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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Phil Mac's excellent source says Polis have enough evidence to charge three people. Let the sweepstake be open.

I'll take the MBBCW, and the Chuckle Brothers.

Craig Whyte and Andy Gorams.

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I consider Real Madrid to be the worlds most successful club. They have won the most prestigious club competition ,the CL (IMO), the most times.

As of Feb this year (to be updated for this years competition) UEFA rate the top 5 in terms of Euro performance in the previous 5 years as:

Man Utd



Bayern Munich


With Rangers 33rd.

Top for attendances in Domestic leagues are;



Man Utd

Real Madrid


Top in rich list (Deloitte) are:

Real Madrid


Man Utd

Bayrn Munich


I know, statto forum for this pish.

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History beckons you No. 12



Posted Today, 03:15 AM

No. 12 Shirt

She had been battered, raped and pillaged for several months. Every fresh blow seemed to bring her closer to that final crushing blow. Like a wounded animal she tried to stand on her feet, to regain her dignity and honour, but the attacks were relentless and to the shame of all, none would come to her aid.

And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the end was near. The Haters, Vultures and Ghouls made their way towards Ibrox for the telling knockout blow. In the interests of “sporting integrity” a boxing referee was enlisted to deliver the final count.

At the doors of Ibrox they were met by two sentinels who barred their way. Alistair McCoist and Lee McCulloch. It was pointless asking them to move. Neither would walk away.

“Start the count” demanded one of the haters. And so it began.

But not as as they had expected.


“Wait, wait your counting wrong” screamed the haters.


The two sentinels were no longer alone. For on either side of them filing quietly into line were unknown faces wearing Rangers shirts with No. 12 on the back. They didn't need names on the back, it was the badge on the front which was important to them. There were young and old, sprightly and infirm, the capable carried the less capable lest they stumbled.

As the count continued the numbers, grew, and grew, and grew, until thousands joined the two sentinels barring the way to Ibrox.

The silence was broken momentarily when a whisper filled the air, some say to this day it came from within the walls of Ibrox itself....... “We’ve got the battle fever on”

“Who are these people?” asked one of the haters.

Ally McCoist stepped forward....... “Allow me to introduce you to my No. 12's......they don't do walking away either”

And so it began.

In years to come Rangers historians will recite stories of Baxter, Woodburn, Cooper, Laudrup, McCoist, Gough and of course of No. 12.

In the coming months news outlets will feature stories about the No. 12's – the fans who would not let their club die.

Their loyalty, faith and passion in a football club will capture the imagination of nations.

They will become the benchmark which other supporters aspire to.

Whatever is thrown at them or their club No.12's will come back for more, time and time again until eventually our detractors can thrown no more.

Wherever their club goes the No. 12's will be there. And every other Saturday Ibrox will be filled with No. 12's.

Our children's children will proudly tell their friends at school that their grandfather was a No. 12.

No. 12's will be the topic of conversation every Monday morning, in factories, offices, wherever people assemble.

Newspaper columns will mention the No.12's in the same breath as resilience and a never say die spirit.

Who am I and how do I know all this ?

Im a No. 12 and Im about to take my place in history.


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The Crown Office has today instructed Strathclyde Police to conduct a criminal investigation into the acquisition of Rangers Football Club in May 2011 and the subsequent financial management of the Club.

I'm sure the impartial Strathclyde Police will be appointing Inspector S Lamb to head up the investigation. Would be as well asking Traynor & Young to do it.

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Yep. It won't really change anything for Rangers fans (just like Airdrie), but if they're a new club, then they should have their records wiped. Although that said, there IS precedent for that not happening. I believe there is now actually a regulation in Italy that if a club goes bust, it can now start again one tier below where they were, with their history. I could be wrong on that though, I'm sure I remember that discussion coming up with an Italian in a pub a while back, maybe an expert could clarify (Dee man)?. Do the likes of Fiorentina and Torino have blank histories?

I personally think new club, new history though.

Sorry, Italian football isn't my area of expertise. You might want to contact Gab Marcotti or somebody of that ilk as he's probably slightly more reliable than 'a guy in a pub'.

I was in Perugia in 2003 for Dundee's UEFA cup tie before they went the way Rangers are heading, does that qualify me?

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I maybe cynical but with all the spl cartel clubs voting no I hope they don't think they can just admit then relegated their toxic waste into sfl1........

I think the SPL relented under sustained pressure from fans. I am convinced the fans of SFL can apply sufficient pressure to their clubs.

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Don't worry your work mate (are you sure of this) is a ignorant bigot. I'm sure you will sleep without telling it.

i use the term workmate loosely. he works in same building but seeing as he's a former rangers supprter(in denial) i couldn't care less. in actual fact i'll sleep better knowing its truely over.

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Sorry, Italian football isn't my area of expertise. You might want to contact Gab Marcotti or somebody of that ilk as he's probably slightly more reliable than 'a guy in a pub'.

I was in Perugia in 2003 for Dundee's UEFA cup tie before they went the way Rangers are heading, does that qualify me?

Go on, tell what is? This will be good! Expert DR reader at the bestlaugh.gif

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The Crown Office has today instructed Strathclyde Police to conduct a criminal investigation into the acquisition of Rangers Football Club in May 2011 and the subsequent financial management of the Club.

The investigation into alleged criminality follows a preliminary police examination of information passed to them in February this year by the Club administrators.

The Procurator Fiscal for the West of Scotland will now work with Strathclyde Police to fully investigate the acquisition and financial management of Rangers Football Club and any related reports of alleged criminality during that process.



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I think the SPL relented under sustained pressure from fans. I am convinced the fans of SFL can apply sufficient pressure to their clubs.

I'd like to think that, but I think it's more to do with the Div 1 compromise getting pushed through. The Chairmen are using the opportunity to look like stand up guys to their fans while quietly stitching up a deal that will make the vote irrelevant.

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I think the SPL relented under sustained pressure from fans. I am convinced the fans of SFL can apply sufficient pressure to their clubs.

Given SFL clubs lose not a single penny of their budgeted income by rejecting Sevco, it is absolutely disgraceful to see them line up with simpering platitudes and forelock tugging if they were so fortunate to have Sevco in the same league as them.

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