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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The rules are pretty clear that the transfer will only be considered if its from a similar company with similar management for the purposes of restructuring, or something along those lines. Im sure someone can dig out the exact wording.

Fair enough. It's still a nonsense that this would even be considered though.

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There was a bit on one the BBC website that made it clear the SFA can accept or reject any application and attach any conditions. The newco is not a member, if they do not accept conditions and are told to get lost they can't go running to the courts complaining. Is the SPL position similar, i.e. accept these conditions if you want membership or do one.

The SFA can also tell them to submit a fresh application for t'Rangers sincein the eyes of the law Rangers are dead.

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Your link to 'Corporate Personality' takes no account of 'The Gorams Concept' that Rangers are reliant upon. :rolleyes:

Div really needs to up the greeny quota.

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So what if Unitedlad has as his team "Other"? Some of us that frequent more than one of the football forums on here do so because we'd rather not put up with the pish from fannyspangles like you saying "you cannae post in here, your team's no in this league"/"oh, so X is your wee team is it" clusterfucktardery from those with IQs that could be beaten with one dart - or Old Firm fans to use the technical term.

My goodness, who shat in your handbag, you're biting like a champion.:rolleyes:

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What I really want is another newsnight scotland special. PnB vs.Rangers Media.

Yeah. Just us, them, their carers, their interpreters, the lawyers, the guys to fumigate the studio...........

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I think Doncaster is correct to suspend the ruling until they take some legal advice over what is an available sanction for EBTs. This doesn't mean there will be no sanctions if the SPL votes for the share transfer since the SPL just changed the rules so they could impose sanctions on the newco.

Now i quite agree about the league titles being withheld with no winner. however i think those cheated out of cup finals should be awarded them with a 3-0 scoreline.

The SPL certainly can't levy fines or future points deductions for EBTs now so that means if found guilty the vacating of trophies. I don't think trophies should go to runners up, instead there should be no winner so that when anyone looks at a history book they immediately know something was wrong and I don't particularly agree with re-awarding trophies well after the fact since any joy gotten by the new winners is completely false and overshadowed by the feeling of losing at the time.

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But servicing his Club's debt if far far more important than sporting integrity and the good of Scottish Football, isn't it?

Tbf if one can put out a hypothetical scenario for a moment... if voting Yes meant being unable to service the club's debt, then quite clearly, it would be far far more important to the club than the broader integrity issues. No-one would be altruistic enough to edge their own club upto the brink of disaster just to put Rangers into the lower levels for 3 or so years. That's just being brutally realistic.

But how would that work, practically. How do you impose any footballing penalty against a company?

Plus, not just any company can enter the SPL, it has to be a football club registered with the SFA.

Anyways, the SPL side is, fairly, irrelevant. If the SFA transfer the membership I dont see anyway that the newco could be considered as a new club, therefore any punishments due would still stand.

If the newco wants to be considered as a new club then there is no way it can play in the SPL next season and would have to apply for a new SFA membership and SFL status. Given that the reincarnation of Gretna were told they couldnt reapply without 3 years accounts, how could a newco Rangers be allowed to?

Its transfer or nothing and a transfer means continuation, which means liability for previous misdemeanours.

Would you not rather they were the same club?

If the newco genuinely is a newco, in footballing terms, (which it isnt, but lets pretend) and the SPL clubs vote them back in, then thats it, other than whatever slap on the wrist conditions are applied to the transfer. No disrepute charges, no dual contract investigation. Is that really a good thing?

Two very good descriptive posts, IMO.

This SFA revelation that 3yrs accounts is 'discretionary' opens the doorway for a non-transferred club... i.e. a proper new club... to go for SFL3. But as things stands they're clearly going for transfer. That, surely, must include liability for offences.

You surely can't transfer rights but not responsibilities.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Maybe Green is playing this as a blinder,and has no intention of actually putting a team on the park.He is just going through the motions to bide time for when he sells off the ground to a property developer,or supermarket chain.

He (or rather his 'consortium') have already spent £5.5M or more + legal fees. If you were a housing developer or supermarket chain, and wanted to develop a site in Govan: would you really pay some figure sufficiently sizeable to give him a profit? You're getting a footprint the size of a couple of football pitches, which you have to demolish most of (and incorporate a listed Main Stand), in an area with widespread low-cost land availability, and making yourselves Bears Public Enemy No. 1.

In doing so they will have to take their chance against the likes of Spartans, Cove Rangers & Gala Fairydean. That's not taking into account getting a license from the governing body, the SFA.

They don't need a license, just membership.

Seemingly this doesn't actually 100% require 3yrs accounts.

Yon lass who was on the ITV "downfall" program last night said they can't use that after they are wound up,

she said it was permitted in the interim as a "trading style"

No, I don't claim to understand that either.

Tbf, even if the company's e.g. "RFC 2012 Ltd"... they'll be known colloquially to football+media as "Rangers".

Edited by HibeeJibee
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