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The Falkirk FC Thread

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1 hour ago, BountyBairn said:

Should be treated as a forfeit from Aberdeen. The simple reason is no one forced those players to break the rules and there should be consequences of their choice.

I couldn’t give a flying f**k if McInnes is furious with them. Make an example or them and set the tone for rest of season. 


To follow up, if players decided to conduct themselves in an unprofessional manner (other than Covid - lets say they all got blind drunk the morning of the match) which made then unable to play then their side would forfeit if they couldn’t field a team: I see this as the same. 

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3 hours ago, Bula Bairn said:

Because it's self inflicted. 

Exactly noone but aberdeen to blame as they have deliberately broken the current covid rules and threatened the health of all their own staff and players and opposition  teams staff and players. This should be treated far worse than a failed drugs test where the individual at the end of the day is only harming himself at least.

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Nonsense. Why on earth would a 3-0 win be awarded for a postponement? Furthermore, the game was set to go ahead until the SG stepped in. The only people peddling this line are, with all due respect, fucking idiots. 

Idiocy? How about you inability to grasp that the postponement was an effect. The cause is what you punish, not the effect. Jesus Aitch.
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The situation could have been avoided if the players in question followed the guidelines given by the SFA/SPFL/Scottish Govt. Due to players blowing the direction given out they now have created an already congested fixture list, which could have been avoided as a result i would say its unfair to StJohnstone as they followed the guidelines Aberdeen didnt so where is the fairness in that situation. Punishment should fit the crime St Johnstone should be awarded the points as this situation should never have occured.

Points deducted/awarded should be punishment and should act as a detterent for any others who decided to arse it up as at the end of the day the ripple effect is this just prolongs games being played behind closed doors and its every club affected by this in the long run not just StJohnstone/Aberdeen.

Edited by AL-FFC
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2 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:

The situation could have been avoided if the players in question followed the guidelines given by the SFA/SPFL/Scottish Govt due to players blowing the direction given out they now have created an already congested fixture list, which could have been avoided as a result i would say its unfair to StJohnstone as thy followed the guidelines Aberdeen didnt so where is the fairness in that situation. Punishment should fit the crime St Johnstone should be awarded the points as this situation should never have occured.

Seems hard to disagree with that.

Looking at it from all contrarian angles, they agreed to the rules, broke them, therefore should be punished.

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11 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:

The situation could have been avoided if the players in question followed the guidelines given by the SFA/SPFL/Scottish Govt due to players blowing the direction given out they now have created an already congested fixture list, which could have been avoided as a result i would say its unfair to StJohnstone as thy followed the guidelines Aberdeen didnt so where is the fairness in that situation. Punishment should fit the crime St Johnstone should be awarded the points as this situation should never have occured.

They should have made the rules clearer and established sanctions for breaking them. As Aberdeen were willing to field a team there's nothing in the SPFL rules that they can use to punish them. I bet there are players right around the Premiership thanking their luck that they weren't caught up in something similar. Hopefully for the rest of football they'll all take it as a big wake up call. It's doubly unfair for St Johnstone as they'll now have to face a full strength Aberdeen team, unlike Hamilton on Wednesday night and Celtic next Saturday.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

They should have made the rules clearer and established sanctions for breaking them. As Aberdeen were willing to field a team there's nothing in the SPFL rules that they can use to punish them. I bet there are players right around the Premiership thanking their luck that they weren't caught up in something similar. Hopefully for the rest of football they'll all take it as a big wake up call. It's doubly unfair for St Johnstone as they'll now have to face a full strength Aberdeen team, unlike Hamilton on Wednesday night and Celtic next Saturday.

Thats the trouble the SPFL rules as we have seen by the seasons end and prior tribunals/hearings are made up as they go along its crisis management waiting till the horse has bolted and then shutting the gate thats why they end up with the court action/hearings as they still dont learn from any of the previous lessons.  If they take any action now its going to end up in arbitration again as being unfair as there was nothing said/rules about any implications if a club breached protocol.  It was only a matter of time before a club f**ked it up i just didnt think we would have less than 2 weeks for one to do it.

