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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The perks of being a wallflower

This is a film that i'd heard decent things about and always wanted to give it a watch but wasn't sure if i would enjoy it.I had the image of this film being completely up itself and trying to be edgy and cool which was putting me off. Well i watched it, and i absolutely loved it.....like more than i love almost any movie i've watched.

I don't know why it hit all the right buttons for me but it did. The pacing was fantastic, so much so that i thought to myself that i wanted the film to go on for another 2 hours. Now of course if it had continued for another 2 hours i'd have probably got bored and hated how much filler there was, but i just loved the world so much and wanted to see more of it.

The acting performances were incredible, especially from Ezra Miller and Logan Lerman. I haven't seen any films Lerman has been in and although i'd heard great things about his performance i hadn't seen Miller in ' We need to talk about Kevin'. Emma Watson was good too, but not at the level the two guys were at, they absolutely stole the scene everytime they were on screen.

The chemistry between the three of them, and including their friends were excellent, the dialogue was really good and the use of flashbacks were really smartly done.

I love me a coming of age movie, but this was a lot darker than your usual coming of age movies, but still funny and natural and emotional.

I can't praise it enough. I can't put my finger exactly on why i loved it so much, but i guess that's a compliment in itself as there is no technical reason for me to think it's the best film i've seen in years, but i do. I'm not one to watch films more than once like a lot of people, at least not for a few years as i find it boring, but i can see me watching this again just to experience that world again.


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Trance: 9/10.

James MacAvoy stars in the latest Danny Boyle film. A combination of scam/heist and mind-f**k. You know Mr Boyle is trying to blur reality with what is going on in the characters heads. Have fun trying to figure it out though.

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The movies on Film Four this week are class, The Godfather trilogy, Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Millennium series. Plus they have Pan's Labyrinth, Watchmen and Battle Royale. I've not seen Battle Royale yet, I've heard it's quite good, is it worth watching?

The Secret in Their Eyes is on BBC Four on Saturday night too, if you haven't seen it, I recommend giving it a watch, it's great.

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The perks of being a wallflower

This is a film that i'd heard decent things about and always wanted to give it a watch but wasn't sure if i would enjoy it.I had the image of this film being completely up itself and trying to be edgy and cool which was putting me off. Well i watched it, and i absolutely loved it.....like more than i love almost any movie i've watched.

I don't know why it hit all the right buttons for me but it did. The pacing was fantastic, so much so that i thought to myself that i wanted the film to go on for another 2 hours. Now of course if it had continued for another 2 hours i'd have probably got bored and hated how much filler there was, but i just loved the world so much and wanted to see more of it.

The acting performances were incredible, especially from Ezra Miller and Logan Lerman. I haven't seen any films Lerman has been in and although i'd heard great things about his performance i hadn't seen Miller in ' We need to talk about Kevin'. Emma Watson was good too, but not at the level the two guys were at, they absolutely stole the scene everytime they were on screen.

The chemistry between the three of them, and including their friends were excellent, the dialogue was really good and the use of flashbacks were really smartly done.

I love me a coming of age movie, but this was a lot darker than your usual coming of age movies, but still funny and natural and emotional.

I can't praise it enough. I can't put my finger exactly on why i loved it so much, but i guess that's a compliment in itself as there is no technical reason for me to think it's the best film i've seen in years, but i do. I'm not one to watch films more than once like a lot of people, at least not for a few years as i find it boring, but i can see me watching this again just to experience that world again.


I only watched this because it was clear from the above you really liked it, fair play it was brilliant, best film of that type I've ever seen.

Got any other recommendations along similar lines?

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Black Water is the only Australian horror movie I've watched which I've really liked. Wolf Creek had a charismatic villain, but everything from when he gets nasty onwards just turns into the usual shit.

I've reviewed Black Water on here before. I really liked it. The scene when the croc comes back to finish off the boyfriend, and they hear his bones crunching, is brilliantly done.

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Ive been doing a "year in film Sunday" with the missus the last few weeks where we pick a year between 1980 and now and watch 2 films that were released...


Robocop 6/10 - I never realised when I was younger how violent this movie was! New cop on the block Murphy gets shot the f*ck up by local crime lords, they decide to turn him into a cyborg erasing his memory, he fights for justice for a while, regains his memory when he meets his old partner and stops the corruption within the force. yaaay

The Lost Boys 6/10 - I'm not a massive fan fo this movie, but it is decent enough...family moves house to a town that is flooded with vampires. The teenage son turns into one and the younger one joins a vampire killing crew.


Reservoir Dogs 9/10 - I absolutely love this film, cracking sound track too. centred around the aftermath of a diamond robbery that has went horrible wrong. Fantastic tarentino dialogue.

Twin Dragons 5/10 - Twins (Jackie Chan) are seperated at birth, one becomes a famous composer and the other a street-wise mechanic. Hilarity ensues when they meet and dice with each others lifestyles. It's badly dubbed, but it's not to be taken seriously anyway...


Die Hard: With a vengeance - 9/10. My favorite of the die-hard series. John McClain back to the old tricks again, this time accompanied by a racist Samuel L. Jackson fighting against a terrorist riddler who is planting bombs all over the city.

Se7en - 9/10. Deadly sins serial killer story, blah de blah, it's a classic - get it watched.

