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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I sometimes feel like this.

but then I remember this, and my sympathy turns unsolicited laughter. This then turns into an urge to wind up some Rangers fans on facebook.

May be that I'm bi-polar.

I hate being bi-polar, it's brilliant.

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Been out golfing tonight... a quick update, anyone?

Well, let's see. First the earth cooled. And then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil. And then the Arabs came and they bought Mercedes Benzes. And Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di's clothes. I couldn't believe it.

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Also remember D&Ps were appointed by the court so if there was a known conflict of interest by them and they never informed the judge then someone is going to be held accountable and it aint gonna be the judge.

You sure they were appointed by the courts? I thought Whyte appointed them before another administrator was appointed by the courts.

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Watch out diddy teams because the sevco 5088 supporters are now scouting your best talent as if they'll sign for the newco in a nanosecond because they are ? fcuk all really :lol: ! but they think they would be able to snatch even a few players from Kilmarnock PMSL to play in the 3rd if they even get back into any league :blink: delusional or what FFS.


What's a "die in the wool rangers fan"? I can just about imagine a "die in the wool Dons fan" - that's sorta like snuffing it on the job for them. :)

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The scotsman running this story today

Scotsman Link

Rangers newco: 1964 bid to eject minnows could come back to haunt club

IRONY will be at the forefront of the minds of certain members of the Scottish Football League with long memories when they vote on the future of ‘The Rangers’.

Five clubs which will be involved in determining which division the Ibrox club will play in next season – Albion Rovers, Berwick Rangers, Brechin City, Stenhousemuir and Stranraer – may think back 48 years when the boot was on the other foot.

In 1964, this gang of five survived an attempt to oust them from senior football in a move led by Rangers.

The Glasgow giants wanted to reduce the number of clubs in the then top two divisions from 37 to 32 and proposed that the minnows should drop out.

Rangers proposed that the five clubs with the smallest gate receipts should be kicked out and were at the vanguard of moves to make it happen, including sending out correspondence to the other member clubs and deliberately excluding the targeted clubs.

Amid much legal wrangling, the smaller clubs – supported by Celtic and their chairman Robert Kelly – survived the move. SFL Operations Director David Thomson recalled: “The book that was launched to mark the centenary of the SFL in 1990 records what happened. The five clubs were in danger of being voted out. However, Stenhousemuir committee member Robert Turpey, who was also a lawyer, and strongly supported by the other clubs, was successful in raising an interim interdict on their behalf.”

The matter was eventually resolved out of court in November 1964 amid promises that the clubs would remain in the SFL and any new league that was formed. Thomson added: “That decision probably marks the start of a move to three professional leagues that started a decade later when the Premier League along with Divisions 1 and 2 were created.”

However, Rangers’ role in the wrangle caused a lot of anger at the time, especially in Stranraer. Present-day committee member Shaun Niven said: “I know that a lot of people in the town were unhappy with what had gone on. Stranraer are Scotland’s third oldest team as we were formed in 1870 after just Queen’s Park and Kilmarnock. We waited over 80 years to be admitted to the old-style Division Two and to be told after ten years that we were not wanted caused a lot of resentment. The clubs that had been targeted rallied round to win their case and remain in the SFL to this day.”

Looking at Rangers’ present predicament, Niven added: “This situation is another of the great ironies that football throws up. We could now determine whether Rangers get into the SFL and what division they come into after they tried to throw us out all those years ago.

“This whole situation is full of issues going full circle as it has probably accelerated the amalgamation of the SPL and the SFL 15 years after they were spilt apart by SPL sides led by Rangers and Celtic. Now one league body is seen as the way forward.”

Berwick, of course, took a measure of revenge on the park less than two years later when they defeated Rangers 1-0 in a Scottish Cup tie, and now the fate of the club that wanted to expel them and four others could sit in their collective hands.

If it comes to a vote at the SFL, Stranraer would have to balance the prospect of placing Rangers in the First Division for the good of the game overall against their own promotion to the Second Division, as they were the losing play-off side last month and weigh up the benefit of eight local derbies against Queen of the South and Ayr United to an overall package that benefits the SFL overall.

Niven added, “Nothing will be pre-judged based on what happened nearly 50 years ago. If we have to make a decision we will do that based on what is best for Stranraer FC and Scottish football overall.”

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From RM:

I think we may well end up in the courts showing how biased the SFA have been and they making of rules to punish us more than any team in admin,surely Rangers have collected all the comments, leaks from meetings and those at sfa who have failed a member club.

C'mon England take pity on our plight and invite us to the lower leagues in the name of sporting integrity.

Poor deluded b@stards.

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From RM:

Poor deluded b@stards.

Quite agree. I cannot go to these hen sites, I cannot face them. For some reason, even after all that has happened with fans of all other clubs joining together, this WATP attitude from the Ibrox masses angers me more than ever, which is saying something.

