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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Have to admit that film was a bit a guilty pleasure for me, the "Scottish" nutter who was the guy from Misfit played his part brillantly and GP did a good job a well. Def a popcorn no brainer flick but good none the less

Got to agree with this. Cheesy American nonsense but somewhat enjoyable

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Finally watched Mama. I was pleasantly surprised, I think the fact that it's taken quite a bit of stick meant that it over-delivered but it's decent enough. I love Del Toro, and although he didn't direct it you can see his style throughout. Can't fault any of the acting, the female lead and the two young girls were excellent. There were one or two horror film clichés and as someone else said, the ghost was on screen a bit too often for it to be scary after a while. I'd recommend tho.

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The Ghost Train- A 1941 horror/comedy. A group of travellers get stuck at an isolated station.


(I would recommend this)

The original play written by Arnold Ridley better known for playing Godfrey in Dad's Army. My dad says it's great, I'll need to watch it.

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Have to admit that film was a bit a guilty pleasure for me, the "Scottish" nutter who was the guy from Misfit played his part brillantly and GP did a good job a well. Def a popcorn no brainer flick but good none the less

I have to say I expected something better from Besson, more intelligence, more humour.

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Watched the evil dead remake. Really disappointed tbh, it was just a generic horror with some really dreadful acting. It wasn't scary nor was it gory in a way that had you feeling uncomfortable. The ending was just piss poor too despite it being some sort of big climax.

Really poor film and not one I'd recommend at all. Another good name and opportunity wasted.

I've been half-tempted to go and see this as The Evil Dead is one of my favourite film series (even the third works well if approached as a comedy rather than a horror) but the reviews have been pretty poor. Think I'll give it a miss.

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Can someone give me a quick heads up? I'm planning to watch silver linings playbook with my girlfriend in a bit, but I know its got some references to mental illness in it and my girlfriend has struggled a little with depression in the past and I'm mindful of how it will affect her. Is it dealt with well? The trailer makes it seem like quite a 'feel good' movie, is that fair?

It's excellent but the best feel-good movie I've seen in years is a movie called "Liberal Arts". Excellent film.

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I thought it was very intelligent (emotionally intelligent) movie and that scene where he was let down by his former professor made genuinely lol. Well written too. An undiscovered gem 9/10

That was a good scene. It was well written for the most part (and as well written as a film like that could be) but Josh Radnor's character annoys me - he's Ted Mosby in everything he does. Zac Efron's cameo was a highlight.

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That was a good scene. It was well written for the most part (and as well written as a film like that could be) but Josh Radnor's character annoys me - he's Ted Mosby in everything he does. Zac Efron's cameo was a highlight.

I like films with quirky characters but I liked the lead because he was an ordinary guy with an ego on certain things but for the most part, humble. I hadn't seen the guy in anything else tbh

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Rembrandt's J'Accuse! -

In 2007 Peter Greenaway made a film based on the story of Rembrandt's life around the time of painting the famous Night Watch (Martin Freeman as Rembrandt, 7/10). This comes one year later, also by Greenaway, and occasionally using parts of that film to highlight various points.

It's an odd beast of a documentary; effectively a visual essay about the impoverishment of understanding images combined with the greatest art history lecture ever combined with a great overview of European politics in the 17th century combined with a whodunnit. Greenaway, perhaps a bit tongue-in-cheek, presents the idea that The Night Watch is a 'j'accuse!' that accuses a man of murder, with the image full of clues to who did it, why, and various other satires on the people's lives.

He goes through 33 different aspects of the painting (e.g. the men are depicted under a theatrical version of an arch, satirising their triumphal nature, mocking their hubris. The thick fucks in the image didn't get it. Neither did I, tbf) in number order to tell us about it.

It's really great, it's kind of like what TV would be if TV had any balls.


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White Elephant -

Pablo Trapero consistently makes good films. Like most very good Argentine films, they usually star the great Ricardo Darin. This one's set in a Buenos Aires slum that developed when a hospital closed. Darin and Jeremie Renier (from the Dardennes' films and also the blind poof from In Bruges) are priests trying to help the community who find their attempts stifled from all corners, whether it's their own church, the police, local government, drug dealers, whilst having their own issues. Features the director's wife, who's very good as always, but Trapero seems to insist on her getting them out in every film. Anyway, it's pretty good.


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