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1 hour ago, Shadwell Dog said:

I do find it quite remarkable how some folk would rather back chesty Morgan who has no link to the club/town whatsoever and has only a small investment at stake over guys who are fans through and through and have supported the club for years. It's a funny old game right enough.

Did you find it quite remarkable before 'Chesty Morgan' arrived? Did you warn against the club getting involved with them before it happened? Were you happy to continue to have the two major shareholders, who are both fans, carry on running the show in preference to the Rawlins?

It's no wonder that some folk don't want to get involved in our club when you read some of the vitriol on here!

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18 minutes ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

FFS its not about taking sides - its about giving folk some information and detail.  

As @JulioBairn says above, our support were so sick of the way the club was being run that we did everything we could to get the Rawlins in the door. 

Now, we're being told they are out to ruin the club despite on the face of it having more experience of decision making in successful football clubs than anyone else involved at the club.  
Normal fans being asked to 'take sides' with the Patrons when
(1) we don't even know who the 'patrons' are (just some secretive chat about there being a 'football man' involved etc... I mean - that's got to be the very least they could reveal surely?!?
(2) Nobody is actually telling us why The Rawlins approach = BAD
(3) we've been wanting a clear out for years, we now have one
(4) Most of those speaking out against the Rawlins sound to everyone else like they've had their nose put out of joint and have taken the hump.  

1. Maybe they have signed an NDA, I really don't know, although I'm sure someone wrote about the experience couple of weeks ago??

2. I think there has been quite a few points shared that would get alarm bells ringing eg they have control for a very small amount of cash.

a)Have you heard any plan?

b)What has happened to the forum?

3. Yep we have, I wouldn't say it's been cleared out yet though.

4. i've nothing to do with the bid, it's the last thing I would do with my cash unless necessary. I do have the hump though as I admire any fan that tries to help, volunteer or invest as it never seems to work out and I've seen too many good people leave and we can now add the CI to the list for now.

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Which would maybe be true if I felt compelled to buy a season ticket and believed everything that the "Happy clappers" say but I'm not and I don't.

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response. It occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. This psychological connection develops over the course of the days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or abuse.
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4 hours ago, MSG GTF! said:

Agree with this wholeheartedly. The only criticism I have of the patrons is that they should be shouting from the rooftops about what’s gone on. It’s the only way the wider fanbase is ever going to get an understanding of what they are up against. The CI showed them the way with their recent statement, it’s a shame the patrons appear to have taken the decision lying down and aren’t up for a fight.

I absolutely agree 100%

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2 hours ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

I don't doubt the CI guys have been treated shabbily but their statement said nothing really about the reasons the board have given them or what actually happened.  All we've heard from the Patrons bid is that someone (Mrs Rawlins?) took a swipe at their character but no actual details for us to judge. 


From what I read and know talking to one of the CI guys.....essentially the club had gone back  on several agreed ideas for naming of the stand. After agreeing to compromises, the CI guys raised enough cash to complete the work including companies who could implement it at a reasonable cost. The club then indicated they wanted full control of what was to be done, how it was done and by whom, with the CI guys ponying up the cash, but having no say whatsoever. When the CI guys wanted a written assurance that  the work would be done properly, in a fitting way to honour Crunchie, a couple members of the Board refused and started to take a hissy fit. 

I got a little about the personal details re letters and phone calls, but that’s for the CI guys to provide....as there  might be more to add than I heard about. 

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7 hours ago, ShaggerG said:

Why do you think?

Right, it's factual, I believe you.

However, we are constantly told that the Rawlins are now the baddies, so why exactly can't the letter be posted therefore allowing us all to see what kind of people we're dealing with? I personally wouldn't want my club getting involved with people who are threatening or abusing our supporters, unless it's in response to something that's been sent to them of course, so I would have thought this would be a perfect opportunity to discredit them. How will this 'come out in the future'? By what medium will we be able to see the content of the letter? 

I get that you're pissed off at not being able to get involved, as I presume that you're one of the fans group but the constant negativity and moaning at this that and the next thing isn't going to further your cause very well.

I, like many others, would like to see fan involvement in the running of the club but in partnership with the Rawlins or other benefactors because I don't think that sole fan ownership would be a good thing.

Perhaps someone who has a foot in neither camp could act as a mediator because the two sides are simply going to become more divided as things stand and the prospect of fan involvement will get further away.

