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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Michael Kelly just referred to us diddy club supporters as 'petty minded' on BBC radio. I feel a rage fermenting in the very core of my being. If that an snivelling toley thinks he can set the tone for my weekend, though....

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Probably time then to compile the John Knox League as it will stand for next season:




Motherwell (Stuart McCall lies down to them, beat Kafflick Celtic on Helicopter Sunday)

Dunfermline (for reasons given above)



East Stirling

Cowdenbeath (Donald Finlay and Union Jack bunting around the ground!)

Inverness Caley (the township first heard and heartily agreed with the Reformation in 1974)

Hamilton (They're not in the Dundee, Hamilton line without passing the staunch test)

FC Rangers 1690 will obviously have to apply for entry. A few funny handshakes and they should get in no bother though.

We're in that line too, and we've been packed off to the Heretic burning at the stake St Bartholomews Day Massacre Magdalene Laundry running obsequiously kissing the Bishops' rings laity knowing their place League, so I demand a transfer back to The Truth Defenders League.

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Strange how tbk and Kennedy have finally got together and the media haven't sniffed it in the last few days. I thought Chico wouldbhave been in on that one at least or is he sitting at home stuffing his puss with Kraft Cheesy Pasta. he has been MIA recently.

Signs of moving onto stage 3 perhaps?


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Im just arrived here on this forum and the firdt thing i see is a derogatory remark about Muslims,OH DEARY ME, a wonderfull race of folk you could not beat,honest,loyal,and politically asstute,,its NOT bring them onboard (they) our brothers in arms are aboard and kicking and fighting with the rest of us ,lets call a spade a spade here ,i stand with my pals dark skinned or lighter shade of milk bottle ,please dont go doon this fukin line PAISLET ROAD WEST IS WHERE THE HEART IS and dont let us forget it ,RANT OVER ILL BE BACK

Opinions are one thing, facts are quite another. Muslims are not a "race". Muslims are followers of Islam..........a religion. Hitler suffered from a similar misconception btw.

Still, it's very generous of you to say that those folks are unbeatable.

Edited by Guest
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Jeckyll and Hyde reporting from the Record again. http://www.thescotti...rror-alert.html

In one column, Hannah is shouting that the names of all 3 panel members should have been made public from the start (like your average jury!) while their headline screams about the effects of doing so.


These guys aren't like jurors in a criminal trial. They're not ordinary punters selected at random from the population as a whole.

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Jeckyll and Hyde reporting from the Record again. http://www.thescotti...rror-alert.html

Except that link you've given is for the Sun, not the Record.

Signs of moving onto stage 3 perhaps?


The next person that posts up that f**king Kübler-Ross Five Stages Of Grief on here thinking they're being remotely witty or original deserves flogged with barbed wire.

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These guys aren't like jurors in a criminal trial. They're not ordinary punters selected at random from the population as a whole.

Correct. If they were chosen at random then they might know as much about Scottish football as I know about thermo nuclear physics.

Your point caller is?

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Can Roger Hannah and his 'newspaper' not chip in to have deleted all the personal information about The Hampden Three removed from The Internet? As we all know from experience, that should make it practically impossible to find out anything about them.

The whole thing from the newspaper about hiding identities is a load of sanctimonious claptrap anyway.

Eric Drysdale, the Raith Rovers director, gave an interview on the BBC yesterday afternoon about what had happened, and that he intends to continue working in this capacity if called upon.


"I stand by decisions that were reached. We looked at the options available to us and the decision of the panel was that this was an appropriate level of sanction.

"That was my view and that's what I was asked to give, my view."

In other words McCoist, Jardine and co, man up or shut up.

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Now we are approaching the end game - as we surely are - I think P & B should publish this thread as a book, complete with pics and news articles, so that we may entertain our children and grandchildren with these wonderful stories. No need for Roald Dahl any longer!

Yeah but we could borrow some of his titles for chapters:

The BFG (Big F****d-Up Gers)

Chico and the Pork Pie Factory

Fantastic Mr Whyte

Revolting Rangers


The Twits - didn't even need to change that one.

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Ah, time for my third post. The second doesn't really count as it was a reply of thanks. Like a blissfully ignorant bad tempered grizzly awakening from its hibernation only to find someone has stolen all the honey, I'd like you all to take a peek at what the marvellous media moguls at Rangers Media knocked out only a few short months ago. Indeed the bear neccessities.

