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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I dont suppose any fans of a "diddy" team are RAF pilots that could, due to instrument failure on a training exercise, fly over Ibrox and accidentally release a full payload?

Just asking. whistling.gif

What if they missed? They could do literally thousands of pounds worth of improvement to the surrounding area.

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Have never understood this theory that there will be too many meaningless games, along with not enough games over all.

A 16 team League, playing each other once at Home and once Away, giving a total of 30 matches a season seems to work fine in countries like Portugal, Russia, Ukraine and Greece.

All of these countries have a far better coefficient that Scotland, and all of them have their national team at the Euro's.

We need to do away with playing each other 4 times a season, it has become stale.

We need to do away with meaningless splits.

For additional matches, why not start the season off with the League Cup back in it's original format, with group stages. That would give all teams an extra 6 games at least.

Have them played on a Saturday in July/August, a good warm up for teams in Europe too.

All League Cup games fixed at a tenner.

No Sky TV, just highlights on BBC/STV with the occasional live match.

Get the punters in at the start of the season. Have them included in Season Tickets again.

God knows this competition needs to be rejuvenated, the midweek matches just aren't getting the crowds in anymore.

This would work well alongside a 16 team League.

A bigger League without any fancy split system would mean some less meaningful matches, but does that not give teams the opportunity to blood more youth players?

You've succeeded in cramming almost every myth, misconception, counter-intuitivity and counter-positive into 200 words :lol:!!

"Back to 1972" strikes again...

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Come guys, enough of the hysterics, we've known for at least the last couple of weeks that something like this will pop up. The lower league teams have been contacting chairmen and, even better, division 2 and 3 teams have been given absolutely no incentive (or not in real terms) by any of this. As far as I can see, the fans of the diddies are still very much in a position of power, especially those who don't benefit from a tv deal.

We have had very strong indications of nos from Falkirk, Raith Rovers and Morton, the latter because of the reaction of the fans. There's no reason to get downbeat, this is just Scottish football's panic reaction to losing one of their selling points. The SPL/SFA or whoever have solely marketed Scottish football based on the old firm, and they want to bring it back together as quickly as possible. The SPL fans have stopped this from happening immediately, now it's the turn of the lower leagues.It can be done, as had been proven already.

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Out of interest, should anyone complain to the police about the "singing" on those videos, would it be the uploader or the singers who would be prosecuted?

Try 'none of the above'. And whats worse, I've got some bad news for you about Santa Clause and the tooth fairy too :(

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I suspect this probably is coming from the Cockwomble, and I'm hopefull the 11 chairmen will hold firm and force Sevco to start at the bottom. If the Cockwomble tries to force this through with the Board alone against the chairmen's wishes, I would expect an EGM and announcement of the Cockwomble's dismissal.

Did you see Stewart Gilmour's comments in the interview with the local rag that was posted on here yesterday?

I'm afraid the word 'duped' is all too apt once again.

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On the up side I have just received an email from the CiC (Fans' Group) trying to buy St Mirren. A poll was conducted on the Newco scenario with 4 questions ranging fro 'No to Newco' to 'Do you still say No to Newco is it means St Mirren going into administration?'. A resounding 83.5% of supporters who have committed hard cash responded to the poll. Even in the worst scenario ie St Mirren going into admin due to lack of TV money (scaremongering as it wont happen) there was still an 80.9% vote for No to Newco. Even better was sixty-odd pages of thoughtful and well written comments on why supporters were against the Newco. This will now be presented to the existing SMFC BOD. The real fans (over 1,000 season tickets holders pledging cash for the buyout) have made it very clear that they do not want a Newco anywhere except starting with an application to the 3rd Division.

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If the SPL chairmen knew about his and it's not just another donkey drive, just how stupid do they think their fans are? Do they really think we can't see through that? Did they really misread the outrage about the no-newco-in-the SPL?

And as for Petrie..... I reckon the 'it is understood' line means this info has come from Doncaster or Green but has not been confirmed with Petrie, so it could just be nonsense. If Petrie is involved in such a stitch up, then shame on you sir.

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My runners for this race are:

Airdrie United (unfortunately) - Pro Rangers Chairman, if offered a pot of cash and a guaranteed board place that would mean that he could retain his position with the SFL and SFA I think he might take it, does not have the greatest relationship with the Airdrie Fans. Only drawback is that it is thought that he also is part of the company that owns the ground, which would become a difficult asset to dispose of

Cowdenbeath - also Pro Rangers Chaiman, shortly to have no ground, very small fanbase.

Clyde - again shortly to have no ground as they dissolve their partnership with NLC, very small fanbase.

East Stirling - currently with no ground and also very small fanbase.

Oh FFS, not this again. It's been done to death and shot down time and time again on this thread, you monumental arse

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I urge all fans to once again contact your clubs on the back of this new proposal that has been outlined on the BBC website, stating that the changes proposed are unacceptable, and should your club vote YES, that you will not be back.


I read with interest about the moves to restructure Scottish Football (http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18625293). The plans seem to involve the merging of the spl and sfl and reorganisation of the leagues. This is long overdue, however I am concerned that this is only happening now to facilitate Seveco's entry into the 2nd tier rather than them having to apply to enter at the bottom of the league system as any new club should. I agree with Mr Milne's statement that "Reorganisation of the game is a priority..., but it is not something that should be rushed through just to deal specifically with one club".

