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He's changed his tune now rangers are gone. It wasn't that long ago he was backing their plan for a ten team SPL. The suspicious among us might even suggest he is just trying to get his pals back quicker. <_<

Utter drivel.

He shouldn't be taking issue with 1st Division/other SFL teams stance, though. Not his place, and he is clearly wrong in what he is suggesting.

Edited by Drooper
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Stewart Gilmour thinks a 16 team spl isn't far away.

16 team SPL?

Looks like he favours the system I've been banging on about for years.

The only difference seems to be he suggests a 6-6-4 split rather than a 4-6-6

(I assume this is because St Mirren would be less likely in a bottom 4 than a bottom 6)

First time I've seen anybody from wihtin the game admit that a 16 team league is viable. Every time it gets mentioned it quickly gets shot down with the "not enough games" myth.

Good sign that the minds of at least some of those in charge of our game may be opening ever so slightly.

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Just what is wrong with our fans groups?

Well i could answer with some obvious slurs here...however, why don`t you enlighten us "diddy team" supporters with what is was like to grow up and become a Rangers supporter?

What different factions are there in these fan groups, do they have much in common, like actually having the stones to work together and save their club (in whatever form it will become)?

Or have they just become the very thing that has seen the clubs demise: bloated, arrogant, lazy and corrupt?

I`m serious, this isn`t a wind-up. Perhaps the fans have just been so used to being handed everything on a plate,never having had to toil through hard times, relegation threats etc, that they don`t actually have any character?

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Stewart Gilmour thinks a 16 team spl isn't far away.

16 team SPL?

So in other words... Gilmour backs putting Rangers into SFL1 - then ensuring they'll be back in SPL next season by ensuring the Top 4 go up :lol:?

His plan would have to overcome numerous hurdles anyway. Several clubs ardently back 10-team SPL (including Hibs, Aberdeen, St Johnstone) and few backed even 14. Celtic don't want a 40-game season. SFA want 10-team SPL. Clubs at the bottom get 36 games while bigger sides get 40. Having completed a 40-game season for top clubs you've then EL play-offs ontop.

And Gilmour probably won't even be at St Mirren next season.

With the financial losses caused by Rangers demise I'd think any expansion has reduced in liklihood, but it'd be to 14 (36/40) if it was to happen.

However Gilmour's idea does hold fundemental what Scottish football must always retain... split, 4x playing, EL play-offs, high 30s/40 league games.

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I can only guess that ACQ magazine is owned by our old friend Craig Whyte. Well not directly or even through his daddy, but by some company registered in Monaco, Jersey, Bermuda or Lichtenstein.

It's owned by the same publishing house that owns 'The Medical Digest'. They gave 'Physician of the Year' to Harold Shipman.

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You've got to take your hat off to Irn Bru with their latest advert in anticipation of the newco application to the SFL

Your dad's a Fanny, Your Brother's a Fanny, your Grandpa's a Fanny. You come from a long line of Fannys

Brings to mind if they get into the SFL "you must be a newco fan,eh ?"

Edited by hellbhoy
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Stewart Gilmour thinks a 16 team spl isn't far away.

16 team SPL?

i hope so. However, much as i abhor the 11 to 1 vote, he is wrong to suggest that enlarging the SPL is being held up by the exOF, the other clubs in the SPL have been complicit in blocking this because they wanted the 4 fixtures against the cheeks each season. Hopefully this recent awareness of the folly of that policy will enable us to get a proper league.

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What I can't understand is why Rangers fans are so up in arms about fans of other clubs and their glee about the announcement of constant nightmare scenarios that pour from Ibrox every day.

Are we to believe the rangers fans wouldn't be doing the same? or are they so blinkered that they wouldn't have recognised any of the other 10 teams who make up the teams outwith the OF.

Can't they see the regard their team held in by other clubs because of the stranglehold it had on the whole of scottish football?

oh and BTW, Sir David still hasn't got nowhere near the thrashing he deserves for what happened to that club. The fact that the next two owners after he stepped down have been donkeys(no offence to donkeys) is the only reason why he isn't getting more grief. (wouldn't surprise me if Murray was a backer of the other 2 muppets!!)

They are still in denial.

Deflecting all blame away from themselves, looking for scapegoats and conspiracies when THEY DID IT TO THEMSELVES.

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Dundee Mad has a thread about Sevco buying Cowden.

Exactly the scenario I visualised/fantasised about a couple of months ago, but I thought, no......they're in trouble but it'll never get that bad!

Cowden just seem so vulnerable, and there's the Findlay connection.

I'd accept that as long as the name was non-negotiable. So Cowdenbeath play at Ibrox. In Rangers' colours, yeah, that's ok too.

Nah, dreaming again....

Findlay is bad enough but the bit that makes this more likely is the fact the Brewster bros own it. They will have a price. And if the price is right they will say yes.

Interesting that Bomber is proud of the fact that they have a legal eagle in their team to keep them right. Findlay specialises in defending the indefensible. People like Luke Mitchell, Tobin, Nat Frazer.

Good thing is they keep being found guilty when Findlay is at their side. :lol:

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He's changed his tune now rangers are gone. It wasn't that long ago he was backing their plan for a ten team SPL. The suspicious among us might even suggest he is just trying to get his pals back quicker. <_<

Exactly, just a way them to get NEWCO back into the top league asap. We aint all numbnuts Gilmour!!

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