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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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On 05/03/2018 at 12:28, ++Ammo - Airdrie++ said:

Watched Coco with the family last night, great fun, good story, thoroughly enjoyed 7/10

Enjoyed this too. Not quite as good as inside out - felt Coco took a bit too long to set up the story - but potentially another one of pixar's greats IMO. Good twist (although my 8 year old suspected it), and a classic Disney ending. One of best original soundtrack from Disney in a while too. 8.5/10

Ferdinand- enjoyable if a bit formulaic in places. Few decent laughs as well. 6/10


I need to watch some grown up films soon.

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Who's the hotter Lara Croft in everybody's opinion, Angelina or this new lass, not seen the new version yet, but she's going to have to go some to beat AJ in her pert prime!!![emoji7]


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Who's the hotter Lara Croft in everybody's opinion, Angelina or this new lass, not seen the new version yet, but she's going to have to go some to beat AJ in her pert prime!!![emoji7]
Its not even close. Vikander is streets ahead
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1 hour ago, Twinkle said:
12 hours ago, King Kebab said:
Who's the hotter Lara Croft in everybody's opinion, Angelina or this new lass, not seen the new version yet, but she's going to have to go some to beat AJ in her pert prime!!!emoji7.png

Its not even close. Vikander is streets ahead


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I disagree. Jolie always had that quality where, at a moment's notice, she could go mental. Like Suranne Jones in doctor Foster, you wid but with extreme trepidation. I'd put her top.

I, Tonya was much better than I expected and Allison Janney was superb. 8/10. 

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14 hours ago, King Kebab said:

Who's the hotter Lara Croft in everybody's opinion, Angelina or this new lass, not seen the new version yet, but she's going to have to go some to beat AJ in her pert prime!!!emoji7.png


Don't think it's much of a contest. I'd happily plug away at Alicia Vikander until the cows come home. She's the robot lassie from Ex Machina and (I'm sure I don't have to tell you this) she does a Gregory's Girl in that one (TBF, the lot). Don't recall many folk complaining at that.

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Jolie is clearly the correct answer. Jolie in her Tomb Raider days obviously.

You are quite correct!!!



There is really no contest is there???

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Transfomers: The Last Knight.

I've found something to enjoy in all the previous films.  Yes the quality varies and they're all pretty shite, but watchable.  This one is the first that I've actively disliked.  Baddie Optimus is a good idea, dropped almost instantly.  He's also in it for about 10 minutes.  Unicron!  except it's mentioned, then forgotten about until a tacked on bit at the end setting up a sequel that's unlikely to come.  There's also an overly sexualised 14 year old lassie in it that makes for very uncomfortable viewing.  Anthony Hopkins reads his lines like he's waiting for the cheque to clear and has no idea what is going on.  Which is funny, because neither did I.  It's like they cut half an hour of vital plot points and didn't bother filling in the gaps.

Awful. 2/10

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