  I am not sure why you are suddenly bringing his period up in this context as you've already give Ritchie all the credit for then.

Again unless you have done another survey you have no idea who goes to games and who doesn't so why make these assumptions & accusations - I thought all that "Real Fan" bullshit had died long ago.   

You tell us our opinions are uniformed nonsense, over opinionated pish  & we should hang our heads in shame - then shortly after state the power of this forum should not be underestimated. 

If Martin Ritchie and Colin Liddell sell their shares to a conman who puts us out of business in 2 years time then I am afraid they will have lost all that goodwill you claim we should still have for them, but worse still we won't have a club to support  - this is the main reason fans are speaking out now.

Lastly the suggestion of Alex Rae is laughable, I am pretty sure what we don't need right now is a managerial novice whose only shots at running a team have ended in disaster - just ask some St Mirren fans about him.

The only thing I agree with you about is that Mark Campbell is a tink.     


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Gentlemen of the loud minority. Time to reap what you sow.  I'm a fan of 34 years , first game was a 2-3 loss to Morton, towards the end of our promotion season.
For reference I stood at the fence from 1987 until the last game at Inverness.  I was there when Jimmy Gilmour scored that screamer at Parkhead, the only reason I still have a VHS. 
The vitriol that has been directed towards the likes of Martin Ritchie, is complete and uniformed nonsense. Key board warriors hang your head in shame. This is the guy that saved us from oblivion and until the last few years, had us in cup finals, and had us on unforgettable trips to Czech Republic and UEFA Cup to Vaduz.  
Most of you pie and bovril regulars wouldn't have noticed that the alleged c!!!nts of the MSG were sat in the away end at Starks Park. Thats because you don't attend games, but shout the loudest from your keyboard after watching on your computer. The rest us of us are in the pub or on the way back from an away game.
Incidentally I saw MC at Raith and the guy looks like a tink.  
So shout loud boys, destroy our club and continue to maintain that the likes of Yogi was a diddy. Look at the stats. There should be a statue of  Yogi in the foyer for services as an exceptional player and our best manager since JJ.
So we will wait and see what happens tomorrow. But in my opinion it will be the rank and file fans who suffer, for you over opinionated pish and shite boycotts. 
I will continue to follow Falkirk over land and see, whatever happens. Unlike you board jockeys. 
If Martin Ritchie and Colin Liddel sell their shares, then thanks to both and others who at the time saved us from oblivion. The memories of the good times will never be erased.
Incidentally, if Ray has to go, which I am not averse to. Nobody has proposed a decent alternative My shout for what it's worth is Alex Rae. Lets get some passion back. 

Alex Rae ha ha ha.
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As has been mentioned numerous times yes they stood up and were counted during the liquidation but that has been repaid by the fan base consistently over the years especially during the past 3 seasons or poor performances, high turnover of players and a relegation.  Folk keep going on about touching distance with the top at Christmas but we shouldn't be touching distance we should be at the top given the resources and budget RM has at his disposal.  

I know we dont have any divine right to be at the top and if results are showing anything it shows RM hasnt got whats needed to turn a game like Houstie had.

As for who to replace him only way to find out is for to put the job out there and see who apply's just not Alex Rae, Hartley or any of the usual suspects that do the managerial merry go round.

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6 hours ago, Craig101 said:

Hi guys! I’ve read with interest over the last few weeks the comments from a number of posters. We are, as we speak, in a really perilous position in OUR clubs history and it’s time that this whole sorry saga is put to bed. Both the MSG and Boardroom lack leaders and we are, as a club, rudderless which has left us in what can only be described as a fucking shambles of a state. It’s time for the MSG to put this saga to bed and NOW, not next week or the following week, NOW! If they are not prepared to do so, someone from the Boardroom please show some balls and step forward and do it for them. If it means breaking ranks, do so and I know you will be applauded for your actions.  Enough is enough. We have allowed our supposed PR guru member of the MSG to let Mark Campbell “meet and greet” the supporters with another one of his brainchild moves which was nothing short of fucking stupidity on his part and he does have previous. Mark Campbell, if he had been the real deal and been a professional person would have declined the offer until he had the keys to the stadium and his antics over the last number of weeks have proven that he is, in short an egomaniac. We have a manager who is clearly out of his depth, who was backed to the hilt in the summer and is boring the 4,000 or so of us to death that are still loyally turning up with his turgid rubbish. I go back to what I said above, if we had a leader, the manager would have been emptied at the end of the season. His win percentage is significantly worse than Hartley’s was and no one has had the balls to deal with it. We allowed a Chief Executive and Chair in Margaret Lang to go hiring a manager when they both knew the square route of f**k all about football. £140k it cost us to get him in, stop and think about that for a minute.....and that’s before his salary. It’s clear, we have had people making decisions who haven’t known what they are doing and it is us as supporters and sponsors who are continually being asked to shell out cash to gloss over the clusterfuck of mistakes that have been made. We cannot trust them to make the right one with this takeover saga. Here’s what we need to do in my opinion, say thanks but no thanks to Mr Campbell, empty McKinnon now before I/we lose the will to live, disband the MSG and make significant changes in the Boardroom at the AGM, then take stock for a few months and try and create fresh investment when everyone has a clear head. As we all know, when your feeling the pressure that’s when the wrong decisions are made and believe me, we can’t afford to get this one wrong or our very future could be at stake. We all love our club, its our town and our identity so let’s, for God’s sake not get this one wrong. COYB! 

I agree with this 100%, but how can we enforce change at the AGM? wont they just group together and vote down any motions that are put forward?

I would love to see some sort of emergency board put in place with the view of finding fresh investment, which is undoubtedly out there, we had 30 odd fans willing to invest decent sums for money into the club and am sure more could be found.

They must now be getting the feeling that the vast majority of fans are at best lukewarm to MC, I genuinely don't seem to speak to any fans who are really FOR MC getting control.

This whole saga has been a total disaster the sooner we can enforce meaningful change the better - i just cant see the route there.

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5 hours ago, ALLY B FFC said:

Firstly I didn't miss the Clyde game and I will be back on Friday. Once upon a time I had to travel back back by tug boat to Abidjan then take 3 flights to get to Vaduz. So what I do midweek has nothing to do with my attendance.

As for the rest of your response.  I appreciate your advice. Personally, I think that the bigger picture has been missed and I by no means think I am superior to any other fan. 

While I agree that Ray is not the man. Who could we realistically bring in?  I think he is too mild mannered and a guy like Alex Rae could turn things around. 

I was at Meadowbank, last game of the season when nearly 1,000 of us sang Jeffries Jeffries get to f**k. The rest is history.

In terms of length of support, it was not my Intention to impress, simply to say that I have seen a bit.

The power of this forum should not be underestimated. If I was on the board, I would have to either take some notice or completely ignore the views. Some of the comments have been over the top.

As mentioned frequently the board do read this forum.

You Sir of far more longstanding as a supporter of our club, should perhaps acknowledge that it hasn't all been bad under the current board. Lex Miller excluded. 

Anyway we will see what will happen tomorrow.  

Well, that’s us told. Sorry superfan, we’ll all just keep our opinions to ourselves in future. 

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