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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Had a couple of days off sick so watched two documentaries on Netflix:

Merchants of Doubt: about the pseudo-experts who are put up by lobbying firms to defend, for example, climate change skepticism. Really depressing how a few powerful firms can completely change a nation's mindset about an issue that the entire scientific community agrees on.  

The Barclay Marathon: The Race That Eats It's Young: absolutely loved this - a mental ultramarathon that goes on in rural Tennessee. You have to write an essay to try to enter and pay the $1.60 application fee, if you get selected you get a letter of condolence. Over 100 miles, climbing and descending 120,000 feet over 60 hours. The guy that set it up is a legend, one of the best things I have seen in ages. 

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Had it downloaded for ages but only recently got round to watching 'Pontypool'. It's a Canadian film and I knew nothing about it going in. Would strongly recommend if you watch it to do the same and not google it. Not that there's loads of twists and turns or anything but it's a complete exercise in tension building and mind fuckery.

It's set solely in a small town radio station hosted by a former big city shock jock. About a breaking story that's going on in the local area. The performance of the lead actor (Steven McHattie) is absolutely superb, his tone, facial expressions and body language carry the film in many ways.

It's difficult to describe in all honesty and some folk will absolutely detest it, but it puts a very unique spin on a genre that's been done to death recently.

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On 11/7/2016 at 10:47, GrahamJags said:

Nocturnal Animals - 8/10. Very good watch. Will also echo what KPM said about Shannon being great. Similar character to Jeff Bridges' in Hell Or High Water, but maybe not quite as good.

Doctor Strange - 4/10. Not a massive Marvel/superhero fan but thought the first hour was great before it became a bit of a mess in the second.

The Accountant - 3/10. Couldn't get into this at all. Ben Affleck was pretty dreadful as the lead.

The Light Between Oceans - 7/10. Really enjoyed this. Hadn't read the books so I enjoyed the storyline. Ending is pretty predictable, but still managed to make me shed a tear. 


I saw this last night and think you're being a bit harsh.  Would give it a 6/10.  Wasn't what I was expecting but did think it was enjoyable.  Affleck did a good job I felt.  The twist of who the bad guy was though was too obvious for me!  

Still don't get why the firm actually hired him to do the work or why he loved the Autistic school so much.  He never even went there except for one day!

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Victoria (2015) - 2.5 hour thriller set across various internal and external locations in Berlin, all captured in one take. Absolutely outstanding for the most part - technically pulling off the single take with everything it includes, acting, direction etc etc.

A lot of the plot, from the first five minutes of the film really, is infuriating becuase the dodginess of it stops this from potentially being a truly great film, imo. Everything about the way this is made gives it a sense of realism and at times unbelievable tension; the leap of faith you need to take to go with the story works against that unfortunately.


The cafe scene is obviously there to work around the ridiculousness of everything Victoria goes along with, with the idea that her loneliness and sheltered upbringing are to blame. I'd just about go along with that as explanation for her careering off with a bunch of trackied bros trying to nick a car outside a nightclub. Driving a car for them that she's seen them steal from outside her work to some 5am meeting about paying back prison debts. Naaah

:lol: The apartment block escape is utter bollocks as well. Going for a spot of clubbing 30 seconds away from your heist car as well, come on

8/10 that could've been a 10/10.


Edited by Alan Stubbs
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Francophonia 6/10

Sort of dramatised documentary about the Louvre mainly based around WW2 and the people that ran it through that period but also featuring Napolean, Marianne, musings on time and situation and for no obvious reason a massive cargo boat caught in a storm. Same guy who did Russian Ark (not seen yet), better than I expected

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6 hours ago, Alan Stubbs said:
Victoria (2015) - 2.5 hour thriller set across various internal and external locations in Berlin, all captured in one take. Absolutely outstanding for the most part - technically pulling off the single take with everything it includes, acting, direction etc etc.

A lot of the plot, from the first five minutes of the film really, is infuriating becuase the dodginess of it stops this from potentially being a truly great film, imo. Everything about the way this is made gives it a sense of realism and at times unbelievable tension; the leap of faith you need to take to go with the story works against that unfortunately.

8/10 that could've been a 10/10.



It's a brilliant film. How they managed to get it all in one take is mind boggling. I don't know how to work spoilers so I won't go into it, but apparently they did make a wee mistake about 2/3rds of the way through but the cameraman saved the take with some quick thinking.


Edited by Blootoon87
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1 hour ago, Christophe said:

This Is Spinal Tap 10/10

Pretty sure we've all seen this mockumentary about a fake English metal band on tour.  I have nothing new to add but I was in tears nearly all the way through.  Nearly all of Harry Shearer's lines are perfect

The part where they get lost backstage has me in bits every time.

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This Is Spinal Tap 10/10

Pretty sure we've all seen this mockumentary about a fake English metal band on tour.  I have nothing new to add but I was in tears nearly all the way through.  Nearly all of Harry Shearer's lines are perfect

I also watched this in the last week, I think it has aged really well, some faultless performances & some great lines.
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Went to see Doctor Strange this afternoon. It was a bit different to the recent Marvel films in terms of it being a bit more philosophical (there were some really young kids in the showing so much of the time/existential chat would have been pretty meaningless) The visuals were pretty interesting but it was fairly average overall.


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On 16/11/2016 at 22:48, untitled00 said:

Had it downloaded for ages but only recently got round to watching 'Pontypool'. It's a Canadian film and I knew nothing about it going in. Would strongly recommend if you watch it to do the same and not google it. Not that there's loads of twists and turns or anything but it's a complete exercise in tension building and mind fuckery.

I might need to watch that again; saw it a while back and don't remember anything about it, other than it was quite good. Would also recommend if you're in the mood for something you haven't heard all about before putting it on. Anyway, last night's viewing...

Exorcist: the Beginning - terrible, yet entertaining awfulness about how the exorcist from the original film first met the demon that possessed Linda Blair. Some amusing dialogue, dodgy special effects, and a risible final boss battle. Quality, cheesy bad taste fun, much like Renny Harlin's Deep Blue Sea.

Femme Fatale - Rebecca Romijn finds herself in a pickle after a heist at the Cannes film festival doesn't go as planned.

Decent thriller from Brian De Palma, which comes across like a Hitchcock tribute, as usual. Features plenty of the usual De Palma obsessions, like twins/doppelgangers, stalkers/voyeurs, creepy eroticism, dream sequences, slow motion, mysterious characters who turn out to be someone you've already met, and probably a load of other stuff that I've forgotten. It's all entirely unbelievable and silly, but very entertaining if you're a fan of the man's films.

Also, Rebecca Romijn. Ooft. Never thought much about her one way or the other, but De Palma disnae half ken how to film his leading ladies.

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