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2 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:

Thats the trouble the SPFL rules as we have seen by the seasons end and prior tribunals/hearings are made up as they go along its crisis management waiting till the horse has bolted and then shutting the gate thats why they end up with the court action/hearings as they still dont learn from any of the previous lessons.  If they take any action now its going to end up in arbitration again as being unfair as there was nothing said/rules about any implications if a club breached protocol.  It was only a matter of time before a club f**ked it up i just didnt think we would have less than 2 weeks for one to do it.

The trouble is getting the clubs to agree to any changes to the rules. They tried to get a framework set up so everybody would know what would happen if the season had to end prematurely again, the clubs wouldn't have it. They urgently need to get the voting system changed.

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7 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:

 It was only a matter of time before a club f**ked it up i just didnt think we would have less than 2 weeks for one to do it.

I'm  surprised they lasted 2 weeks. A badly run organisation, governing a group of badly run clubs who employ some of the thickest people on  earth.

What could possibly go wrong?

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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Just now, Sergeant Wilson said:

I'm  surprised they lasted 2 weeks. A badly run organisation, governing a group of badly run clubs who employ some of the thickest people on  earth.

What could possibly go wrong.

When you look at it they didnt even last 2 weeks, like i say it was always a case of when not IF but agree with you on badly run organisation you would think after the last f**k up they would try and adjust but they dont they keep the same open to interpretation rules in the hope that whoever sits on any of the panels find in favour of the SPFL so they can say they were in the right. Its only a matter of time before one of those tribunals/panels/hearings goes the wrong way and bites them in the arse.

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16 minutes ago, Bantabairn said:

Just gets better, Griffiths posting pics of a party for his girlfriend when it’s obvious he’s broke his own clubs rules. Guessing that it’s only a matter  of time before our FM decides enough is enough. 

Griffiths is a half wit but the big worry is he knows Lennon let’s him away with everything so will just get worse.

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6 hours ago, Falkirk09Bairn said:

Nonsense. Why on earth would a 3-0 win be awarded for a postponement? Furthermore, the game was set to go ahead until the SG stepped in. The only people peddling this line are, with all due respect, fucking idiots. 

It was not a straight forward postponement,if it was down to players being unavailable due to say a normal virus then fair enough.

But the Aberdeen players choose to go out and drink,breaking social distance rules thus causing them to have to self isolate.

Also if i was Aberdeen FC  i would fine them.

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Where the Aberdeen scenario gets sticky is that the government called the game off, as far as I'm aware Aberdeen had no issue with playing the game minus the players involved.

The governments decision show that they have zero confidence in testing.

I'm pretty sure our game will have these scenarios throughout this season, it doesn't have to be a pub for the virus to spread and if it was a church(I'm an atheist btw) would the outcry be the same ?

I'm not sticking up for Aberdeen but it could've been any club and probably will be soon.

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24 minutes ago, keithgy said:

It was not a straight forward postponement,if it was down to players being unavailable due to say a normal virus then fair enough.

But the Aberdeen players choose to go out and drink,breaking social distance rules thus causing them to have to self isolate.

Also if i was Aberdeen FC  i would fine them.

St Johnstone, Dundee United and Hibs players were also out on the same night. They were lucky and tested negative through blind luck. Should those sides be punished as well? 

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Just now, Falkirk09Bairn said:

St Johnstone, Dundee United and Hibs players were also out on the same night. They were lucky and tested negative through blind luck. Should those sides be punished as well? 

Pretty much this.

Players in this Country aren't acting responsibly, including at my own club, and its hugely disappointing.

I made a huge fuss on here about well the league had done creating a plan to avoid all risk of the virus spreading. It all means absolutely nothing if the players are just going to disregard it the moment they leave the training ground.

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