I'd be interested in your thoughts on this.

2 hours ago, Zbairn said:

I absolutely agree 100%


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Got to love our fans. 

We have had Years of shite, called racists by the club, taken for granted and taken to the lowest place in over 40 years. 

a few guys try to pay homage to our best ever player and a few who want to pump in the largest ever investment are being banded the same as the stewards of the club. 

this club reeks of division caused by years of incompetence. 

Wake up and go and take a look at yourselves FFS! 

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If supporting a team of players kicking a ball made me that depressed I would take up knitting

With our lot I would take a 1-0 win.
Watching us losing  to Peterhead at home is not my idea of fun.  Not beating a full time team in almost 2 years is totally unacceptable. Ending up 5th in the Seaside Leagues was not exactly a barrel of laughs.....so who do you blame? 
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20 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

Got to love our fans. 

We have had Years of shite, called racists by the club, taken for granted and taken to the lowest place in over 40 years. 

a few guys try to pay homage to our best ever player and a few who want to pump in the largest ever investment are being banded the same as the stewards of the club. 

this club reeks of division caused by years of incompetence. 

Wake up and go and take a look at yourselves FFS! 

You are not being banded anything, the fans are looking for info on a supposed fan bid but you are not prepared to tell us anything. We know fine well how incompetent the board have been and we don’t need much of a reason to beat them yet all we get is the deflector shield and riddles.

Here’s how it looks to me. You’ve put forward a proposal (to Gary Deans and the Rawlins) that would see Deans lose his role as chairman, Rawlins have to invest significantly more money and Gary Holt lose his job. Turkeys and Christmas anyone??

If there is more to it than that then I’m sure we’d all appreciate knowing a bit more about what’s going on at our club. 

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2 hours ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

I don't understand why that letter can't be shared either. Otherwise it reeks of he said/she said. 

I am far from happy with the Rawlins but if this letter is damning post it. It can't be privileged correspondence in any legal sense.

Never air your dirty washing in public as the saying goes and the way this forum is anything put in type can be taken the wrong way or not the way it was intended. The one wanting it posted as much as they want to see for themselves the same time part of it is wanting to do an ISA and “people huv take know”

Edited by AL-FFC
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Cove away first game of the season, Clyde at home on boxing day and Queens Park away last game of the season.
Just over 6 weeks till the first game, announce the signings!!!
3 games at Westfield before August is out. With ST sales starting, are fans going to be in the ground by that time?
With a 3rd wave in the offing, can't really see it.
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58 minutes ago, JulioBairn said:

You are not being banded anything, the fans are looking for info on a supposed fan bid but you are not prepared to tell us anything. We know fine well how incompetent the board have been and we don’t need much of a reason to beat them yet all we get is the deflector shield and riddles.

Here’s how it looks to me. You’ve put forward a proposal (to Gary Deans and the Rawlins) that would see Deans lose his role as chairman, Rawlins have to invest significantly more money and Gary Holt lose his job. Turkeys and Christmas anyone??

If there is more to it than that then I’m sure we’d all appreciate knowing a bit more about what’s going on at our club. 

Pretty much been all over here if you have followed it. There was a post 2/3 weeks ago by someone which pretty much covered it.

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Feck me people complaining that they don't know enough about the patrons offer and yet we know far more from their side than we do the club. Deans hasn't said a thing since his grovelling statement weeks ago which promised a q and a session which has never materialised. If it wasn't for the patrons side fans wouldn't even know a huge investment had been knocked back by the club as the bod certainly haven't raised one cheep about it. There's been no explanation into why Rawlins hasn't taken up his extra investment that deans told us was a formality either.   Shareholders I would've thought should have at least been informed regarding such a large investment but not a thing from Deans and his pals.  They continue to treat the fans with contempt by glossing over everything that has happened in the last year and brushing any talk of refunds under the carpet.  Mind you if the person pulling your strings is thousands of miles away and prone to disappearing for weeks it's hardly surprising I suppose.

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47 minutes ago, Bantabairn said:

Two year deal, with likelihood of doubling his wages, at 26 can’t grudge the guy who at least tried his best when he pulled on the jersey, good luck and hope it works for him.

And the opportunity to play a European game even if it is just qualification. That doesn't exactly come around too often to players at this level.

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