I would urge AFC to oppose any proposals that rush through league reorganisation without fully consulting fans, and in particular oppose any change that is designed to parachute in a New Club to anything other than the bottom tier of the league system. Several SPL clubs, including our own, have made statements about the primacy of sporting integrity over financial considerations, the rumoured machinations will be rightly viewed as unsporting, unfair and an insult to the idea of sporting integrity. If AFC were to condone such a plan I, and I suspect many others, will be looking to return our Season Tickets.

I trust that AFC will be true to their statement released earlier this week.



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OK, on the face of it the plans outlined on the BBC web site largely make sense, with the one obvious exception being that of "relegating" a non-existent team from the SPL into Div1.

At this stage no one, not even Charles Green, can categorically state that any club called "Rangers" will be able to fulfill football fixtures in any league that they may be in at the start of the season.

"Rangers" don't currently have an SFA License! They may have just enough players left, but even some of those that turned up for training today don't actually have a contract with Rangers, Servco or anyone else. Then there's the question of commercial contracts with catering firms, match-day security, policing and all of the other stuff that need to go on when hosting a game (even in Div3). Is any of this in place yet? Where's the proof that "Rangers" have sufficient funds to not only pay the players they do have, but to also pay suppliers (who will obviously be very wary)? . Do they even have banking facilities yet?

FFS, Livingston were dumped into the 3rd Division for being unable to convince the SFL that they could see out a season. I think few of us are convinced that Rangers as they are at the moment could even see out one game!!!!

Edited to add- If the other clubs are daft enough to vote this through, then sorry, but I really hope it comes back to bite them on the arse and they are left looking very stupid!

Edited by Ravelin
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I know we're all getting irritated with this ongoing omnishambles but let's remember that it is all reliant on Zombie Rangers even getting an application together by tomorrow. Reckon Chas Green is going to get that sorted? He's been very reliable so far.

He won't need to the other chairman will have a copy he only has to sign.mad.gif

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This is just a planted story via the usual suspects e.g. the unthinking and unquestioning Alistair Lamont to take the heat out of last nights stramash. Yes, yes, you will be playing next season, oh, yes Division One. No problems at all.

Patience. They won't be playing next season. They are dead.

Edited by Araminta Moonbeam QC
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f**k that shit, if this goes through and Thistle have voted yes then its game over for me.

Believe me m8 you wont be the only jags fan that will have entered Firhill for the last time if Beattie agree's to this. Lets remember that we were told ages ago that only match fixing was greater than NEWCO's crimes. If this is what our bodies consider fair punishment, the game is up.


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Surely any re-organisation of the league system would require all SPL and SFL teams to vote on it. In which case we still have to make it clear to our clubs that we do not want a re-structuring of our leagues, purely to benefit the newco. We can't accept this constant shifting of the rules. Any newco can only apply for SFL3 as per the existing rules.

I'm actually for a re-structuring but for the correct reasons. By all means let's have serious talks about it but no changes to take place for at least two seasons.

The argument isnt over yet.

Posted the above two days ago. Nothing's changed except that several SFL clubs have already said no to this rule bending. The BBC are reporting old news.

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That Leggoland blog is something else today.

"There will be tens of thousands descending on Charles Green. At Ibrox where he works and on the Menzies Hotel where he lurks. Nobody, not me, or any of the supporters' groups, will be able to hold back the angry mob. We will try to preach restraint. But it is doubtful if they will listen. For their dander is up. That's a fact."

Clear attempt at incitement to violence - time to step in Mr Plod. You jailed some Facebook wallies in Dundee recently for less.

"ALEX THOMSON, the Channel Four bigot who mocked the 66 who perished in the Ibrox Disaster, is in trouble. And I will soon reveal another pile of the brown, smelly and sticky stuff this disgrace of a man is up to his neck in. He started something. I am about to finish it. And finish Alex Thomson."

Course you will Leggo, have another can of Tennents for breakfast.


"One day, they will feel my POWER! "


Totally agree, an absolute disgrace, but that's what happens to drowning men, and in this case a drowning club.

A dirty-tricks campaign is now on his agenda, now that he can no longer win his argument.

Despicable tactics, talking about 'mob-rule', in a clear attempt at intimidation.

He knows the game's up and he has nowhere else to go, similar to the 'scorched-earth policy' comments from many 'rangers' fans.

Absolutely despicable - a disgrace of a man.

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OK, on the face of it the plans outlined on the BBC web site largely make sense, with the one obvious exception being that of "relegating" a non-existent team from the SPL into Div1.

I assume they will relegate Oldco before it is liquidated and the transfer of share to Sevco would be approved by the SFL clubs. What this proposal doesn't make clear is what punishment will replace the transfer embargo?

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STV are reporting that the SFL clubs won't be allowed to vote on whether Rangers are accepted or not. I.e. the SPL clubs are going to say 'Yes' and then 'relegate' Rangers. I though you guys had convinced them otherwise?

That cant possibly be right....if it is football in Scotland for me, died today!!

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