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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I watched Groundhog Day. I forgot how good Bill Murray is in it. Listening to Sonny and Cher and having to meet Ned Ryerson everyday would drive me insane. A very good film, and quite possibly Egon Spengler's best work as a director. 8/10

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Minus Man

Overlooked film about a quiet, unassuming serial killer played by Owen Wilson who reaches a small American town that has secrets of its own. Ignored on release and forgotten about.


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16 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Wonder Woman 84

5/10. Thought about a 4 here but some elements saved it. Fucking hell though, haven't cringed as much at a film in a long time. The entire opening bit with Diana as a child was crazily cringey but also pretty funny. I laughed through much of it. It was absolutely pointless though.

The scenes where Diana was jumping and running around were just embarrassing to watch, but when she learned to fly my spine straight up snapped due to cringe. That's fortunate, because it meant it wasn't able to snap when Barbara turned it to a reject from Cats. I would have been mortified if I was ever caught watching that scene. Also, her kicking f**k out of the horrible drunk sex offender was great, but I get the impression it was supposed to be part of her heel turn. 

That's a shame, as Kirsten Wiig was pretty good in this, save for that cat nonsense. Pedro Pascal was great in this too, and looked like he was having a great time. It's a pity he had such terrible material to work with. Chris Pine was good as well, but as noted by previous reviews here, he served almost no purpose other than to fly an unfeasibly fuelled jet.

Other folk mentioned earlier that Gal Gadot is a terrible actor, and this was no more evident that in the scene where she was giving that awful speech to the world (at the end after Max was getting everyone to wish shit).

Hard to disagree with any of this.

Read something recently (it may even have been on here) that WW hasn't even been the hero of her own films yet. Steve made the save in the first one by sacrificing himself to destroy the gas, then Steve makes the save again in this one by convincing Diana that she has to let him go to save the world.

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Hudsucker Proxy - A very good movie but not a great Coens' movie. Paul Newman is fantastic as is Jennifer Jason Leigh but Tim Robbins' character didn't work for me and there was very little tension in the final scenes. There's loads of cool camera work, scale models and sets but I was fairly glad when it eventually finished.

The Last Picture Show - A 10/10 masterpiece with a young Jeff Bridges and extremely hot young Cybil Shepherd who causes a lot of problems for her boyfriends. It's set in a small town in Texas at the beginning of the 50s but because it's a 70s movie you get the uncensored version of events with loads of shagging and depression.

2001 A Space Odyssey - One of those films where watching it makes you sad you didn't  get the opportunity to see it in the cinema on it's original release. 

Lost In Translation - In the 00s it's a sweet story about two sad people making a connection. In 2020 it's a sick tale of a 53 year old man grooming a 17 year old while being fairly racist. I prefer the old interpretation. Credit to Sofia Coppola for trashing Spike Jones and Cameron Diaz and casting an incredibly hot teenager to play the role based on her. 





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Run Hide Fight
Quite enjoyed this tense thriller. It follows a school siege by a quartet of students with guns and a girl that's intent on ruining their plans. The plot seems a bit far fetched but then you remember that it's America and perfectly plausible.

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15 hours ago, YER SISTERS YER MAW said:

Run Hide Fight
Quite enjoyed this tense thriller. It follows a school siege by a quartet of students with guns and a girl that's intent on ruining their plans. The plot seems a bit far fetched but then you remember that it's America and perfectly plausible.

Sounds decent. Where did you see it? Netflix? Amazon? "other" means?

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Caught up on some that I’d been meaning to watch for a while but were unsuitable for watching with the other half. 


Very entertaining. I was pleasantly surprised at Spike Lee including some white police as good guys. A couple of bits were a bit preachy and the undercover bits never felt like there was real peril. Never got bogged down though.  7/10

Ballad of Buster Scruggs

lost count of the stories in this and lost interest in a couple. Probably the weakest Coen brothers I’ve seen. Some memorable shots and performances but all over the place. 5/10


Really enjoyed this. I was a bit disappointed but that was because of some stupid reviews that I read that suggested that it was going to go in some completely unexpected direction, which it didn’t.  I thought the characters were brilliantly drawn, the plot wasn’t too ott and the satire not too overbearing.  The only real criticism was the symbolism of going up and down was really overdone and overused. 8/10


tried to watch this a couple of times before but either got annoyed with it or fell asleep. Having watched it through, it’s still really irritating. I prefer the version with the stitched up mouth out of that x men movie. Also the CGI seemed overused, especially the frozen action shots and the 4th wall breaking stuff was trying too hard. I expect I’m probably about 30 years past the target demographic, but I quite enjoy most of the MCU and X men stuff. 3/10

Edited by coprolite
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The Witch

I suppose it's better on a second viewing, but a couple of the more horror elements still land way wide of the mark, and I just don't see it as the modern horror classic that many do. As a family melodrama though, it works extremely well, and there were pretty special elements here.


Fantastic Mr. Fox

This was delightful.