*by the way, 1995 was an EXCELLENT year..


Memento - 8/10. Really enjoyed this, I hadn't seen it before! Guy Pearce can't remember f*ck all since the murdering of his wife, uses all sorts of shit to find her killer

Almost Famous - 9/10. Great movie, i'm not sure if i enjoy it slightly more than I should because I'm really into rock music, great film regardless. Rock journalist follows a band around america, the good times roll.

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The Perks of Being a Wallflower is an easy 9/10. It lacked just something for the full whack and I can't put my finger on it. It's a wonderful movie though.

I'm going to give it a try tonight.

Last night, I watched Sightseers. Low-budget Brit black comedy, it was hellish slow in parts, but the female lead Alice Lowe gave a cracking performance of a woman not quite at home in the real world, and desperate to please/belong. Some cracking sight gags - she knits for a reason, and the reason is either Llluurrve or canicide. Overall, a decent watch, but lacking in plot and the final denouement (although some may find the ending fitting). 6/10

Nah fuckit, 6.5/10 (just for the potpourri).

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The Perks of Being A Wallflower - This is what high-school/rites of passage movies should (and could be). Absolutely top class, and if I was 35 years younger I'd be going to sleep (eventually) with images of Emma Watson in my head for a long time. Ezra Miller gets better with every performance.

Curmudgeonly old b*****d that I am, I'm knocking a full point off for the idea that kids anywhere, at any time since its release, who had any interest in music, would fail to identify "the tunnel song". Right up there with Avatar's "unobtainium" as a jarring note in an otherwise almost flawless movie. Fucking loved it. 8.5/10

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Short film turned feature length film set in the Highlands of Scotland (Wester Ross, I assume). It's director Scott Graham's debut feature film and I found it to be a well directed film, I was reminded (somehow) of Paul Thomas Anderson with how the film was presented.

This is a challenging watch. There is no real plot with the characters and the setting moving the film along, and at times it doesn't feel as if it's moving at all. The other rather unsettling thing is the relationship between father and daughter.

The two lead characters are very well written and are fascinating to watch. The performances from the two leads, particularly Chloe Pirrie (who plays the title role Shell), are understated but very good, and I mean very good. Visually it's a stunning film, the scenery is so bleak yet beautiful and they manage to create a very claustrophobic atmosphere despite the obvious wide barren landscape that surrounds the characters.

I can't quite put my finger on what I didn't like about the film but it felt as though something was lacking. The ending seems a tad too melodramatic.

I think it will require further viewings but at the moment I give it a tentative:



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Side Effects

A thriller that drew me in, had me guessing, then second guessing, then concerned that the arse was going to fall out of the whole thing, then showed that my concerns were completely unfounded. It looks good, I mean the colours are vivid - that certainly enhanced the experience. The performances were solid but not spectacular. The plot was a belter. I really enjoyed this.



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Flight 7/10.

Pretty good without being spectacular and could have been better. Denzel is an alcoholic pilot who pulls of a miracle landing after his passenger jet goes tits up. I think the film would have been a whole let better if they had made Denzels character a bit more crazy. Snorting coke off hookers etc. John Goodman should have featured more as he seemed like an interesting character. Worth a watch.

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Alice in Wonderland (2010) - 4/10

Not nearly as bad as people had told me it was, however I was really underwhelmed by it. I love Carroll's original Alice stories. They are both fantastic adventures of a young girl wandering from one surreal encounter to the next in a world that basks in it's own madness and nonsense.

Tim Burton (in my opinion) makes a mistake in trying to rationalize Wonderland (or Underland?). We see political struggles between the white queen and the red queen which just feel so out of place in a world which is meant to be mad, chaotic and utterly unpredictable.

Theres also the frustrating story cliches of the ancient prophecy and the rise of the chosen one. Alice's status as the chosen one is pretty irritating as the only discernible reason for being the chosen one is that she fits the white queen's armour.

The film is visually impressive though quite a lot of the time. Alice's descent down the rabbit hole was really well done and it was a pity it didn't go on a bit longer. I also quite liked Helena Bonham Carter as the red queen and I enjoyed Matt Lucas as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum too.

Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter left me pretty unmoved. I've read that he tried to bring a more vulnerable side to the Mad Hatter and make him more human which is fair enough but it didn't work for me. Personally I feel like it's a mistake to try and rationalize a character like the hatter and give him more depth. That said the scene before the battle where Alice tells him she believes she's dreaming and he seems genuinely hurt that she thinks he isn't real is a pretty touching moment.

Ultimately, the problem with this film is that in a story where almost anything could happen, everything feels so completely predictable. the villain is irredeemably evil, the good queen is such a goodie that she's insufferably bland. You also know Alice is going to triumph in both the fantasy world and her real life.

The only real surprise is that they didn't take one look at the Mad Hatter doing the futterwacken and cut it because it's more cringeworthy than surreal or kooky.

I wish Burton had decided to do a more straight up adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. It could have been really interesting where as this is just an underwhelming bland interpretation of it with a plot that is just too cliched for my liking.

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Identity Thief ( 2013 )

This is a lot of fun. Think it goes a bit over the top with the sappy shit when it's approaching the end, but there's certainly a lot of fun to be had here. A good cast ( including a wonderful supporting turn from Robert Patrick ) really helps here though.


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