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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Just passing on some of the most up to date news as reported in two newspapers. Many of the posters on this thread have a totlaly jaundiced view of Rangers and whose posts like yours are wishfull thinking rather than hard headed analysis.

Read these two highlighted bits again and see where you've gone wrong.

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.. and the word from Rangers Meeja:

but but but whatabout the Texan billionaire and the Hong Kong shipping magnate and Lawrence Marlborough and George Soros and Milan Mandric and Tavistock?

bwah ha ha.

Harry Redknapp's dug mair like :-)

I need to read more carefully, my first reaction was why would a Celtic striker be interested in buying Rangers?

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Everyone on P&B realises the importance of Rangers to Scottish football. We're all very sympathetic and are sure that it will all be fine. If they do go bust we will all welcome them back into the SPL. We are all Neil Lennon.


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I need to read more carefully, my first reaction was why would a Celtic striker be interested in buying Rangers?

Samaras is buying Rangers with his Claims Direct payout after Neilson burst his nose yesterday. These ambulance chasers don't f**k about!

Edited by Sherrif John Bunnell
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I actually feel sick every time any of the apologists otherwise known as media reporters/journalists speak or write anything on this topic - albeit that they have to because it is their job to do so.

Rumour A is counteracted by Rumour B which leads to Rumour C replacing Rumour A so Rumour B becomes new Rumour D .....and so on......endlessly. No facts, the smallest amount of actual knowledge...and tons of text.

The only thing that comes out of their useless spoutings is their own personal bias to their favourite ugly sister. Supporters of EVERY club outwith the Blue and Green Brigades can see this but still it is perpetuated on the basis that their fan base is the largest and therefore is, by some bizarre twist of logic, of more interest to "the public" as far as the media outlets are concerned.

Anyone else here think it's not only Rupert Murdochs' empire is riddled with incompetent, self serving, wankers - sorry I meant journalists.....

No I didn't. mad.gif

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At the end of the day no takeover can work without a CVA and what are the chances of this happening?

Stage 2 - Cva is agreed, Whyte still has to sell his shares for whatever he asks for them, will he accept a pound if theres a CVA on the table and much of the debt is cleared? I think not.

Theres a lot of twists and turns to come before Rangers are remotely safe, obviously we all hope that Whyte is there to fleece Rangers for everything and he could yet be the biggest stumbling block Rangers have, I suppose he's always trumpeted that he will be the man to save Rangers, I guess when the chips fall we will see how truthful he has been in that.

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Blue Knights plan is to raise limited funds from share issue/supporter ownership and not bankroll the club in an unsustainable fashion.

In line with this, they will be reducing the wage bill, paying their dues and generally trying to eat humble pie for their previous uncountable sins.

Given this, do they think the average glory hunter from greater govan is going to cough up?

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From a couple of reports this morning in Record andScotsman...........

In next 24 hours Paul Murray and Ticketus will meet Duffand Phelps to outline in detail their joint rescue package for the club. They will then table a formal offer to remove Whyte from Ibrox before the end of this week.

Ticketus and Octopus will back the Blue Knights' cash offer and provide running costs to keep the club in business until a share issue launch. oh aye. Just lob a few quid into a pot for someone else to piss away? Belive me I am a good guy. All the previous ones were crooks and thieves, but I have the club's interests at heart. smile.gif<<== weasely smile.

That share issue would entitle ordinary Rangers fans to buy their way into the club. Oh I love it laugh.gif come on guys let's have your money laugh.gif every 10th one gets a badge, every hundreth a blazer. Then we will ignore you, but you can call me mister Murray.

Murray continued:"There are two parties involved as creditors – HMRC and Ticketus – and the last thing the club needs right now is any kind of long legal battle. Well he would say that wouldn't he.

"That would also mean Ticketus would not be involved in any CVA agreement that we hope to reach with HMRC." Unless the Blue Nights don't get a deal of course, or is it just they don't have a leg to stand on. Ticketus will be driven totally by money and return. Just look at the peole involved in it and their backgrounds. These are the types of guys who caused all the problems with the banking system. They live on.

Rangers administrator Paul Clark reckons that HMRC will not go for the jugular should the 'big tax case' rule in the government body's favour.

Duff & Phelps spoke twice with HMRC last week... "HMRC are not saying 'we're going to be difficult, we're going to destroy value.' why would they? It's not in their interest or the taxpayers' interest."

"I haven't seen or heard that HMRC have said that RFC should cease to operate."

"They have never, ever, suggested that they are going to be belligerent. They are concerned at the manner in which the club was run most recently." They don't have to be belligerent, just insistent. And they are damned well insistent with everyone else, so why should they be different this time.



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As I understand it HMRC object to agreeing CVA's as it's unfair on those who do pay their taxes correctly and on time. Certainly they had no intention of coming to an agreement with Dundee and would have forced Dundee to pay the full amount if they hadn't been a minority creditor. I'd be very surprised if they agreed to some kind of discount with Rangers.

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Saw this in the Inverness Courier. Looks like even the Rangers social clubs have been avoiding paying their taxes. How many more?. :lol:

'Blues' Inverness base being pursued by taxman


Portland Club RANGERS fans are shocked that tax problems affecting their football club could be replicated at a city pub which is home to their supporters club.

The future of the Portland Club — home to the Inverness True Blues — is in doubt after a petition was presented to Inverness Sheriff Court on behalf of Revenue and Customs (HMRC) demanding it is wound up and a liquidator appointed.

It comes as the plight of Rangers Football Club continues after it entered administration last month due to allegations of unpaid taxes.

But, for the time being, the Portland Clubs stresses it will remain open and honour any bookings.

"It would be a big loss for Rangers fans in the city and Highlands," said a Rangers supporter, of Douglas Row, Inverness.

"When the team plays Caley Thistle, supporters from all over Scotland stop off at the Portland for a few drinks and there is usually music and it's a very lively atmosphere and always very busy.

"It's sad that the Portland is facing their financial troubles at the same time as Rangers and puts the tin lid on things really for blue noses at the moment."

It is understood an emergency meeting was held at the club, in Portland Place, earlier this week to discuss the matter.

Staff at the club said they had been advised not to comment due to the legal action.

"It will be business as usual for the foreseeable future," added a club spokesman.

"Anybody who has got functions that have been booked has been told it is not a problem."

Craig Macleod, landlord of the Innes Bar, in nearby Innes Street, hoped the club would be able to rectify any problems

"Obviously I wouldn't like to see the club close," he said. "I wouldn't like to see any pub in the area or the town close, it's the type of industry where I think we should all help each other and try and pull together to get through the quieter periods."

A spokesman for HMRC refused to reveal the extent of the problem but confirmed the action was a result of alleged unpaid taxes.

Edited by CityDave
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I once had the misfortune of innocently going to watch a mate play darts at the Portland Club without knowing what type of place it is.

It is like a small part of the Shankill Road in the Highlands.

Hopefully HMRC shut down the bigoted shithole.

Edited by Sherrif John Bunnell
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I once had the misfortune of innocently going to watch a mate play darts at the Portland Club without knowing what type of place it is.

It is like a small part of the Shankill Road in the Highlands.

Hopefully HMRC shut down the bigoted shithole.

The OO will have to find somewhere else to finish their marches.

Can't believe someone had the bright idea of putting a children's nursery next door.:blink:

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The Portland is a piss-ridden shitehole patronised by obese spastards wearing 8 year old Rangers tops with Red Hand of Ulsters tattoed on their forearms.

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