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For a couple of good, funny and eviscerating reviews on Wonder Woman (both films) I recommend "The Critical Drinker" on youtube. He has a cracking go at Star Wars, Star Trek and Ghostbusters 2016 too (ooh, and GoT). Guy plays a drunken shambles while grounding his reviews on an understanding of character and plot. 

Anyway, I watched "Four Minutes" as I was looking for something uplifting and my google search of "uplifting movies on Netflix" recommended that.

It's set in, I think, the late 90's early 00's. An aged piano teacher teaches piano in a prison and has done since 1945 (why? don't know). It begins with her piano (her own, personal baby-grand) being taken into the prison by two ex cons (one murderer and the other raped his niece....this revelation is played to make her seem like a progressive maverick next to a supposedly atavistic prison guard but we learn nothing of her motivations so this just jars) and we also see a highly troubled (and excellently played tbf) young woman who is seemingly not just highly talented, but practised and accomplished at the piano. We learn a bit about the background of each character, but it's lazy. The young woman was a prodigy but her father sexually abused her constantly. She is in jail for murder, but daddio pops up later to say she didn't do it, that she got into the wrong crowd. It all leads to a fairly confused narrative for this character and I never bought into her journey. There's no motivation for her training with this teacher as she can already play to a high standard. The performance at the end is a nice enough end to her arc, but the audience is left with too much work to do to care about these characters and their so called stories. The emotional investment in the teacher comes from us knowing that she had a lover when she first worked at the prison, a female communist prisoner who was executed. Nothing is done to link that to what she is doing now, or why she keeps teaching at this prison. We learn nothing more about her. Her interactions with the other characters are cold and although she inevitably warms to her young charge, the relationship isn't given any time to breathe. It's just constant melodrama and histrionics. The end result is a movie that doesn't do anything to get you invested in the story. It's a cynical effort that uses cheap parlour tricks (omg, she was sexually abused.....omg, the teacher is a lesbian who is still in love with her lover) that feel manipulative.

A bit of a rant but this pish got 85% on Rotten Tomatoes audience score and it precipitated quite the heads gone from me. I was not uplifted by it. Not one bit.

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5 hours ago, coprolite said:



tried to watch this a couple of times before but either got annoyed with it or fell asleep. Having watched it through, it’s still really irritating. I prefer the version with the stitched up mouth out of that x men movie. Also the CGI seemed overused, especially the frozen action shots and the 4th wall breaking stuff was trying too hard. I expect I’m probably about 30 years past the target demographic, but I quite enjoy most of the MCU and X men stuff. 3/10

I can accept that Deadpool isn't for everyone, but the bit I've highlighted in bold is, frankly, offensive, and should see you banned

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Isle of Dogs

I guess I'm willing to go high with this, purely because it's NEVER boring, and it kept me interested at the very least, and the pace was terrific. Also not without some hilarious moments. The whole thing was very soulless but a simple plot well carried out, brief running time and outstanding voice cast meant that I'm willing to go on the low end of what I consider to be the high end scores.


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That Sinking Feeling - BBC iPlayer


Genuinely funny script and if you can overlook the student feel, a very good film. BUT why the hell was it dubbed? Totally ruined it for me once the lipsynch went wonky.


If ever a film should be remade, it's this one because the script is absolute quality.

"There's got to be more to life than suicide?"

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Goodfellas 8/10

Gangster film following the life of a young American with slight Italian background in the mob. De Niro and Pesci are brilliant in this but with a lot of gangster films, the ending always seems to get rushed and then you're done. 


Sex and the City 4/10

Four spoiled and wealthy women and their relationship problems. Probably really fun if you watched the series. 


Sex and the City2 5/10

A worse film than the first but gets a higher grade because of one line. Samantha- the sex crazed one blurts out when in the desert they're visited by some apparently handsome bloke "be the Lawrence of my Labia" which still gets me chuckling. 


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Unmasking the Idol

The most fun I've had watching a film since American Hunter. There's a guy who's a ninja acting like a drunken James Bond tribute. There are annoyed crocodiles that are fed up because the villain keeps feeding the piranhas and not them.  He also kills two people because they're old. Also there's a monkey that dresses like a ninja and kills people with ninja stars. Also there's a hot air balloon that's also a pick up truck. Also, there's a casablanca line for no reason.

8/10 (really a 3, but christ it was fun)

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The Witch

I suppose it's better on a second viewing, but a couple of the more horror elements still land way wide of the mark, and I just don't see it as the modern horror classic that many do. As a family melodrama though, it works extremely well, and there were pretty special elements here.


Fantastic Mr. Fox

This was delightful.

FMF just makes me so happy. The world design/animation/music make an already lovely script ×100 better.
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Run Hide Fight

Someone on a podcast I listen to uses the term "good movie adjacent" and I think that's a good way to describe this. This is NOT a good movie though. Infact, it's a total clusterfuck. A mish mash of embarrassing ideas put into what should probably have been a simple concept, which was actually well started, which is the only reason this gets the score that it does.


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Hunter Hunter

Finally watched this after reading about it on here ages ago. Really enjoyed it although many questions remained unanswered and it seemed to go by in no time at 93 minutes. Certainly didn't go the way I expected and the ending especially so..........8/10.

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