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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Armageddon is great. The Rock is a Nicolas Cage film were Nicolas Cage isn't the most ridiculous person in it despite playing a guy called Stanley Goodspeed. The Island I saw when I was 14 and features Scarlett Johansson in a skintight white onepiece in varying states of distress, so I'll not hear a word against it.

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The Island was a remake, so Bay gets no credit for the premise there.

Supposedly his instructors at film school considered him one of the most talented students they'd ever had, but his real talent seems to be tapping into what the mass markets wants. Which is massive amounts of explosions, editing that causes confusion and panic, expensive CG that somehow looks impressive and painful simultaneously, depressing racial/gender stereotypes from yesteryear, and no thought required whatsoever from what little story exists. He's one of the most successful filmmakers ever, up there with Spielberg and James Cameron.

He was also behind all those Aughts remakes of classic horror films like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th, and A Nightmare on Elm Street, so there's that. Thankfully someone seemed to persuade him that hot sexy shots of young women might be a bit inappropriate for the latter; a film about teens discovering they were abused by a maniac at nursery school.

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Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

I can't do the brief, glib reviews any more. This was stupefying. I've seen bad films before. I've seen films I couldn't follow before. I've seen films where I didn't care about what was happening before. The second film was apparently panned much more than this and the first, and I'm not sure how. There's an irony that in a film about warring robotic aliens coming to Earth that absolutely nothing that happens bears any resemblance to any sort of reality ever experienced by anyone in the history of humanity. No one in this is real, and look who's in it. John Turturro! John Malkovich! Patrick Dempsey! Alan Tudyk! Frances McDormand! She has three Oscars! She didn't when she did this and she seems to be doing a bad Jane Lynch impression, but look at the names! People you've heard of who can actually act! Maybe it's a joke. An elaborate ruse. They all treat what's going on with the contempt it deserves. Kelsey Grammer is in the next one. Sideshow Bob, that'll improve things.

You might have noticed if you've seen a Michael Bay film, but do me a favour if any of my reviews have intrigued you enough to give these a try. Count how many shots you see where the camera doesn't move. I don't know how people can watch these and not suffer from motion sickness.

I checked the time as I was watching this and I was 1 hour 50 in. It felt like I'd been there for years. It felt like I'd been getting battered round the head by the robots too. Endless. Horrible. Ugly. Stupid. Insulting. Perverted. At least it wasn't racist.

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Miguel, take a look at the roster of actors who appeared in Uwe Boll's films  :P

I don't get the impression that many actors are terribly picky about the quality of films they appear in, and the ones who are seem to get into production so they have some level of control. Bad memories of working in the service industry during "rest" periods, I guess.

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4 hours ago, BTFD said:

Miguel, take a look at the roster of actors who appeared in Uwe Boll's films  :P

I don't get the impression that many actors are terribly picky about the quality of films they appear in, and the ones who are seem to get into production so they have some level of control. Bad memories of working in the service industry during "rest" periods, I guess.

Me, watching the fourth one right now:

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The Flash.

Very, very enjoyable movie. Plenty of laughs and action.


The Flashpoint storyline has been done in comics and the TV show, so this is old ground, a little. Add to that, Marvel have ripped the arse out of the multiverse idea a lot lately, especially with the Spiderman movies, so what would have been really innovative had it come out 5 years ago is now a well worn path.

But it is excellent. Moving dimensions to find that Batman has gone from Affleck to Keaton, and Keaton was just wonderful in it. He looked like he was just enjoying the hell out of it.


And then Clooney...

Loads of cameos, and loads of CGI cameos of various Batmen and Supermen towards the end. Christopher Reeve showing up was actually a touch emotional


Nicolas Cage as Superman? Why not?



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The Long Good Friday: 8/10

Felt a bit foolish that I'd never got round to watching it - very enjoyable.  Bob Hoskins is a force of nature, he just takes over the film.  Lots of additional fun spotting random 80/90s British actors like P. H. Moriarty.  

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Night at the Museum (1-3)

Diminishing returns on light family entertainment CGI.  Lowlight was the replacement son in 3. What an irritating c**t.  Fun. 

6/10 for the trilogy. 

I can never understand why The Rock gets such good press on here. I can watch some awful pish but haven't made it past half an hour of that dreck. 

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