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Really odd scene of a male visitor to Dracula's castle cutting his finger and Dracula sucking the cut and seeming to get quite randy at the sight of blood, with the spooked visitor backing away from him and the viewer not knowing if Drac plans to kill him/rape him/suck his finger or a bit of all three.  


Doesn't Willam Defoe do something similar in Shadow of the Vampire?


Might be getting them mixed up TBH. I do love some monstrous vampires though; f**k yer Twilight pish   :P

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Doesn't Willam Defoe do something similar in Shadow of the Vampire?


Might be getting them mixed up TBH. I do love some monstrous vampires though; f**k yer Twilight pish   :P


Not seen it http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0189998/ but sounds good. Was on a day trip to Whitby as a kid and my sister had just finished telling me that it's where Dracula comes ashore, disguised as a black dog. Bang on cue, a big black dog comes bounding up towards me from the castle. I think my heart rate is still raised 30 years later. 

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I see Kaa the snake is voiced by Scarlett Johansson. Was Kaa not a guy?!

Yeah, but for the fleeting appearance it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference.

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Batman v superman.

I went into this thinking horrific. But to be honest its bloated with a lot of story but i thought it was actually quite good in lots of parts.

I thought a young lex luthor was a great idea showing his dorky people persona and his private dark persona was clever.

Wonder woman was wrong.

The bat vs man part was too short but beside that its a building block. It could do with a follow up being sharply out the stable

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Hardcore Henry. Basically watching a mate play a FPS on a big screen. OTT, bizzare and really not sure what was happening half the time.

7/10(mostly because of Jimmy)


I'm swithering over wether I should go and see that or not...


It's made by the same people who made the "Bad Motherfucker" video...



I'm not sure if the joke can be stretched out for an hour and a half though...

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Ex Machina (8/10)

Crackin sci-fi stuff, has kept me thinking way past the credits. Excellent tension, suspense and red herrings. Shows what can be done with a very minimal cast with one basic location.

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Love & Mercy - 8/10. Biopic about Brian Wilson. Paul Giamatti is excellent as Eugene Landy (albeit its the type of role he's used to playing - essentially a psychotic menacing b*****d). The film is just making me even more excited to see him playing Pet Sounds next month, regardless of the fact that hes essentially a vegetable on a stool papped in front of a keyboard now.

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Midnight Special

Didnt like it at all. Thought it was too slow, the cast sort of mumbled their lines, story never really took off and we dont seem to get much of an explanation for anything thats going on. Disappointing considering the talent of some of the cast which included Joel Edgerton, Michael Shannon and Adam Driver

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American Beauty - 9/10 - No idea why but it's the first time I've ever seen this. Loved every minute of it. Kevin Spacey is the boi.


The Jungle Book - 8/10 - Very well done. The wee actor who played Mowgli annoyed me, but apart from that it was great. Far better than I thought it looked in the trailers. Bill Murray singing Bear Necessities is bizarre as f**k (in the best possible way)


Miles Ahead - 6/10. Not as good as it potentially could've been. Cheadle is great as expected (the film is produced by him and he had apparently been pushing for it to get made for a while) but the film just sort of plods along without very much really happening.

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