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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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However, no league in Europe has a mid-season split either but that didn't stop the SPL going ahead with it.

Northern Irish league has a split, but I think it came in after the SPL started doing it. Pretty sure Russia is the same!

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If the Newco has no contracts previous suppliers of RFC(defunct-2012), have the players and hingers-oan had to return their nice shiny company cars to Lomond Audi?

I overheard a conversation in a pub in Bridge of Weir the other night that there would be no company cars next year

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Is anyone else starting to warm to Charles Green now after yesterday? biggrin.gif

I hope he gives Smith and co a good battle and wont bow to pressure to sell it on the cheap.

Nicely stubborn folk Yorkshiremen. I'm sure he won't do walking away without a satisfying jingle in his pockets.

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Absolutely, so it makes it far easier for FIFA / UEFA to help clamp down on this. However, no league in Europe has a mid-season split either but that didn't stop the SPL going ahead with it. Like Rangers, they think they're special and at the forefront of everything despite being a bunch of diddies out on the far frontier of Europe as far as everyone else in it is concerned.

Plenty of leagues in Europe had splits, and the SPL wasn't the first.

Off the top of my head, there are splits in Belgium, Israel, Cyprus, Wales and Northern Ireland - and there are others.

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This thread is SO long I don't have time to check, so apologies if this has been said.

I am in favour of withdrawing all titles/trophies won by rangers IF they are found guilty

of financial skulduggery.

However i am NOT in favour of awarding said titles to the runners-up.

Here's why.

Who can say if a team beaten in the early rounds would not have gone on to win a cup?

The league may be slightly different but for the sake of fairness it should be treated the same.

That way, the record books could show


Then no-one could ever forget that it happened.:D

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So just to clarify, is it my understanding that Charles Green is a misunderstood good guy now that Walt has burst onto the scene?

No, not at all, he's still a fly by night chancer looking to make a buck, but he's being backed into a corner by Walter and fan pressure to sell on the cheap, which is pretty disgusting.

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I overheard a conversation in a pub in Bridge of Weir the other night that there would be no company cars next year

Bummer for the players and staff. How are they going to get to the luxury coach that takes them to their spa hotel for their pre-match stay?

They've been punished enough. Time to call an end to this 'hammer them' witch-hunt. The poor souls...

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The gall of Walter Smith is breathtaking from a neutral point of view. Where was he for all those months RFC was in desperate need of a buyer.? Where was he when RFC needed just an extra million or so to push through a half decent CVA to save Rangers history.? (now defunct with newco). He now comes out the shadows with a management team ready to take over and a guy worth an estimated 800 million as a backer.

He allowed Rangers to die and is now trying to 'unite' the faithful behind his banner. At least Green was there to take all the flack, at least attempt a CVA, in short at least Green tried to save the club. Walter Smith thinks he can then stroll in when all the hard work is done, when all the shit has been flying about re SDM, Whyte and the 3 monkeys Rangers Board. Where was Walter Smith when Rangers were on their knees..?? I smell shite..!! mad.gif

So you could put spin on this and say that Walter Smith killed Rangers? biggrin.gif

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Northern Irish league has a split, but I think it came in after the SPL started doing it. Pretty sure Russia is the same!

Plenty of leagues in Europe had splits, and the SPL wasn't the first.

Off the top of my head, there are splits in Belgium, Israel, Cyprus, Wales and Northern Ireland - and there are others.

Balls. sad.gif I stand corrected

Where do I sign up?!

We need a pinned thread. Who's best in the various regional P&B 5s?

Edited by Hedgecutter
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A wee bit humility from our support and from those that are speaking on behalf of the club might have gone a long way. Why would any SPL Chairman vote us back in after the online support have repeatedly called for botcotts of all SPL clubs? What would be in it for them? People on here actually believe these clubs will allow us to beam back their home league games so we can all toddle along to Ibrox to watch on the big screens(which we haven't paid for) and give them nothing in return!! They think these clubs will send their U19s along to entertain us on the days our first XI are away from home so we have something to do while we boycott their clubs. Time to get real!!

Good post. Too many threats from fans and club spokesmen and too little facing up to the reality of the situation. Perhaps a new start will also help the club distance itself from the sectarian element that seems to just use Rangers as a vehicle for carrying on some ancient Irish feud. Gie us a break. Get the Saltire flying at Ibrox again and let’s just concentrate on football from now on, preferably in a lower division. If the club just re-emerges as a mirror image of the old I expect a part of the silent majority, who are tired of the club being associated with non-football stuff, will just drift away.

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No, not at all, he's still a fly by night chancer looking to make a buck, but he's being backed into a corner by Walter and fan pressure to sell on the cheap, which is pretty disgusting.

Do you not think that Hughie, Watty, Grier, CW & SDM will all be sat around in leather armchairs chortling at what a sting they've pulled off? The debt is cleared, the sale went through for the same amount as D&P's costs which are guaranteed to be paid, Watty can galvanise their beleaguered support while Hughie the cartoon villain slopes off with half a mil in his hip. OK so they lost their precious name but that was a foregone conclusion given the scale of jiggery-pokery committed to date. None of those listed could give a flying f**k about Rangers' fans at the end of the day, they're just an occupational (bio) hazard.

