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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What kind of coverage is this getting outwith Scotland now?

Not a lot, you have to go looking for it really, save the BBC Sport website and Sky Sports.

The thing that gets me though the 'Scottish football needs Rangers' has worked as a wonderful strap-line and marketing plan, plenty of people down here tell me that as they understand it Scottish football will cease to be 'credible' if Rangers die.

I keep telling folk all we want is a credible national game and losing Rangers will be a massive step in the right direction.

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No? Was it? Really? I'd never have guessed.... Feck sake - you've just ruined my lead-in routine to my Sandy Jardine 'ambassador/fanny' gag. Booo! :P

Has it occurred to you how desolate a place this forum will be when the c***ts finally go belly up?

Cue GIF of tumbleweed rolling down empty street.

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Quantum seems to be the new buzzword in all this.

Are they just using it to mean quantity or amount? Not sure that's what it really means.

They are referring to the pseudo-organisation of chaos as per the quantum chaos model:


The mighty Gers exist untarnished in the quantum world.

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Not sure about quantum bit I feel there will be a paradigm shift in Scottish football and hopefully society when the odious institution is finally erased.

In 1962, Thomas Kuhn wrote The Structure of Scientific Revolution, and fathered, defined and popularized the concept of "paradigm shift" (p.10). Kuhn argues that scientific advancement is not evolutionary, but rather is a "series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions", and in those revolutions "one conceptual world view is replaced by another".

Intellectually. That's where your arguement breaks down. :D

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What we really need is to make the chairmen of the Diddy 10 see that Rangers will stab them in the back in a second. Can somebody 'leak' a (false) story to the press saying that Sky/England want to revisit the Premiership 2 idea, and they want to invite the gruesome twosome - then watch as they both drop their drawers and court this proposal.

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Has it occurred to you how desolate a place this forum will be when the c***ts finally go belly up?

Cue GIF of tumbleweed rolling down empty street.

More to the point, what'll happen to the Rangers v Celtic forum when Rangers die? Does it change to Diddies v Celtic?

Or maybe it shoud be used for the inevitable fracturing of the various supporters groups.

Rangers v Rangers Media v Rangers FF etc.

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I think by using the term "quantum" they are trying to recreate Schrödinger's famous thought experiment,

with Rangers standing in for the cat.

As long as nobody opens the books, they might be alive or dead.

They're clearly referring to the Incubator route, where Rangers as an entity can appear in two points in space and time simultaneously.

One, the Oldco is the anti-Rangers, designed to shaft the creditors, whereas the Newco, the positive-Rangers, is designed to shaft the creditors.

It's called the Quantum Paradox.

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Regarding the Bill Miller situation the emails and banners were a smokescreen and a bit of an irrelevance really - a hard nosed businessman like himself surely wouldn't have given the slightest f**k about it - the only reason he bailed was because the due diligence unveiled some really ugly shit.

If that shit wasn't there he would then all the banners in the world wouldn't have had the slightest effect on him.

As for Dingwell being on the Rangers board - mega lolz. Even Rangers fans hate this idiot.

It might well have tipped the scales for him, though. He knew he would have to come in, make cuts and try and sell the concept of living within their means to he hordes. A tough sell at the best of times, but when they're already calling for your blood before you're even in the job, why would you even consider it?

From the Sun:

"Whyte battles to find a solution that will NOT see Gers slide into liquidation".

"Venture capitalist Whyte is desperate to avoid that scenario".





Is this the start of Craig Whyte's PR campaign as he battles to save the club he loves. Or is it just worth more to him as a going concern.

More likely, Whyte is desperate to avoid the increased scrutiny of a liquidators investigation.

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In fact, the person Kennedy has selected as the man to run Rangers, former Scottish Rugby Union chief executive Gordon McKie, has spent the last four days locked inside Ibrox poring over the club's finances.

McKie has now clocked up almost two weeks' worth of due diligence from the books – which is two weeks' more than any of the rival bidders.

Hang on......

So if Kennedy's bloke has had the books what did Bill Miller's man look at......have they 2 sets of books? (Ok more than likely) or did they just sit and share?

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