As I expect is the case with so many others, at the start of this whole adventure I had a feeling of resignation about the whole thing, that there would be usual Scottish stitch-up and 'normal service would be resumed', but with the faint hope that at least the authorities would follow their own rules. I have since moved on to wanting them expelled from the SPL and, very soon after that, to wanting them to just disappear from the Scottish game altogether - all because of what they have done and the attitude of their fans.

This whole idea that rules do not apply to them, that we should allow them back and be thankful that they spit their bile and piss on us for our benefit is beyond me. As is the myth that they bring money and so many benefits to the the Scottish game. They don't. The only money they bring to the Scottish game goes (or rather, went) to RFC. Crumbs from the master's table, my arse.

The fans must pressure the SFL and its clubs to keep them out. I suspect that should Spartans, or Cove or whoever apply for the extra spot they would become everyone's favourite second team.

Of course, with a little luck, Sevco may just disappear of the face of the earth.

Anyway, now that I have my morning rant out the way, I'll finish my toast and catch that bus.

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You know something all this talk of "don't punish the fans" its not the clubs fault etc etc. the way the fans have reacted right the way through this saga could be looked back on as a bigger PR dissaster than anything else. barely a shred of humility and arrogance and agression by the bucket load.

What surprised me most about the Rangers fans during all of this was their complete inability to grasp the severity of the situation and get together, get organised, project a united front. I'm no expert on the factions within the Rangers support, but pre-Feb 14, I was aware of the names 'Blue Order', 'Union Bears', and there was always some guy on the telly, an older guy, who was some sort of spokesman for the official Rangers supporters clubs. Following administration on Feb 14, I don't think I saw this older guy on the telly at all. There was that fat baldy chunt - who all Rangers fans seemed to hate too, and the younger guy with a neat line in leather jackets and regular appearances on the Scotland Tonight sofa. He was on the telly again last night, saying that by canvassing their own supporters views, clubs like Dundee United and Aberdeen simply kicked Rangers when they were down. To think that this arrogant wee chunt is choking into his cornflakes this morning pleases me greatly.

Then of course we had the RFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and their wonderful roll-up bannerstand. More typo' errors and mistakes in one 850mm x 2236mm graphic than I managed in a lifetime. Sandy Jardine seemed to spend a fair bit of time with the typo' error boys. Cannot believe they managed to typeset S-a-n-d-y J-a-r-d-i-n-e, and not the correct useage; U-t-t-e-r C-u-n-t. Talk about a typo' error.

So, these Blue Order, Union Bears, supporters clubs, fat baldy guys, older guy, and younger but seriously deluded guy..... plus the myriad of worldwide and local Rangers supporters clubs, bus convenors, blah, blah de blah.... where were they? Why weren't they organised into one group, speaking with one voice - and putting their triumphalist superiority complex WATP bullshit on hold? Us diddies recognised right away that their club was in a fight for its very survival - Rangers fans appeared to think they were in a fight to retain Champions League group stage qualification, and their 'rightful' position of shitting on the Sellik.

Ach, not my concern. Fcuk um'.

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What surprised me most about the Rangers fans during all of this was their complete inability to grasp the severity of the situation and get together, get organised, project a united front. I'm no expert on the factions within the Rangers support, but pre-Feb 14, I was aware of the names 'Blue Order', 'Union Bears', and there was always some guy on the telly, an older guy, who was some sort of spokesman for the official Rangers supporters clubs. Following administration on Feb 14, I don't think I saw this older guy on the telly at all. There was that fat baldy chunt - who all Rangers fans seemed to hate too, and the younger guy with a neat line in leather jackets and regular appearances on the Scotland Tonight sofa. He was on the telly again last night, saying that by canvassing their own supporters views, clubs like Dundee United and Aberdeen simply kicked Rangers when they were down. To think that this arrogant wee chunt is choking into his cornflakes this morning pleases me greatly.

Then of course we had the RFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and their wonderful roll-up bannerstand. More typo' errors and mistakes in one 850mm x 2236mm graphic than I managed in a lifetime. Sandy Jardine seemed to spend a fair bit of time with the typo' error boys. Cannot believe they managed to typeset S-a-n-d-y J-a-r-d-i-n-e, and not the correct useage; U-t-t-e-r C-u-n-t. Talk about a typo' error.

So, these Blue Order, Union Bears, supporters clubs, fat baldy guys, older guy, and younger but seriously deluded guy..... plus the myriad of worldwide and local Rangers supporters clubs, bus convenors, blah, blah de blah.... where were they? Why weren't they organised into one group, speaking with one voice - and putting their triumphalist superiority complex WATP bullshit on hold? Us diddies recognised right away that their club was in a fight for its very survival - Rangers fans appeared to think they were in a fight to retain Champions League group stage qualification, and their 'rightful' position of shitting on the Sellik.

