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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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On 04/09/2017 at 19:29, DA Baracus said:

ROTS is terrible and the story is pish.

"Aye Anakin, to save your wife, who absolutely no one definitely knows is your wife, you have to murder a load of children. Your wife definitely won't ever find out and even if she did she'd absolutely be fine with you massacring loads of innocent children."

"Oh cool Palpatine, I'll get right on it."



"Anakin, is it true you killed a load of kids?"

"I did it for you!"

"Flowers probably would have been better than mutilated children's corpses."

"Obi Wan, you turned her against me!"

"Nah, pretty sure it was the lightsabering kids' faces off mate."



"I'm sorry, but despite our incredibly advanced medicine, techniques and machinery, we don't know why Padme is dying. It's like she's dying of..erm..."

"A broken heart?"

"YES! That's it!"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!!!"



"Hey Obi Wan, instead of us taking the fight to the Emperor and stopping him imposing a horrendous dictatorship on the galaxy, I have more training for you. And by 'training' I mean fucking off and watching a child like a creepy uncle. I will just f**k off to a swamp and hide like a shitebag doing pretty much nothing."

"That sounds like the best course of action Yoda. Let's get to it."



"Aw, I'm all burst after a ludicrous move that allowed Obi Wan to cut my legs off, leaving me lying beside a river of lava on fire. But where's my wife Palpatine?".

"Oh..erm..YOU killed her!"

"What? NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Ok, yes."

"What's happened to Kenobi?"

"Oh, he's moved to the planet where you were born. In fact he's living not far from your stepbrother and his wife. They've just adopted a kid called Skywalker, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence."

"Yes, probably."

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Does anyone else get film locations from IMDG and then look them up on Google Maps or is that just me? Have had great fun with Training Day and Die Hard with Vengeance of late.

Not films but sometimes nature programmes like Coast and similar. I do like a good map.
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3 hours ago, throbber said:

Does anyone else get film locations from IMDG and then look them up on Google Maps or is that just me? Have had great fun with Training Day and Die Hard with Vengeance of late.

I like to do something similar with books. If I'm reading a novel and the character is in a particular place, or travelling around somewhere I like to fire up google maps and have a look around where they are and where they're going. 

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I haven't even tried that yet!

I stupidly think I can multitask but then realise I've missed too much of the programme and need to rewind. Also like to check Google maps for trips and holidays I've been on. Think this should be on another thread somewhere.
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5 hours ago, throbber said:

Does anyone else get film locations from IMDG and then look them up on Google Maps or is that just me? Have had great fun with Training Day and Die Hard with Vengeance of late.

Is that a bit like IMDG but focusing mainly on Dumfries and Galloway? But yes, missus and I are always stopping films to look stuff up on IMDB, be it locations, songs or simply "where have I seen that actor before?". 

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3 minutes ago, throbber said:

The locations part of IMDB i was never aware of, i always knew it wouldn't be that hard to find locations if you were to google them but never took the time to do it until now. That will be my weekend sorted then.

I've run along Morar beach a few times and always get a wee buzz..


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6 hours ago, throbber said:

Does anyone else get film locations from IMDG and then look them up on Google Maps or is that just me? Have had great fun with Training Day and Die Hard with Vengeance of late.

Sometimes. I did it a couple of weeks ago after watching The Long Goodbye. Elliott Gould's character lives in the building here...


... The High Tower in LA. It looks cool as f**k. 

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20 minutes ago, throbber said:

I don't even know what that is Shandon.

I found out the Battle of Stirling scene is shot at the Curragh plains in Kildaire though. I could be well off the mark here but it looks like a similar set of trees:



Screen Shot 2017-09-08 at 16.25.43.png

Screen Shot 2017-09-08 at 16.25.53.png

Good spot. The beach was in Highlander (and I think Local Hero too). 

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23 hours ago, wellinwigan said:



Went out the cinema emotionally shattered.Fantastic piece of film making truly Oscar worthy.Acting was first class in this powerful and thought provoking film especially the motel scenes.


I came to post about it and agree with your assessment.  I saw it on Monday with my older two and they loved/were shocked by it.  The acting was excellent - especially Will Poulter as the 'lead' police officer - who must be one of the least likeable characters I've seen in a long time.

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I enjoyed it quite a lot but not for any of the reasons I was expecting. An excellent coming-of-age adventure film. A fair to middling horror film. Kid actors are fantastic. Bill Skarsgard is pretty good too, although I found his voice a wee bit too Scooby Doo. Great fun.


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Poor fair for me. 27 years on, the original mini-series holds up better. Bill Skarsgaard wasn't able to find the cheesy-scary balance and was a bit shit tbh. Good atmosphere about it, but other than that, doesn't deserve the hype it's received so far.


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Poor fair for me. 27 years on, the original mini-series holds up better. Bill Skarsgaard wasn't able to find the cheesy-scary balance and was a bit shit tbh. Good atmosphere about it, but other than that, doesn't deserve the hype it's received so far.


I actually thought Pennywise was one of its only redeeming features. It failed to hold tension, the characters weren't particularly likable (bar wee Georgie) and it just didn't have any scary moments. There was far more 'comedy' than horror in it. I really wasn't impressed.

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