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The Falkirk FC Thread

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44 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

It's not complaining about Falkirk not doing what everybody else is not doing.

This can only work by having a collective standard. That mean when the away team arrive for the game. They abide by the same standards therefore keeping themselves and the home team safe and vice versa.

It is no different to a contractor of facility management company for example. All parties on the premises abide by a uniform set of procedures. Since FFC would be going to 10-12 locations uniformity of standards are crucial.

Hope this clarifies - 2.1 ah old memories of long risk assessment meetings come flooding back. They are not missed LOL

As far as I can see, the standards are being issued by the government and passed down through the SFA. Every club has their own safety officer and these guys will have the job of implementing whatever instructions come out. There will be the usual audits and checks by the SFA to make sure everyone is complying. 

I don't think there's anything to be concerned about other than how onerous and costly the whole thing will be.



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3 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

I notice 625k is in the form of gift aid. Is that really what gift aid was set up to do? Fund professional football.clubs? Seems a wee bit iffy to me.


3 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Yeah but it's one thing the cash going to grass roots football and another it going to professional football teams. 

How can it be 'iffy'? The government add gift aid to charitable donations, they're not going to question what it's used for. 

The guy wants to help clubs get through the current situation and apparently has decided that this should be split equally between all clubs. The SPFL can't then say 'thanks for your dosh but we're not going to spend it on what you wanted us to'. Don't think the clubs would be very happy either.

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13 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:


How can it be 'iffy'? The government add gift aid to charitable donations, they're not going to question what it's used for. 

The guy wants to help clubs get through the current situation and apparently has decided that this should be split equally between all clubs. The SPFL can't then say 'thanks for your dosh but we're not going to spend it on what you wanted us to'. Don't think the clubs would be very happy either.

It just doesnt quite sit right with me teams that have just spent 3 million quid on a player getting a charitable donation via gift aid. That's just me I'm afraid.

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23 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

It just doesnt quite sit right with me teams that have just spent 3 million quid on a player getting a charitable donation via gift aid. That's just me I'm afraid.

That, I don't disagree with.

When you think of the difference that this will make to the Ugly Sisters, they would do themselves more good by saying 'we don't want it, split it between the rest'! That extra would be the equivalent of about half a home gate for the likes of Stenhousemuir or Cowdenbeath etc.

Actually I got that wrong, it would be a full home gate!

Edited by ShaggerG
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Are we all still thinking our £50K comes without conditions ?


To be honest the only issue I have with this is Hearts buying their way out of trouble.

The Thistle relegation is a disgrace and if this rights that wrong so much the better.


Edit to add no arse cheek boys teams polluting the league either has to be a positive.

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This is definitely the fairest way to do it. Its the closest to a Do No Harm scenario and stops the ridiculous relegation of Partick Thistle although i think Hearts amd Stranraer were goners anyway.

Us, Caley and Edinburgh City get lucky if it goes through and the teams in 3rd & 4th get shafted.

Cant see it suceeding though unless this extra money has brought in some change.

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1 hour ago, Bantabairn said:

ie back the reconstruction and we will plough more cash in.....

He has said no such thing. The aspersions being cast about this guy are absolutely ridiculous. He's done something that will be of great financial benefit to many clubs most in need of it in the current climate. What has Mr 388k come up with to help clubs? The reason reconstruction is a live issue is very simple. The aforementioned Mr 388k is absolutely shitting it at the prospect of Heart of Midlothian going down the legal route, which they 100 per cent will, and the potential impact of this legal action on the start of the season and therefore his beloved Sky contract, the only thing he cares about.

We were one point off the top of the table, with a vastly superior goal difference and the team in 1st place to play at home, when it was suspended. If that situation had been replicated in the Premier League with the Gruesome Twosome, the league would never have been called in a million years. They would not have dared. Yet in all the wailing and nashing of teeth about Poor Hearts, Poor Partick, we have barely rated a mention. I couldn't care less about Budge's motivations, her naked self-interest is no different to, or any worse than, 41 other clubs, if reconstruction benefits us, it's about time. The alternative is the absolute No Man's Land we appear to be currently occupying, not even the remotest sign of any intent about when or if League 1 may be in a position to commence. So likely sitting idle whilst the Championship is back up and running. Perhaps no action until next year at the earliest? F**k that.

Edited by AGPar
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He hasn’t obviously said my comment, I’m suggesting what’s behind his comments about further investment. In my opinion there’s a motive behind his sudden appearance. As said it all about opinions, and don’t disagree with the probable legal case Hearts will probably file for.

You know, if I had the cash that the man from Baillie Gifford has I’d want to ask myself why I’d ever want to pump cash into Scottish Football when all I get in return is grief from cynics like you.

Whatever his motive (if any), it’s probably more honest that the men that run Scottish Football at present....

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The devil is in the detail.

This gesture by a generous benefactor will rightly have conditions applied to the donation.

Would like to know the following.

Is there a length of time that the ruling association cannot change the league structure ? ( we all know many would prefer the status quo as soon as they can get away with it )

Are there conditions on what the club can spend their share of the money on ? ( There will be some cynical individuals at clubs that will look on this as a payday )

It's great news ! but hope there are restrictions that stops abuse by the powerful.


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For all we know he could be a real genuine guy, donating serious cash to preserve/protect Scottish Football teams who without this reported £50K injection may have went out of business. Get this 100%. My serious concern/issue is why did he choose Budge to inform the media/press at a critical time when Budge was trying to save Hearts with reconstruction.
If what’s been reported is true, Donny & crew didn’t have a scubie about the investment like all of us... sorry but this doesn’t sit right and as posted, and in my opinion there will be some sort of payback which I believe is the SPFL bleeding for a 14 top league, and as a member has posted a court case against the top league. 
Yes we stand to gain from the proposal and yes I would take the additional slot in the championship, just feels wrong....

No more wrong than Raith being promoted and us missing on a PPG formula technicality.

We’ve been unfairly screwed by the system, time for us to unfairly benefit for once
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