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Absolutely belting TV last night - 2 games of football and 2 programmes on the car crash that is Rangers. Dream schedule surely.

BBC much better than STV but then what's new

Good guys: Jim Spence, Tom English, Mark Daly

Wanks: That Rangers blogger, Gordon Smith, Michael Kelly, That Rangers Historian, That Herald Journalist

Straight bat: Douglas Fraser, The financial woman and the other talking head types on BBC who were wallpaper

We'll let Archie off because he's old and can't comprehend football in 2012 too well and Colin Jackson too as he seemed a nice old guy

To me the main things are there is still no humility from Rangers. They just don't get it. The blogger bleating about punishment and the Rangers Historian letting the mask slip with his Aberdeen rant. f**k them.

Michael Kelly is also an utter c**t of a man. Only bothered about keeping his bigotfest Old Firm game and wanting Celtic to be handed the titles Rangers won unfairly so that his arse cheek can say they have won more than the recently deceased arse cheek. He represents the worst of Celtic and how the f**k he got on TV god only knows.

I think Smith and his bid and the whole ownership issues is a sideshow. The main battle is NO TO NEWCO. That is what matters here. So the really interesting bit was Spencey saying he thinks they won't vote them back in and the wee weasely guy from the Herald saying they would vote them back in. In a sense they represent two mentalitys - the East Coast journalist who can see beyond the Old Firm and the West coast journalist who feeds on the Old Firm. Which one has called it right?

In all the coverage the main things is the fans view. These chairmen will vote them back but the only thing stopping them is fan revolt. Aberdeen Trust and fans have shown the way. Others need to step up to the plate.

I'm usually a pessimist but my glass is starting to be half full :D

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So you could put spin on this and say that Walter Smith killed Rangers? biggrin.gif

Yep, by hiding in the shadows and coming out only when all the work had been done to liquidate Rangers he is as culpable as SDM and Craig Whyte. I can't believe he has only just put this together in the last few days. As I previously said I smell shite..just doesn't add up and is a complete pantomime and the Orcs are falling all over themselves without thinking about the timing and asking certain questions of Walter Smith. Like turning up to the Culloden battlefield two days late with 30,000 Scots reinforcements.

Edited by Well Well
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The next step is Watty to be appointed to the board along with his money men with an option to buy the club for a pre-determined figure at some point down the road. Green, Smith et al all held up as the great saviours of the club, Rangers no matter what punishment they get of whatever league they play in will have ra peepul falling over themselves to buy season tickets, softening the blow of relegation should that happen.

Orchestrated bull-shit, hopefully the SFA can see through this charade, disrepute just got taken to the MAX.

Just chuck them out, I'm fed up with it all now and I hear the 29th June is the next date for your diaries, that being the vote on newco being allowed back into the SPL. Is there any channce that the appealate meeting will re-convene before that ?

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So you could put spin on this and say that Walter Smith killed Rangers? biggrin.gif

He was there for a majority of murrays reign he knew the score keep the crooks out scottish football kings a chancer y are fans wantin a consortium wAy a tax dodger

Lets see wat green does ( canni b worse)

smith n tht can gt to fuk leadin a consortium of previous board members once again showin how stupid and moronic rangers fans are cos smith says there gd guys they must b IDIOTS

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Absolutely belting TV last night - 2 games of football and 2 programmes on the car crash that is Rangers. Dream schedule surely.

BBC much better than STV but then what's new

Good guys: Jim Spence, Tom English, Mark Daly

Wanks: That Rangers blogger, Gordon Smith, Michael Kelly, That Rangers Historian, That Herald Journalist

Straight bat: Douglas Fraser, The financial woman and the other talking head types on BBC who were wallpaper

We'll let Archie off because he's old and can't comprehend football in 2012 too well and Colin Jackson too as he seemed a nice old guy

To me the main things are there is still no humility from Rangers. They just don't get it. The blogger bleating about punishment and the Rangers Historian letting the mask slip with his Aberdeen rant. f**k them.

Michael Kelly is also an utter c**t of a man. Only bothered about keeping his bigotfest Old Firm game and wanting Celtic to be handed the titles Rangers won unfairly so that his arse cheek can say they have won more than the recently deceased arse cheek. He represents the worst of Celtic and how the f**k he got on TV god only knows.

I think Smith and his bid and the whole ownership issues is a sideshow. The main battle is NO TO NEWCO. That is what matters here. So the really interesting bit was Spencey saying he thinks they won't vote them back in and the wee weasely guy from the Herald saying they would vote them back in. In a sense they represent two mentalitys - the East Coast journalist who can see beyond the Old Firm and the West coast journalist who feeds on the Old Firm. Which one has called it right?

In all the coverage the main things is the fans view. These chairmen will vote them back but the only thing stopping them is fan revolt. Aberdeen Trust and fans have shown the way. Others need to step up to the plate.

I'm usually a pessimist but my glass is starting to be half full :D

Even I shouted at the telly when that fekwit compared Aberdeen to RFC(deid) around sporting integrity and non-relegation. Aberdeen's benefit was entirely within the rules (even if Falkirk fans will say it was a fiddle, it was a fiddle within the rules) When was that? I'm only vaguely aware of it as I think I must have been working out of the country at that point.

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