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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yes i read it and to be honest i wasn't in the slightest bit interested about the difference between religion and sects,completly disinterested.

No doubt because of the team i support you will think i'm protestant,understandable but you couldn't be more wrong,so again there are many fans of both sides who aren't bothered about others religious affiliations,there are many as we know who are bothered about it certainly,probably the majority to be fair,but to tar everyone with that outlook is way off beam.

I agree, I support Celtic, my brother supports Rangers. We are not all bigots, it's about football for a good many of us.

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Yes i read it and to be honest i wasn't in the slightest bit interested about the difference between religion and sects,completly disinterested.

No doubt because of the team i support you will think i'm protestant,understandable but you couldn't be more wrong,so again there are many fans of both sides who aren't bothered about others religious affiliations,there are many as we know who are bothered about it certainly,probably the majority to be fair,but to tar everyone with that outlook is way off beam.

You support a bigoted club you then admit that the majority of your clubs fans are bigots, but you think it's a bit harsh to tar all Rangers fans with the same brush... huh.gif

Again, I ask, why would you support them?

You are the one getting yourself all covered in tar. Sticky orange tar...

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So are we looking at the possibility that the liquidator might overturn the sale of the assets to Green?

That would drag up an immense amount of shit. Basically BDO would be accusing D&P of corruption. The rule is generally for companies who immediately enter liquidation with no admin and the directors give themselves cushy deals. Selling themselves company cars on the cheap is an example on HMRC website.

D&P valued the assets and sold them to an outside party, the redress is that the liquidator has to prove the assets were under valued. If D&P are getting litigious over inaccurate BBC reports I'm sure there would be lawsuits.

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The only way the chairmen don' vote a Newco in, is if the Sky deal is still in place. Now as Div suggests it will still be in place, then there is no way the chairmen have a choice, they have to go. Now where they start or how they start is of no importance to these guys. I'm always going to support my team and I won't leave them, but I do understand peoples views. Essentially it has come down to lose fans, or lose Rangers, simple decision.

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The problem with that is that the assets are sold from a going concern, albeit one that's unlikely to go for much longer, to some other entity. In such a case, the assets cannot be undersold prior to liquidation of the (previously) going concern, lest they rouse the wrath of Hector. Again.

This is a very different scenario from the (not really a) going concern being liquidated, where the playing assets are no longer assets at all ergo much lower asset value (£5.5m).

Im not sure what you're trying to say.

There were 3 scenarios in the CVA. It being accepted (Green pays £8.5m), it being rejected and the assets sold to a newco (Green pays £5.5m) or full liquidation (where the property, just the property mind you, is valued at £4.5m).

We are going down the newco road, until someone challenges it. But, reading between the lines of HMRCs statement, it doesnt look like they are going to.

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The only way the chairmen don' vote a Newco in, is if the Sky deal is still in place. Now as Div suggests it will still be in place, then there is no way the chairmen have a choice, they have to go. Now where they start or how they start is of no importance to these guys. I'm always going to support my team and I won't leave them, but I do understand peoples views. Essentially it has come down to lose fans, or lose Rangers, simple decision.

You're entitled to take this stance, but if everyone does then there will be no incentive for the SPL chairmen to say no to a newco. Being willing to withdraw our support is the only way we can apply pressure.

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I'm beginning to enjoy this thread. Now that liquidation is a real possibility there are a few crawling out from their rocks with the 'I support Rangers but am urnae a bigot an that!' whine in order to try and engender sympathy. Don't even bother you mind-crippled societal rejects. If you genuinely don't understand why the rest of us won't shed a single fucking tear for you go to any Rangers or Celtic forum, or better yet save time and go to the Rangers vs. Celtic forum here.

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I can only assume that when Rangers are kicked out the SPL and Scottish football DOES survive, all these arsehole 'journalists' will aplogise for getting it so wrong.

The fact that some of them are still in a job after how consistently wrong they have been over the years tells me otherwise dry.gif

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Feel sorry for them if they do get in as many Rangers supporters will see them as their new team.

Let's face it, the numpties wouldn't see beyond the 'Rangers' tag.

"Aye, Shug, Ah must be gettin' auld cos Ibrox seems a hell o' a lang way away these days, so it does. An' it seems awfy sma'."

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You're entitled to take this stance, but if everyone does then there will be no incentive for the SPL chairmen to say no to a newco. Being willing to withdraw our support is the only way we can apply pressure.

No I completely understand the sentiments people have about this subject. It's a tough one, but if thruth be told, I love football and my team too much to give it up, even if it is a corrupt, idiotic system we use. I'm certainly not going to disagree or lambast those who do turn thier backs on the SPL, they're entitles to.

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The only way the chairmen don' vote a Newco in, is if the Sky deal is still in place. Now as Div suggests it will still be in place, then there is no way the chairmen have a choice, they have to go. Now where they start or how they start is of no importance to these guys. I'm always going to support my team and I won't leave them, but I do understand peoples views. Essentially it has come down to lose fans, or lose Rangers, simple decision.

Am I incorrect in saying that if the newco are voted back into SPHell by the chairmen, they are gonna be in a better position ...... for example..no debt!!! How many SPHell clubs would love that senario. The chairmen better have the balls to listen to THEIR supporters

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I remember some posters went into a diddy-rage because the sports minister had the audacity to comment on the second biggest profession sports club entering administration, a club which pays many high salaries, employs many local people and is a boon to an area of great economic depression.

Well this is really the taxpayers money afterall....lol.

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