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A wee ned who has acheived more as a manager than any of yours for donkeys' years

I dont disagree with much else here, but really? I mean, really??

How's that European qualification and 3 visits to Hampden in a season looking?

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I dont disagree with much else here, but really? I mean, really??

How's that European qualification and 3 visits to Hampden in a season looking?

Throw in a couple of 1st division titles and a challenge cup as well.

Another episode of 'When fishing trips go bad' brought to you by VT.

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You did, and he has achieved more than Allan Moore has in the first division. As Morton are richer, and surely attract better players, why was Pressley more successful last year than Moore, who were both in their first full seasons at their clubs? Moore also has more experience of lower league management, Pressley is a newbie inexperienced manager, as shown last year.

Why are you restricting it to the First Division? The undeniable fact here is that Allan Moore has done far more in his managerial career than Steven Pressley. Anyone apart from a goalpost changer like yourself seriously wish to deny this?

And, Pressley wasn't more successful. Moore acheived his target last season: a transition from a poor squad to a decent one matched with a midtable finish. Pressley's target to achieve promotion ended in utter failure. Now that the tables are turned, you've went to the financial shitter and we've stabilised, we'll see how they get on.

I'm not sure about that. The club is well known for bringing through young players from the academy such as Barr, Arfield, Scobbie, Twaddle, Flynn Stewart, Murdoch, Duffie all playing competitively for the club. Along with a few others next season, barely strikes of a club who bring in older journeymen. Dods will be fine this season.

I think we all know the reason why you're 'bringing through the academy players' en masse next season. It's because you're skint and have squandered the remainder of your budget on a small handful of duds, right?

Name your striker which had a better goal ratio than under 1 goal every 2 games he played.

What are you drivelling about? McManus has a worse record than a goal in every two games, right, so did all our donkeys last season.

Difference is we then went out and sorted that problem by releasing the donkeys and signing good strikers: you're trying to sign yours as a talisman.

You register and fill me in with the facts.

Why would I register for a paper that I can pick up for free daily? :wacko:

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That's it in a nutshell, especially at our level. VT can dress it up all he wants but Jackson's supposed superior offer from County probably didn't cover his travelling costs from the central belt. That's why County will suffer, although both themselves and ICT have a fantastic pedigree since joining the senior ranks.

Really, so why did Colin McMenamin take a similarly lucrative offer at County when he had a lot of Central Belt deals?

The answer of course, is because Colin McMenamin is a typical mercenary and was seeking the best financial deal. Some strikers have higher standards for their career.

I think also, posturing aside, that no one would argue that Falkirk will be in the SPL again before Morton.

You're right: Falkirk won't.

Oh, and to extend the council house analogy earlier, owning your own 1 bedroom flat in Shieldhill isn't better than renting a luxury penthouse wink.gif

Three-sided 'penthouses' in Grangemouth? Think we'll stick with the fully owned period-design villa in prime development territory for now.

Falkirk FC are a far, far bigger team than Greenock likely ever will be.

Hi. *waves*

This discussion isn't for trophyless diddy sides, so if you can just shuffle off now. You're just not important enough for more than a scrap of attention.

I dont disagree with much else here, but really? I mean, really??

How's that European qualification and 3 visits to Hampden in a season looking?

I see three trips to Hampden a season becoming a regular occurence for you soon.

Throw in a couple of 1st division titles and a challenge cup as well.

Oh dear, if we're really going to use ancient history you'd at least expect something better than the Challenge Cup. :lol:

Edited by vikingTON
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We're not talking about Andy Jackson here are we?

Take your pick, either one of Andy Jackson and Peter McDonald are easily better than Tam McManus, the player who couldn't even get signed by James Grady.

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Hi. *wvaves*

This discussion isn't for trophyless diddy sides, so if you can just shuffle off now. You're just not important enough for more than a scrap of attention.

What is *wvaves*?

The trophyless banter is rubbish btw. All the best with your mid-table to lower-mid-table finish this season again.

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Take your pick, either one of Andy Jackson and Peter McDonald are easily better than Tam McManus, the player who couldn't even get signed by James Grady.

Erm, whether they are better than McManus is irrelevant to the point you made. You said you signed "good strikers"? Going by their records, I don't really see how you could suggest that.

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Why are you restricting it to the First Division? The undeniable fact here is that Allan Moore has done far more in his managerial career than Steven Pressley. Anyone apart from a goalpost changer like yourself seriously wish to deny this?


Yes, clearly. But he's achieved far less than Hughes, who was our manager only 2 years ago..

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I think Vikington's having a mental breakdown. unsure.gif

It's pre-Renfrewshire Cup final nerves. Gets to us all.

Either that, or one of our lot has hijacked his account. St Sid by the tenor of the posts.

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Difference is we then went out and sorted that problem by releasing the donkeys and signing good strikers:

I presume you're referring to Jackson and MacDonald here? I can't understand the hype that these two get.

Jackson has only had one good season in his career so far. He's bagged a grand total of 1 goal in 40 appearances, 10 of those appearances came in the 3rd Division, where he still failed to score. Meanwhile MacDonald has managed just the 6 goals in his last 39 appearances, 3 of which came in a single game.

