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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Channel surfing just before bed last night caught the middle of Nymphomanic: Vol 2 on Film 4. What can I say, utter filth, a sleazy pornographic movie on main stream television. I am utterly shocked that channel 4/Film 4 could show such depraved explicitness. Luckily I've caught the whole film on +one so I can thoroughly examine it again before submitting my letter of complaint.


You should check out Vol. 1 in case it's just as bad. I bet they've shown that at some point too, the deviants.

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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You should check out Vol. 1 in case it's just as bad. I bet they've shown that at some point too, the deviants.


I think it was on the night before last. I have to say I avoided it, because in general I don't actually find films about the body's reproductive function to be that interesting. There are only a handful of sex scenes in cinema history that I think are well done.

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Revisited Natural born Killers today. Was a firm favourite of mine through the late teens stage, Downey Jr's performance is highly forgotten imo (think this was during his drug fuelled days). The satire/pop culture setting of the film made it fun and still holds up after 20 years. Tommy Lee Jones' unhinged performance is great aswell. 8/10

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I think it was on the night before last. I have to say I avoided it, because in general I don't actually find films about the body's reproductive function to be that interesting. There are only a handful of sex scenes in cinema history that I think are well done.


I think the main draw for Nymphomaniac was getting to see ol' Bob Guccione's dream of A-list actors doing hardcore porn, albeit with body doubles.


It gets difficult to watch these things with kids in the house, but I can't say I was that intrigued either. I think seeing Stellan Skarsgard's O-face on the posters put me off the whole idea a bit.

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Is there a new type of CGI about btw? The CGI in The Jungle Book was unreal. Looked amazing.


CGI is constantly evolving, isn't it? There always seems to be a new type coming out. There have been significant landmarks (maybe this is one) but you can practically "carbon date" films of the last 25 years just going by the ever-improving realness and attention to detail.


I've purposefully avoided trailers for TJB and only seen stills, but from what I've seen the animals look Revenant-esque, only without any of them mauling someone to within an inch of their life.

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Captain America: Civil War:

It had a bit of a choppy start with it just seemingly going from one event to another. However, unlike Batman v Superman, they managed to turn it around very quickly and produce a really good movie. The main characters on both sides were all well-rounded enough that they all provided a different insight on the conflict. It was a pretty serious movie, but it had some pretty funny moments (mainly in the big fight). Some side characters were a bit useless and didn't really need to be who they were. They seemed to just be lip-service in one way or another. It isn't as good a movie as Winter Soldier, but it has much more just fantastic moments. Moments that these movies were made for.


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It's the biggest shift I've seen in quality. Could easily be real animals.


I genuinely thought they were real for the first 20 minutes and the CGI was just used on their mouths to make it look like they were talking (total simpleton, I know), but totally agree with the quality of it in this film.

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Look Who's Back

A random German film on Netflix about Hitler, who wakes up in the middle of present day Berlin, wondering wtf is going on. Being the 'character' he is, it isn't long until he gets noticed and the public think he's the best impersonator of all time, launching him to national stardom as a stand up comic. Seemed like a German Borat-type film imo.

7/10. Well worth a watch if you can deal with English subtitles.

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Look Who's Back

A random German film on Netflix about Hitler, who wakes up in the middle of present day Berlin, wondering wtf is going on. Being the 'character' he is, it isn't long until he gets noticed and the public think he's the best impersonator of all time, launching him to national stardom as a stand up comic. Seemed like a German Borat-type film imo.

7/10. Well worth a watch if you can deal with English subtitles.


Read the book, not bad, bit of a parody on celebrity culture. I'll give the film a go.

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Went to see Disorder last night, advertised as a French thriller, which I usually like. This was a bit like an episode of the Professionals with a psychological theme. Not a clue what happened or who the baddies were. 4/10

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Eye in the Sky. Meh. It didn't know if it was a satire or a tearjerker, a movie or a BBC play. Great actors, improbable characters and plot. Important topic badly done. Liked the high tech innovation though. 4/10

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Civil war tonight.

I had my concerns mainly over how they would incorporate Spiderman and do the main storyline. Thay being well great effort. Still undecided if better than Winter but the fact it's up there speaks volumes.


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Captain America: Civil War


Thought the first 45 minutes or so were very disjointed but the last third of the movie was very good (the build up and execution of the main fight between everyone was excellent). I love Ant-Man and I thought Black Panther was very good.


Another really solid film from Marvel.



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I really liked Eye in the Sky and would go 8/10 for it. I don't think it's made it's made it's point as well as some like to think, and it's certainly nowhere near as smart as it appears to think it is. But as far as spending 90 minutes to be entertained, I thought it did it's job in that count and very well indeed.


The Boy gets 2/10 for being gash, with an extra point for having a reasonable payoff at the end. Nowhere near worth getting to though.

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Finally got to see Civil War, shame I ended up surrounded by three year old children whose parents had obviously decided could sit through three hours of something they'd have no chance of understanding. Smart move, arseholes.

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