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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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you can do whatever you want, just mind and wash your hands afterwards..


Will do. Tell Peter I was asking for him and I've found the perfect site if he ever needs a location for the 'baddies' castle. It's on Kerrydale St in Glasgow's East End! :P

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In view of Paul Newman's death I've just finished watching The Verdict

It is superb from start to finish.

Newman plays an alcoholic lawyer, he's not only an ambulance chaser, he turns up at funerals. One of his ex-partners throws him a bone with a routine medical malpractice case at a Catholic hospital but when Newman sees the young woman reduced to a vegetable he shuns the settlement (of which he'd get a third) and decides to try the case.

Cue some superb acting from Newman, James Mason (who plays the scummy defence lawyer), Jack Warden and Ed Binns (who were both in director Sidney Lumet's "12 Angry Men") and it's a climax which not only rights a wrong but provides redemption for Newman's character.

Nominated for best actor (Newman), supporting actor (Mason), director (Lumet), original screenplay (Mamet) and best picture, it won none...Ghandi cleaned up at the Oscars that year <_<

I sincerely hope if the BBC show a tribute then it is this film rather than the more obvious "The Sting" of "BC&TSK"

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Jumper ( 2008 )

This movie is a bit of a fail. Hayden Christensen is just such an unlikeable character in roles like this. There's plenty of cool action in the movie, but there's also a plot which I couldn't give a toss about, one of the most boring villains that you can imagine, which is unforgiveable when you consider who's playing him. The only character that's a highlight is the reckless one played by the guy from Billy Elliot. I wouldn't go near this one.


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I am Sam (2001)

Absolutely superb. Sean Penn is amazing from start to finish and Michelle Pfeiffer is better looking than ever. Dakota Fanning shows more talent in this film as a 7 year old than some actors have done in their entire careers.


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The Righteous Kill.

It weas obvious someone thought that just having De Niro and Pacino on the same movie would get enough people through the box office to generate a profit as they obviosuly forgot to factor in good enough matrerial for them to work with. Gave up after an hour as couldnt be arsed finding out how it ends.

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Went to the cinema earlier today and saw:

Tropic Thunder - 2/10

Probarbly one of teh worst films I have seen for along time. The 2 marks are for Robert Downy Jr and some of his one liners. Jack Black and Ben Stiller were both really annoying and not at all funny. Didn't enjoy this at all, it was so bad infact that I left after an hour and went to watch

Appaloosa -8/10

Very good western film with Ed Harris and Vigo Morttisen. Great chemistry between the two lead charcters and a good few one liners that you wouldn't expect. Dragged on slightly towards the end but it was a very good film despite havin Renee Zellwigger in it!!!

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Saw Dark Knight yesterday and it is an excellent film. The hype about Ledger was justified although not nearly enough credit went to the rest of the cast who were fantastic. Although it lasts for a decent 3 hours you don't feel it as the film is so fast paced. I'd probably say 10/10 and is up there with Goodfellas as my favourite film.

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The Righteous Kill.

It weas obvious someone thought that just having De Niro and Pacino on the same movie would get enough people through the box office to generate a profit as they obviosuly forgot to factor in good enough matrerial for them to work with. Gave up after an hour as couldnt be arsed finding out how it ends.

Film starts slowly I agree, was getting a bit bored with the whole murder scene after murder scene. But it kicks into life and the ending is terrific - its a shame you never watched it too the end because its worth it. Di Niro and Pacino get better as the film goes on and some funny bits in it too.

8.765/10 for me. B)

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Caught one of the 30th anniversary screenings at the cinema. I guess the older you get yourself the older the cast look and it's hilarious how overage some of them are to still be at school. Top entertainment and John Travolta doing the greatest silly walk in screen history.


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Severance ( 2006 )

Danny Dyer isn't actually bad when you have him playing someone who's actually likeable. This is a pretty good horror/comedy movie, and while not all of the scares and jokes hit the spot, most of them do. There's some brilliant cringeworthy stuff in there, as well as some brutal stuff to watch. The final scenes are far fetched, and with what comes before, you'd imagine that this is deliberate.


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Star Wars : The Phantom Menace ( 1999 )

Never has the terrible dialogue from Star Wars movies been so obvious as it is here. It's just so unbelievably simple and tacked together, it helps to ruin this movie because the plot is almost non-existant. There is almost nothing to link this movie to the next two, outside of the characters. That's what makes this by far the worst of the Star Wars collection. You do have the incredibly cool Darth Maul though, who has a couple of great sabre fights with the jedi. There's also the spectacular pod race. However, It's hard not to watch this without feeling like my intelligence has been insulted.


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