Ach, not my concern. Fcuk um'.

The problem for them in a way is that they were all looking to the media (Daily Record etc) for their information and to take a lead, and they've been let down by them just as badly as the rest of us. I hate to trod over the same ground again as last night, but the sooner Traynor, Jackson, Young etc are all out of mainstream media, the better.

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The fact that the MSM are even running that story about events in 1964 shows you how much the tectonic plates have shifted in 2 months.

P.S. Any sign of Chick ?


True enough, but that Hootsmon article also suggests Stranraer will vote on "placing Rangers in the first division". Fundamental error in assumptions.

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You`re all deluded.... I never realised that Scotland had so many legal experts and tax experts all playing on the same forum and don`t even get me started on the subject of "sporting integrity" experts. How do you measure sporting integrity by the way?

Judging by the way that the people charged with the responsibility of looking after the interests of their own clubs (ie Chairmen, Boards of Directors )and also tasked with the responsibility of running their own league, ie member clubs of the SPL, have been and are still currently behaving, then its absolutely no surprise that the Scottish game is in the state that it is. Greed, delusion,fear, self-interest, procrastination are just some of the character traits that are currently being portrayed by the afore-mentioned office bearers for each of the respective clubs. They are to busy trying to be seen to be pleasing the "rent-a-mob fan base" that have suddenly surfaced waving the sporting integrity banner in one hand and their club colours in the other hand. To pass a decision of this magnitude over to the afore mentioned rent-a-mob fans is nothing short of ridiculous (it`s also a breach of their fiduciary duties as a Company Director) It would appear that not one of them has had the courage to actually say "NO COMMENT " when being asked which way their club will vote on July 04th whilst at the same time actually then looking at all the COMMERCIAL implications of rejecting an application for NEWCO to join the SPL. By pandering to the rent-a-mob they are collectively signing the death warrant of the game in Scotland and consigning the SPL to years in the doldrums. I`ll guarantee you that all the so called "supporters" who have been on the forums, newspapers, radio etc over this saga will be the very same ones who will be on the same media vehicles a year from now complaining about the state of Scottish football and how poorly regarded we are by the rest of the world,we need league re-construction,oh woe is me, etc..................... do these so called office bearers currently charged with making these decisions today really think that all the rent-a-mob fans are going to be digging deep into their pockets and turning out in the middle of winter when moneys tight, Xmas is coming and the weathers crap because Dundee/Dunfermline/Club 12 are coming calling. The rent-a-mob fans will be out shopping with their wives,sitting at home on their key boards typing crap about something else,sitting watching the darts on TV.......the only thing they won`t be doing is out supporting their clubs. It will be a similar story in the last quarter of the season as well because 99% of them will have ZERO to play for. So by the end of the coming season each of the clubs (the ones that survive,because Administration is a heart beat away for at least 2 of them) will then see the real effects of the decision made this season. Budgets and revenues will be slashed to levels that will then finish the job of consigning the SPL to a level that it will never recover from. This decision will send ripples through the Scottish game right down to grass roots level so the SFL, Junior and Amateur leagues are all going to feel the effects of this decison for years to come.

Before the brain surgeons,doctors,protectors of sporting integrity,rent-a-mob start beating their key boards to death with their sarcastic, un-witty responses finished with just the right measure of bile, I`d like to point out that at no point have I condoned ANY of the actions of Rangers or the previous administration at the club. They will have to deal with the ramifications of their actions for years to come.In the fullness of time the criminal investigation will hopefully lead to the right people being called to account at all levels.

You should all be honest and admit that none of the current out pouring is being done in the name of "sporting integrity" or because you think that your club has been hard done to at some point by Rangers. You are being carried along with the mob mentality which says more about our current society than anything else has ever done in the last 50 years. I was fortunate enough to have played professional football at a decent level and I know what goes on behind the scenes of clubs up and down the country and some of it isn`t pretty nor legal. If you are all really hell bent on "sporting integrity" then you should now be lobbying the powers that be (SFA,SPL,SFL) to carry out an audit of ALL the member clubs on the same basis as the audit carried out on Rangers. " Without fear or favour " I believe was the phrase used by Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster on several occassions. Mr Regan and Mr Doncasters respective panels would be snowed under with the "prima facae" evidence of financial mis-management,contractual irregularities and overall general bad management at every member club. What then????

I have good memories from football and I`ll share those memories with my son`s and let them watch the DVD`s of what the game used to be like in Scotland. I`ll encourage them to play football and enjoy it for what it is now but I`ll also enjoy taking them fishing,golfing and any other outdoor pursuits that catch my eye because football at a serious level in Scotland is now officially in decline after the keys to the asylum were handed over to the patients.

Last one out please make sure you turn the lights off...........

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