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The Hobbit

Musketeer Gripweed

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There are LOADS of stories Jackson could do should he wish. The Children Of Hurin he'd probably make about 5 films out of. And if he were ever to stumble across The Silmarillion then he could churn them out for the rest of his life

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This. Precisely this.

The guys who play the dwarves have absolutely zero personality. I really found myself wishing all the dwarves would get eaten by Smaug, so that Bilbo and Gandalf could get down to some good acting and crazy adventures which I actually care about.

I realise this is all to do with money, but there's never three films worth of material. The good news is, Jackson can't go and do any more damage, unless he tries to make a big screen version of The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.

The only dwarves who I could actually remember who was who are Thorin, Balin and Fili. The rest are all totally interchangable and don't seem to serve any purpose in the films.

Thorin is obvioulsy supposed to be the Aragorn of these films, but is so bland that you can't be arsed with him. Bilbo felt like a bit part player in ths one even considering the 3 big events he had in the film.

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  • 2 weeks later...
There are LOADS of stories Jackson could do should he wish. The Children Of Hurin he'd probably make about 5 films out of. And if he were ever to stumble across The Silmarillion then he could churn them out for the rest of his life

Jackson doesn't have the rights to The Silmarillion, and has had to be careful not to touch any material from it that isn't mentioned in TH or TLOTR.

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Jackson doesn't have the rights to The Silmarillion, and has had to be careful not to touch any material from it that isn't mentioned in TH or TLOTR.

If Jackson ever makes The Silmarillion then I'll personally murder him and burn every single trace of the film hes trying to make

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Jackson doesn't have the rights to The Silmarillion, and has had to be careful not to touch any material from it that isn't mentioned in TH or TLOTR.

Don't think there's much danger of there ever being a Simarillion film. It would be right up there with a Tom Bombadil movie when it comes to likely box office appeal. Think an expanded universe sort of approach would be the way to go.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hopefully a quick question: In the Hobbit films, how can Bilbo use the ring without having to worry about Nazgul or whatever chasing after him? :unsure2:

The Nazgul aren't active. Sauron is weak and hiding himself as the Necromancer, while the Witch King is spending his time trying to build up an army for when Sauron gets more powerful. The other Nazgul are likely hovering around as wraiths so weak they're of absolutely no use to anyone. Pretty sure they still have no idea where the ring is anyway, as Sauron didn't realise it hadn't just floated into the ocean at that point yet, so he wasn't even looking for anyone wearing it.

Thats what I know of that time period anyway.

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It was alright, about the same as the other Hobbit films. More of Jackson's universe which is good but I just don't care about the characters as much as I did during Lord of the Rings, so outside of Gandalf and Bilbo, I just don't really care very much.

This is it for me.

It's a kids film so I'll live with the super Mario Chase sequences and the unnecessary love story and the fact that the cgi is worse than the film's made 15 years ago but I just couldn't give a f**k what happens to anyone, least of all the stupid dwarves.

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The film itself was good and as a middle earth fan i'll be watching extended edition when it comes out.

Almost too much action in it, battle after battle, there were a few nice moments for sure and the albert character was funny at times. Didn't expect the dol guldur stuff to be like that if im honest.

Billy Connolly was a good addition imo and provided some humour as Dain.

One moment about the main battle really annoyed me however.

Thorin and company all had the best of the best armour on then took it off before leaving the mountain to fight. All 3 dwarves that died got stabbed in the torso which could have been avoided with the armour

They tied it up well at the end with the lord of the rings stuff which was cool.

The lord of the rings trilogy are 3 of my favourite fillms ever but unfortunately the hobbit trilogy whilst good isn't in the same league.

On a side note seeing the new star wars trailer on the big screen with awesome surround sound was epic. Proper goosebump moment seeing the falcon and hearing the theme music.

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