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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Re: the can opener laughery. I led a coddled life up until the point where both my maw and da were away and I was left to fend for myself at around the age of 13. I'm left-handed, yet had to witness my older sister point and laugh while I ham-fistedly tried to open my lunch with some alien device I'd never even tried to use.

It took all my mental wherewithal not to use the knife I ended up stabbing the tin with on my sis.

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Men piss me off never ask for money but fort id ask for a 10a or summets towards lilys school gear but got told wont b givin me any money bcoz hes on the dowl and skint.. But can go out with mates n tht on the piss, FULL OF SHIT dads rnt just about havin um over night its about providin for them asmuch as u can. Grrr rant over lol


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Jon MartindrP8vlvSl_8.gifLance Armstrong

America you must be so proud. Only in America would they feel justified in stripping a man's lifetime of achievements and accomplishments (post cancer diagnosis) on the sole basis of another man's word (former rival with an agenda it should be noted). Lance Armstrong, whether guilty nor not, has never failed a single drugs test (blood or urine) in his life and has used his profile to raise half a BILLION dollars for cancer charities. f**k all that though if one of his rivals feels he needs justice in a bike race over 10 years ago (priorities?). Do America value one mans sporting justice more than the lives of all of the men, women and childen in remission today thanks to Lance's cancer charities which he used his sporting profile to raise awarenes of? Lets play Devils advocate here. Even if he did use performance enhancing substances (which is strongly denied) the end result was the saving of millions of lives past, present and future and I for one salute you Lance!

f**k America and their 'justice' which would see you strip the man of all of his achievements and aim to damage the credibility of the face of one of the worlds most high profile cancer charities. Next time someone decides to think twice about contributing to his charity as a result of your actions it will no doubt make you swell with pride that your justice has been served. Land of the free pah!

The latest of those 'post for likes' things. As ever, the post is full of uninformed nonsense.

There's always that one friend that likes one of these posts, isn't there?

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Re: the can opener laughery. I led a coddled life up until the point where both my maw and da were away and I was left to fend for myself at around the age of 13. I'm left-handed, yet had to witness my older sister point and laugh while I ham-fistedly tried to open my lunch with some alien device I'd never even tried to use.

It took all my mental wherewithal not to use the knife I ended up stabbing the tin with on my sis.

I'm left-handed and can use a tin-opener just fine, what the fuck is wrong with you?

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It's a shame they can't post just the bikini shots. Would save a lot of scrolling through the rest of the pics.

I've always wondered which would upset a couple more, liking a picture of the girl in a bikini or liking a picture of the mate in swimming shorts.

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I've always wondered which would upset a couple more, liking a picture of the girl in a bikini or liking a picture of the mate in swimming shorts.

You could find out, and report back with your findings? :P

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