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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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14 minutes ago, pittsburgh phil said:

There's surely a film to be made about the Matrix/Bennet glory days, right?

That would be incredible.

The end fight here is something else. Exceptional stuff. I forgot about Bennett getting electrocuted and gaining super strength from it

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That would be incredible.
The end fight here is something else. Exceptional stuff. I forgot about Bennett getting electrocuted and gaining super strength from it
Despite getting a short boost after his absolutely bizarre electric shock, to my conservative estimate he then shipped about 10 unanswered punches...
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The Love Witch 7/10 for the movie 10/10 for the babe

Real throwback of the 60s/70s in style but set in the modern day, totally ridic at times but still great, the girl in it is a stone cold fox! (Amazon)

Star Wars 8: Star Wars With A Vengeance 6/10

Contains the some of the highest levels of absolute hogwash of all the Star Wars films. Some of it was absolutely excruciating and it tried too hard to be funny. Other bits were absolutely tremendous though - it has some wonderful Star Warsy bits in.

I enjoyed enough of it that my time wasn’t wasted, but it is too long and I have a funny feeling it might actually be absolutely bobbins. Was miles better than TFA though


bits that were bobbins: The whole concept of Snoke’s ship not quite being able to catch up to the rebel cruiser for like an entire day. The whole bit on the casino planet and the massive horsies. The whole bit with Yoda. Leia force-flying through space after the bridge gets blown up. Milking every gag about 18 times, YES WE GET IT PORGS ARE CUTE AND FUNNY BUT THEY HAVE ALREADY CEASED TO BE NOW THANKS. The chintzy ice foxes, just a bit shit.Snoke’s throne room styling was crap. The more I remember the worse I think it was actually, might have to go and see it again just to make sure....

bits that were awesome: The bit at the start when Luke just lobs the lightsaver over his shoulder.  The massive explosiongs at the start. The nuns on the island. Rilo Kiley and Billy Ray vs Snoke’s guards. Laura Dern’s light speed kamikaze run, does make you wonder why they don’t use unmanned hyperspace bartering rams as weapons more often really. GORILLA AT-ATs. BLUE MILK! They made a great choice making Hux comic relief this time. The big scene at the end was utterly magnificent. Adam Driver is GR8.

Question : Did Rilo Kiley kill Snoke or was it Billy Ray? 

Current Star Wars Leaderboard:

V - 9.5/10

IV - 9/10

3.5 - 8/10

VI - 7/10

VII - 6/10

III - 5/10

II & VII 3/10

I - 2/10

Edited by Christophe
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Rear Window (1954):
What a great film this is. Set pretty much entirely from the viewpoint of one man’s apartment, Hitchcock manages to make you feel like you are living in this apartment block in just one opening shot by giving you a quick glimpse into each of their windows. Their characters are conveyed with little to no dialogue for most of them. You know who they are, their stories and traits.
It is a slow burner in the first half, with the three leads really just talking, but this helps to build up the characters and establishes why they do the things that they do when the plot begins to kick in come the second half.
The mystery was interesting and you are left to make your own mind up about things. Many things didn’t add up, some things were too convenient and the back and forth conversations between Jeffrey and Doyle constantly made me doubt myself or reaffirm my views.

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John Wick


If ever a role suited Keane Reeves' personality free brand of acting then it's this.

A good, mindlessly violent romp (heh heh heh) that I really enjoyed. Certainly not a masterpiece but good at what it does without trying to be something it's not. Look forward to giving the second one a watch

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I watched Groundhog Day. I forgot how good Bill Murray is in it. Listening to Sonny and Cher and having to meet Ned Ryerson everyday would drive me insane. A very good film, and quite possibly Egon Spengler's best work as a director. 8/10.

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John Wick


If ever a role suited Keane Reeves' personality free brand of acting then it's this.

A good, mindlessly violent romp (heh heh heh) that I really enjoyed. Certainly not a masterpiece but good at what it does without trying to be something it's not. Look forward to giving the second one a watch
Second one is much the same but more ridiculous.
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Wonder (Oden, Wester Hailes)

Wanted to try out the revamped cinema. Met the expectations - cinema itself was ace but there were kids literally running up and down the aisles all the time, fannying about with the seats and not an usher in sight. Always hear about bad behaviour in cinemas but my usual haunt (Cineworld at Fountainpark) I've never seen any carry on beyond rustling popcorn. 

Film was really excellent. Much happier than expected. Owen Wilson and Julia Roberts support a cast of fantastic young actors. A kid with a facial deformity decides to brave going to a proper school after years of home schooling. His big sister also has her problems but the family life revolves around the young brother. Just a sweet, funny feel-good film. 9/10 

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi -- I thought it was okay. It's at least 45 minutes too long, it tries WAY too hard to be funny and the casino scenes are awful. Daisy Ridley is awesome, though. 6/10.

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The Disaster Artist (2017):
I thought it was really good. Tommy is portrayed pretty well and that’s not talking about James Franco’s acting (which was great); I mean that they managed to highlight what he is: a mysterious, disturbed man who chased his dreams after having life tell him no. He is absolutely horrible at times but I think that’s more because he has mental issues, and his possessiveness of Greg caused him to lash out when Greg leant himself to someone else.
It’s very well acted and directed, making all of the back and forths between the characters hilarious and weighty when needed. The chemistry between all of them is clear to see.
I felt that the opening moved really quickly, but then I realised that’s what the movie was about: “I don’t care, I do it”. Characters make rash decisions because doing otherwise had got them nowhere. When Greg did otherwise later in the movie, it closed a door for him.
The way it was shot gave the impression of a documentary due to all of the shaky cam, and that lent itself well to the point of it all: giving an insight into how the film got made, not simply poking fun at it.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi -- I thought it was okay. It's at least 45 minutes too long, it tries WAY too hard to be funny and the casino scenes are awful. Daisy Ridley is awesome, though. 6/10.

My exact thoughts too. The whole plot with Finn and the Casino was daft and probably took up that extra 45 minutes.
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