Incredibly, as a previous post refers to, Rangers Media have attempted a club character assassination on Raith Rovers for being a little short of cash with a list of creditors and published accounts, claiming that the bold inquisitor Eric Drysdale should tend to his own garden first. These weighty impartial journos at Rangers Media are asking if Eric Drysdale is a fit and proper person to be making such an incredulous judgement against their beloved club. Perhaps a question of too little too late, if only they had thought to ask this of their own club chairman but a few short months ago....

Just in case you're having your breakfast cereal or a mouthful of hot coffee/tea, please ensure you've finished or swallowed and there are no others around when you click on the link below, I'd really be appalled if I were to have put something out there that could potentially cause damage or injury to anyone else. Isn't that right Ally? Oh, and while you're reading, please have some form of cloth or towel to mop up the wee that will no doubt escape when you note the date of the article......


P.S. I particularly like the comment at the bottom of the article in question from a Mr. Dave Cummings, a nice personal touch from someone who loves their club is always good to see.

Edited by chrismcarab
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FAO Jim Traynor and Keith Jackson -

I know you can see this chaps. You're both cunts.

Much love,


Is this one of the "diseased" websites Jim was moaning about? The one that "friends" tell him about, where peopke say horrible, nasty - but true - things about him?

FAO Jim's "friend": You're a fat c**t and what you know about football could be written on the back of a fag packet, even that scrawl would be entirely devoted to Rangers and Celtic. You, and the plethora of poorly educated ex-Rangers players, are what's wrong with BBC Scotland's football broadcasts.

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The next person that posts up that f**king Kübler-Ross Five Stages Of Grief on here thinking they're being remotely witty or original deserves flogged with barbed wire.

Tempting :ph34r:

Anyway, I was meaning that seriously.

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These guys aren't like jurors in a criminal trial. They're not ordinary punters selected at random from the population as a whole.

Perhaps not a perfect analogy but close enough. The 3 were selected from the SFA 'population as a whole' and deserve a level of anonimity. If the SFA are prepared to back the decision of their members, that's all any of us needs to know, surely. Or do you think some SFA members might have an agenda?

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Fixed to comply with Regulation 1(a), part II 'Acceptable naming conventions'.

I'd also lobby for (The) Queen's Park to be transferred into this league. Clearly must be a good proddy Park.

Why on earth would the rules of this new league involve Roman numerals? I think it's pretty clear where your allegiancies lie <_<

Good to see Brian "I don't really want to buy Rangers" Kennedy putting in yet another bid.

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Perhaps not a perfect analogy but close enough. The 3 were selected from the SFA 'population as a whole' and deserve a level of anonimity. If the SFA are prepared to back the decision of their members, that's all any of us needs to know, surely. Or do you think some SFA members might have an agenda?

Nope. But I'm in favour of transparency (as the SFA are supposed to be). These guys were not selected from any "population as a whole" including the SFA's. They're more like the lawyers and judges in criminal trials, whose identites are in the public domain (indeed, some of the SFA panel members are top lawyers).

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Anyone else think the flag refers to Jim Traynor or is it just me that think its says FAT CNT ?


I'm sure Ethel would have known exactly what to do with Mr. Traynor!

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I know a lot of us who regularly post on here have had our fun and a good LOL-fest, but underneath it all, there appears to be a mood that simply put, Rangers need to be treated like any other club, and all we ask is that the punishment fits the crime - or however you want to put it. Far from demanding a pound of flesh, we just want justice to be done, and importantly, to be seen to be done.

On the other side of the fence, all I'm seeing is a seige mentality, and arrogance of the highest order. Supreme bawbaggery and, for want of a better phrase, a lot of shite being talked out of a lot of arses... Smith, McCoist, Jardine, Goram, Hateley, Doddsy, Traynor... it's a long list, and no doubt I've missed a few outstanding candidates for the title of 'blowhard of the year' along the way.

Point being, and I might have missed it - is there anyone linked to Rangers either in an official capacity, or as a media pundit who openly supports Rangers, who has spoken in a more reasoned and rational manner about their situation? Anyone showing a modicum of objectivity and not lashing out at anyone and everyone, blaming everyone bar themselves for their rather irritating current financial predicament?

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Nope. But I'm in favour of transparency (as the SFA are supposed to be). These guys were not selected from any "population as a whole" including the SFA's. They're more like the lawyers and judges in criminal trials, whose identites are in the public domain (indeed, some of the SFA panel members are top lawyers).

Cobblers, there's absolutely no need to know who was on the tribunal, this is just the usual OF pish that demands to know what team you support, what school you went to, so they can whine about how the whole world is against them.

Edited by Baxter Parp
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