Combining those totals, they've scored 7 goals between them in 79 games. McManus managed that in just 12 league appearances last season. I'd take him over that pair any day of the week, cheers.

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A wee ned who has acheived more as a manager than any of yours for donkeys' years. But go on.

Vague 'donkey's years' reference....

I said 'achieved'. Allan Moore started with Stirling at the arse-end of the Third Division and left them in the First. Steven Pressley has no competitive achievements as a manger. None. Neither has Eddie May. Hughes' achievements are sparse also. My point therefore stands.

Brings Hughes into the timescale...

Oh dear, if we're really going to use ancient history you'd at least expect something better than the Challenge Cup. :lol:

Now blethers on about 'ancient history' once shown up to be a slavering idiot again :lol:

Morton would kill to have a Challenge Cup under their belt :lol:

Pointing out that May and Pressley are useless is hardly box office material as well. What's your next blockbusting point? Allan McGraw was shite at 100m?

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You're right: Falkirk won't.

Won't what? You can't seriously be suggesting Morton will be in the SPL before us? :lol:

It's just the way of the world. Falkirk are a contender club, Morton aren't.

Think we'll stick with the fully owned period-design villa in prime development territory for now.

Mmmm.. had any offers for this "prime development" territory?

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Erm, whether they are better than McManus is irrelevant to the point you made. You said you signed "good strikers"? Going by their records, I don't really see how you could suggest that.

I'd suggest that their record of fairly prolific goal-scoring at this level suggests that they are good strikers, not to mention attributes in touch, positioning, pace and finishing.

Jackson has only had one good season in his career so far. He's bagged a grand total of 1 goal in 40 appearances, 10 of those appearances came in the 3rd Division, where he still failed to score. Meanwhile MacDonald has managed just the 6 goals in his last 39 appearances, 3 of which came in a single game.

Combining those totals, they've scored 7 goals between them in 79 games. McManus managed that in just 12 league appearances last season.

Jackson has been injured for the majority of his career, recovered from a chronic bowel issue just last season and couldn't fully break into a reasonable SPL side.

What his history shows is that when fit he is capable of tearing the division a new one. He's got a full pre-season under his belt and I'm very confident that he'll do the business.

How many of McDonald's appearances were in the SPL? Again, enough goals at this level, which is rather the point of the exercise.

I'd take him over that pair any day of the week, cheers.

Tam McManus couldn't get a game ahead of Donovan Simmonds and Brian Graham. I reckon that speaks for itself.

Morton would kill to have a Challenge Cup under their belt :lol:

Morton couldn't care less about having a Challenge Cup or not. Celebrations are reserved for the sort of diddy sides like Ross County and Airdrie United who win that and have nothing else to their name.

Pointing out that May and Pressley are useless is hardly box office material as well.

The original charge was that Morton are a hopeless diddy side while Falkirk are a massive club and a big draw for players. (all as part of a deflection from my point: that you have little chance of winning promotion for the next few years)

That posters have sought to turn the tables to deflect from their side's serious shortcomings ahead of the new season points to them being rattled, frankly.

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Won't what? You can't seriously be suggesting Morton will be in the SPL before us? :lol:

It's just the way of the world. Falkirk are a contender club, Morton aren't.

Contend with what? You have no money, we have. Therefore we contend, you don't.

As our budget isn't defined by attendances we don't need to draw on recent historical successes and crowds (just as well :P) to mount a challenge. All we need is a competitive budget and a competent manager. Which I reckon we have for once.

You have neither at the moment and have no guarantee that matters will improve.

Mmmm.. had any offers for this "prime development" territory?

Riverside Inverclyde have *apparently* been in talks as to the future of the huge tract of waste ground we use as a car park. I must say having the hugely successful Tall Ships right across the street last weekend may have realigned plans for the whole area.

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I'd suggest that their record of fairly prolific goal-scoring at this level suggests that they are good strikers, not to mention attributes in touch, positioning, pace and finishing.

Jackson has been injured for the majority of his career, recovered from a chronic bowel issue just last season and couldn't fully break into a reasonable SPL side.

What his history shows is that when fit he is capable of tearing the division a new one. He's got a full pre-season under his belt and I'm very confident that he'll do the business.

How many of McDonald's appearances were in the SPL? Again, enough goals at this level, which is rather the point of the exercise.

Tam McManus couldn't get a game ahead of Donovan Simmonds and Brian Graham. I reckon that speaks for itself.

Morton couldn't care less about having a Challenge Cup or not. Celebrations are reserved for the sort of diddy sides like Ross County and Airdrie United who win that and have nothing else to their name.

The original charge was that Morton are a hopeless diddy side while Falkirk are a massive club and a big draw for players. (all as part of a deflection from my point: that you have little chance of winning promotion for the next few years)

That posters have sought to turn the tables to deflect from their side's serious shortcomings ahead of the new season points to them being rattled, frankly.

f**k sake man, quit while you're behind.

Your justification as to why McManus is so bad easily applies to Andy Jackson. Andy Jackson couldn't get a game up front for St Johnstone who were going through the biggest dry spell since your sex life.

The fact McInnes has made moves to resolve the goal drought by replacing Jackson with Carl Finnegan speaks volumes about Jackson's true worth as a striker.

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